[GatewayPundit] Former Real Housewives of Orange County star Alexis Bellino has announced that her 14-year-old child is “transgender.” Bellino now refers to her biological female child as her “son” Miles. Not really news, but the most recent incident of Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy? "Pay attention to meeeeeee!"
Posted by: Rex Mundi ||
10/30/2022 9:44 Comments ||
Perhaps we have become so wealthy that the mark of a good status symbol is it's extremity instead of luxury. Neutering your child is nothing if not extreme.
Stendahl theorized that the bourgeois society was so degraded in his time that the only remaining distinction which could be earned was the death penalty. The more regular honors, titles, and positions being crookedly distributed rather than earned by any individual exertion.
Even in the most insulting concept he could imagine, nobody was castrated or otherwise irrevocably mutilated.
It's going to be a solid couple of weeks watching these people disintegrate. And the source of their anguish? They can't silence people they disagree with any more. We're getting more freedom and this is what is so upsetting. They're as bad as journalists.
So you are saying before you were only crying fake tears to all the stupid hype the deep state threw online. Aka, you were a propagandists for a government.
Photos of individuals involved not required.
[Yahoo] “The Michigan player appeared to be defensive back Ja'Den McBurrows, who was on the ground in the middle of several Michigan State players. When McBurrows got to his feet, Michigan State linebacker Itayvion Brown grabbed him and tossed him through an open doorway at the end of the tunnel. A Michigan State Police officer then is seen grabbing Brown’s jersey to hold him back. At least two other Michigan State players, safety Angelo Grose and defensive end Zion Young, were seen by a News reporter throwing punches at McBurrows."
I think state cops at college foobah games is one of the more egregious misuses of taxpayer dollars. Let's all be of good cheer that they were there to prevent the Wakandans from hurting each other.
Posted by: M. Murcek ||
10/30/2022 7:42 Comments ||
Domestication be hard.
I don't watch collegiate or so-call professional sports of any kind. Napping, a good novel, or cleaning the shop is a much better use of my time.
Many sad stories of people who thought they had domesticated a dangerous animal and fatally found out they had not.
Posted by: M. Murcek ||
10/30/2022 7:58 Comments ||
#2 think of it as 'tribalism' in a different form. It's a natural behavior. Doesn't mean you have to participate, but it fills a need for many. It's just that 'tribal' goes further down on the evolutionary ladder for some.
/\ My thought as well Spike. Definitely anti-Woke. Yes, I too recommend a "hate hoax." Isn't there something FB, NYT, CNN, or Twitter can do about this ?
We permanently ensconced Mother Mundi in north end zone of UofMs Big House last year. Even with dementia, she could still sing their fight song. Everyone knows the Spartans are are grown in dirty test tubes.
Posted by: Rex Mundi ||
10/30/2022 9:32 Comments ||
The days of Duffy Daugherty (sp?) and Bo Schembechler are long gone, but some OSU fans might not realize how intense the intra-state rivalry is.
Fun watching Urban Meyer smirk while collecting his TV talker paycheck yesterday. The fans still hate him and he's laughing all the wat to the bank.
Posted by: M. Murcek ||
10/30/2022 9:39 Comments ||
I remember when OSU coach Earle Bruce was fired only because he couldn't beat Michigan. A raw deal if there ever was one. I forget the chump they brought from ASU to replace Bruce.
“Professional black genius does better than lazy white imbecile”
“Alpha black male humiliates weak white male”
“Weak, nerdy, ugly (and occasionally gay) white male humiliates himself while superior black male looks down on him in pity”
“White males victimizing black people”
The above video features ads from all consumer product categories including the usual fast food and snacks suspects (Doritos, 7Up, Red Robin etc), auto insurance companies, wireless providers, cars and so on.
[Alarabyia News] Thousands of people across Haiti are becoming sick with cholera amidst a rapidly spreading outbreak that is straining the resources of non-profit originations and local hospitals.
Medical staff struggle to provide care amid the ongoing economic and political crisis, and fuel, water and other basic supplies growing scarcer by the day.
Many Haitians are dying because they are unable to reach a hospital in time because of a spike in gang violence that makes it unsafe for people to leave their communities.
In addition, the lack of fuel has shut down public transport, gas stations and other key businesses.
Medical staff at an open air clinic in the capital on Thursday came to the aid of Stanley Joliva.
They pumped air into his lungs and gave him chest compressions, but their efforts to save him were unsuccessful.
Less than an hour later, the body of the 22-year-old was laid on the floor, wrapped in a white plastic bag with the date of his death scrawled on top.
His mother, Vilene Enfant, sat next to the body.
"Only God knows my pain," she said.
Posted by: Fred ||
10/30/2022 00:00 ||
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Trump's fault, no doubt...
Posted by: M. Murcek ||
10/30/2022 7:25 Comments ||
A disease of the dense pack population. Just waiting for that city council who think pensions are more important than maintaining a modern water supply.
North Korea ...hereditary Communist monarchy distinguished by its truculence and periodic acts of violence. Distinguishing features include Songun (Army First) policy, which involves feeding the army before anyone but the Dear Leadership, and Juche, which is Kim Jong Il's personal interpretation of Marxism-Leninism, which he told everybody was brilliant. In 1950 the industrialized North invaded agrarian South Korea. Twenty-one countries of the United Nations eventually contributed to the UN force opposing the invasion, with the United States providing around 90% of the military personnel. Seventy years later the economic results are in and it doesn't look good for Juche... fired two short-range ballistic missiles toward the sea on Friday in its first ballistic weapons launches in two weeks, as the U.S. military warned the North that the use of nuclear weapons "will result in the end of that regime."
South Korea's military detected the two launches from the North's eastern coastal Tongchon area around midday on Friday, Seoul's Joint Chiefs of Staff said in a statement. It said both missiles flew about 230 kilometers (140 miles) at a maximum altitude of 24 kilometers (15 miles).
The statement said South Korea strongly condemns the launches, calling them "a grave provocation" that undermines regional peace and violates U.N. Security Council resolutions banning any ballistic activities by North Korea.
The U.S. Indo Pacific Command said the launches highlighted the "destabilizing impact" of North Korea's illicit nuclear weapons and ballistic missile programs. The Japanese Defense Ministry said it also detected the launches and that the type of missiles used and their flight information were still being analyzed.
South Korea's Foreign Ministry said its top nuclear envoy held separate phone talks with his U.S. and Japanese counterparts soon after the launches. It said the three agreed to strengthen trilateral coordination on North Korea while repeating their calls for the North to stop weapons tests and return to talks.
The back-to-back launches, the North's first ballistic missile tests since Oct. 14, came on the final day of South Korea's annual 12-day "Hoguk" field exercises, which also involved an unspecified number of U.S. troops this year. Next week, South Korean and U.S. air forces plan to conduct a large-scale training as well.
North Korea sees such regular drills by Seoul and Washington as practice for launching an attack on the North, though the allies say their exercises are defensive in nature.
Next week's "Vigilant Storm" aerial drills are to run from Monday to Friday and involve about 140 South Korean warplanes and about 100 U.S. aircraft. The planes include sophisticated fighter jets like F-35 from both nations, South Korea's Defense Ministry said in a statement earlier Friday.
Posted by: Fred ||
10/30/2022 00:00 ||
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Weakness encourages adventurism by nations that think they can get away with it. We have a weak President and all of his administration isweak as well.
That sort of thing leads to war as a weak President decides he has to show he's strong.
Kurcafe Pastry Shop & Cafe, Füssen, GE
[Hot Air] I should probably give our readers a moment to double-check and ensure that you didn’t inadvertently wander into an article from the Babylon Bee or The Onion. But the title of the article stands as is and it’s legitimate. German energy company RWE operates several different types of power generation operations in the state of North-Rhine Westphalia. At one location, they have a large lignite coal mine and a wind turbine farm located side by side. (A rather startling juxtaposition given the divisive nature of the ongoing green energy debate.) But some changes are coming, and not the sort that green energy enthusiasts are cheering about. RWE has begun taking down some of its wind turbines to make room to further expand the coal mine. A spokesperson for the company said that they realize that this development may be seen as "paradoxical." (Townhall)
In the throes of an energy crisis, a German energy company is moving forward with plans to dismantle a wind farm adjacent to its coal mine in order to expand operations.
The removal of one of the wind farm’s eight wind turbines occurred last week, with two more coming down next year and the rest getting removed by the end of 2023.
Recognizing the "paradoxical" nature of the situation, Germany energy company RWE, which operates the Garzweiler coal mine, said it’s necessary.
"We realize this comes across as paradoxical," RWE spokesperson Guido Steffen told the Guardian. "But that is as matters stand."
One commentator was obviously aghast at the decision and claimed that the German government had "given in to the demands of the fossil fuel industry." That’s one of the more tone-deaf takes we’re likely to see coming out of this debate. First of all, GWE operates a coal mine and coal-fired power plants so yes, they are part of the "fossil fuel industry" by definition. But they also operate wind farms and other electricity production facilities. In other words, they’re an energy company. They exist to produce energy and keep the country on its feet.
With the loss of most Russian energy imports, particularly natural gas, Germany is facing the real possibility of lethal shortfalls this winter. They still have many natural gas-fired plants, but that gas is going to be needed for heating and cooking in the coming months to prevent people from literally freezing to death.
If this was happening in America, Europeans would be outraged. The typical conga line of abuse would occur, and everyone would go to bed satisfied and happy.
But because they're doing it, this gets a collective shrug. Any Americans who point it out get told "we've got to do this" and any accusations of hypocrisy are handwaved away.
Fucking assholes. Tell me why we're allies again? I think a better relationship would be to send bombers over Berlin like we used to. They call us baby-murdering warmongering fascists anyway; why not fulfill their fantasies? It's not like we can sink any lower in their estimation.
Posted by: European Conservative ||
10/30/2022 15:28 Comments ||
Tell me why we're allies again?
Because the Germans are awesome. Hey EC!
Seriously, it is due to multiple reasons and most are Russia. We will be feuding cousins until the end of time, but they are still family and we will be there if needed. That is just our relationship.
I’m in tears. I must have read that post at the time, because my eye raced from word to word with a feeling of recognition, but I didn’t remember the whole until I reached the end.
Thank you for the reminder, European Conservative.
The email was written by Ensign Megan M. Hallinan.
Posted by: European Conservative ||
10/30/2022 16:35 Comments ||
Una cantina autentica above Malibu Bay. Acordeon, bajo sexto, y balalaika play softly. Fingers snap...
"Hey, waiter! This borscht looks like mud!
ACA JOE said it oughta be good..."
"Sir, that could be the herb...
Still, it's rather disturbing --
The can, I assure you, said FUD!"
I remember that email. IIRC, Germany also loaned us an AWACS in the 9/11 aftermath. And one of our all-time best posters was TGA, Treue German Ally.
Posted by: Matt ||
10/30/2022 16:57 Comments ||
To my shame, I'd forgotten TGA, back in the PD/.Com era
Posted by: Frank G ||
10/30/2022 17:24 Comments ||
True German Ally is one of my touchstones even yet. After surviving first the Nazi concentration camps then Soviet gulags, he made his way home to become a respected leader of the Jewish community in Germany, advisor to Angela Merkel and chess friend of Cardinal Ratzinger, whom he saw elected pope before he died.
[TheDiplomat] Hectic construction and repair of roads and bridges are visible in large parts of the Indian border state of Arunachal Pradesh, which witnessed military action during the brief war between India and China from October 20 to November 20, 1962.
Six decades after the end of the war, and despite countless rounds of negotiations between the two neighbors to resolve the border dispute, tensions continue to simmer. They have triggered occasional clashes.
The schemes to upgrade overland connectivity infrastructure are part of a larger project being implemented by the Indian government to improve infrastructure and enhance surveillance along the 3,488 kilometers-long disputed border with China.
Posted by: The Walking Unvaxed ||
10/30/2022 00:00 ||
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A multi-volume chronology and reference guide set detailing three years of the Mexican Drug War between 2010 and 2012.
Rantburg.com and borderlandbeat.com correspondent and author Chris Covert presents his first non-fiction work detailing
the drug and gang related violence in Mexico.
Chris gives us Mexican press dispatches of drug and gang war violence
over three years, presented in a multi volume set intended to chronicle the death, violence and mayhem which has
dominated Mexico for six years.
Rantburg was assembled from recycled algorithms in the United States of America. No
trees were destroyed in the production of this weblog. We did hurt some, though. Sorry.