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Scizophrenic mouse
Beer: The staff of life, the stuff of happiness
A rose, possibly the Rose of San Antone but not the Yellow Rose of Texas
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Champ African visit seen as "underwhelming" by local media - Nuus24
Johannesburg - It was billed as a new chapter in relations with a continent on the move, but US President Barack Obama's whirlwind tour of Africa left many underwhelmed by pledges that were thin on detail and dwarfed by China's lavish investment.
You're in excellent company. Welcome to the globally "underwhelmed".
Obama's long-awaited return to sub-Saharan Africa was seen as recognition of the region's rising significance on the world stage, and a challenge to Beijing's growing economic clout on the continent.
"Challenge" or Sino-Bama facilitation ?
Posted by:Besoeker