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3 Injured in Hermel Roadside Bombings
[An Nahar] Two roadside kabooms went kaboom! at the entrance of the northeastern town of Hermel on Sunday, injuring three people, including two soldiers, the army and the state-run National News Agency said.

They said that the first bomb targeted a Honda CRV, damaging the vehicle and injuring its driver Iman Nasereddine, who hails from the town of al-Ain.

She was taken to Hermel state hospital.

The second bomb went off when an army patrol was inspecting the site of the first kaboom. The blast injured an officer and a soldier and caused damages to the vehicle, the army communique and NNA added.

Media reports later said that the military found the remote control device used to set the blasts.

Security sources said that the incident was linked to the conflict in neighboring Syria.
Posted by:Fred