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Caucasus/Russia/Central Asia
June 10 is the day of memory of Russian Colonel Yury Budanov
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited.

Text taken from the V Kontakte page of Strelkov Igor Ivanovich
[ZPolk] On June 10, 2011, Yuri Budanov was killed. Hero of two Chechen wars, holder of the Order of Courage. A hero who courageously accepted and endured martyrdom for the sake of "pacifying Chechnya." He was killed brazenly, cynically, like a bandit - in front of his wife, in the very center of Moscow, in the middle of the day.

Three months before his death, he warned law enforcement agencies about surveillance. And what? They couldn’t (or didn’t want to?) protect him from a treacherous bandit bullet in the back. The enemy could not destroy the soldier in open battle, for a long time he tried to break the spirit of the Russian soldier with a string of courts, prison, and persecution. And, as a sign of his impotence, he killed.

Yuri Dmitrievich Budanov was born on November 24, 1963 in a small town in the Donetsk region. He graduated from the Kharkov Higher Command Tank School in 1987 and served in Hungary and Belarus. After the partition of the Soviet Union, he refused to serve in the troops of independent Belarus - in vain, probably.

The Russian army sent him to the very wilderness, to Transbaikalia. Budanov did not mind, and from the company commander of the 160th Guards Tank Regiment he rose to the rank of regiment commander, graduating from the Combined Arms Academy of the Armed Forces along the way. Participated in two antiterrorist campaigns in Chechnya. He proved to be an excellent leader.

His regiment practically did not suffer losses, and peaceful Chechens were never subjected to any violence by his subordinates. He himself received three severe contusions, but always remained in the ranks. Hundreds of officers like him passed through Chechnya during almost ten years of hostilities in this region of Russia. Why did the black lot fall on Budanov?

Back in the first extravagant war in the North Caucasus, Budanov saved a group of special forces who found themselves in a hopeless situation. Someone betrayed the scouts, they were trapped, the ammunition was running out, the weather was non-flying, the "turntables" could not help. Fortunately, part of Budanov was not very far away, his tankers pulled the special forces on their armor from pitch hell. Then it turned out that the regiment commander acted almost contrary to some orders from above. Perhaps there were forces that did not like such an initiative by the tanker.

The scouts were saved, none of the civilians in the villages along which Budanov's tanks were moving died. There was nothing to judge him for. However, a certain mark on it, quite possibly, was put just then.

The second Chechen campaign began with Shamil Basayev's attack on the peaceful villages of Dagestan at the end of the summer of 1999. The attack was repulsed, the troops of the Russian army entered Chechnya. In early August of the same year, Chief of the General Staff Anatoly Kvashnin decided to make an inspection trip to Dagestan, to the Botlikh region, taking with him many generals and colonels. The visit of the National School of Staff was prepared and passed with observance of all secrecy measures. Alas, the highest military officials of the Russian army were already waiting.

Four kilometers from the landing site of a group of Kvashnin helicopters, a firing point of an anti-tank guided missile system - ATGM was equipped. As soon as the helicopters landed, the militants opened fire. But General Kvashnin and the generals accompanying him managed to leave their Mi-8s.

Two helicopters were destroyed, killed: Hero of Russia Mi-8 pilot Yuri Naumov, helicopter navigator Alik Gayazov and spetsnaz intelligence officer Sergei Yagodin. As experts later found out, a real master shot. From the actual maximum range of a guided missile, only a sniper could hit helicopters, which in the world can be counted on the fingers.

A few months later, the location of the Budanov regiment was subjected to a similar attack. On the hill, four kilometers from the duty group of tanks, a Niva appeared. A group of people in camouflage came out of it, businesslike and quite calmly began to install the ATGM launcher. The militants were calm: there were old T-62 tanks in the Budanov regiment, which had no guided missiles in their ammunition load, and four kilometers was an almost limiting shot for a tank gun, it was considered simply impossible to hit a point target from such a distance - the Niva.

The very first shot of a guided anti-tank missile set fire to one of the T-62s. Fortunately, there was no crew. And then this is what happened. Yuri Budanov rushed to the duty car, pushed the commander out of it, clung to the sight himself, aimed the gun at the distant Niva. And with the very first shot of a high-explosive fragmentation projectile, he smashed to smithereens both the SUV, and the rocket launcher, and everyone who fussed next to it.

Colonel Budanov personally destroyed the one who killed the Hero of Russia pilot Yuri Naumov, navigator Alik Gayazov and intelligence officer Sergei Yagodin. He eliminated the potential killer of the Chief of the General Staff - only a combination of circumstances saved Anatoly Kvashnin.

The destruction of one of the best snipers in the world, who worked on the ATGM, could not be forgiven for Budanov. I wonder who hasn't forgiven?

We do not know, but the process of destroying the colonel's guard was launched. On January 6, 2000, an NTV film crew appears at the location of the Budanov regiment. The TV people are courtesy itself, they are their own guys, they provoke the colonel to a beautiful shot. Cannons hit militant bases in the mountains, and “dirty and cheerful Colonel Budanov,” as one of the newspapers recalled the day after the officer’s death, shouted “live: Merry Christmas to you.”

True, the journalist of the newspaper for some reason decided that Budanov's regiment was firing at the peaceful village of Tangi-Chu. He shot at the mountains, at the mountains! It is worth quoting from a journalist’s article that sheds light on the idea: “Everyone, including the Moscow generals, saw this report, and no one lifted a finger, no one was distracted from Christmas barbecues, bathhouses and whores.

So the "public diagnosis" Budanov was made. He is a crazy Russian officer, from whom you can expect all sorts of abominations. Indeed, it is too trivial to simply kill Budanov in retaliation for the master of rocket shooting he destroyed. It was necessary to smear the guardsman in the mud and in his face - all the officers of the Russian army.

Colonel Budanov was one of the best commanders of the regiment, he was in the thick of it, but suffered the least losses during the Second Chechen campaign. And at the moment when his regiment was withdrawn from the combat zone, they suddenly found themselves under fire from a sniper. The sniper acted like a fanatic - he first shot in the groin, and then in the heart or head.

As a result, they were looking for a female sniper, and suspicion directly fell on the deceased Elsa Kungaeva. Budanov's only mistake was that, having captured the suspected sniper, he did not wait for the arrival of the prosecutor's office investigator from Grozny, but began the interrogation himself. You can understand him: the commander, who valued the life of each of his soldiers, suddenly faced maximum losses outside the combat zone. Let me remind you that back then conscripts were called up to Chechnya - 18-year-old guys ...

“As people who know the circumstances of the case told me, during the interrogation Budanov received a phone call, and at that moment Kungaeva rushed at him, trying to take possession of his service weapon. Defending himself, Budanov struck her with a blow incompatible with life - he broke her cervical vertebra.

Then it was already invented that he allegedly raped her, although all the examinations showed that this was not the case. And all these human rights activists, especially Sergei Adamovich Kovalev and the liberal media, simply savored what scoundrels Russian officers were, excitedly competing who would pour more lies and dirt on Colonel Budanov.” - General Shamanov.

Neither the General Staff nor the Ministry of Defense stood up for one of their best officers; on the contrary, they made statements that predetermined his guilty verdict. - Fear of responsibility. Fear of Western opinion. High officials considered it advantageous to find an extreme one on which to hang all the dogs ... Imagine, neither a curfew nor a state of emergency was even introduced on the territory of hostilities, although it is obvious that this had to be done and this would put the legal status in order actions of the Russian military.

Who is to blame? Who didn't? political leadership of the country. There was no ban on the movement of residents of Chechnya in Russia - why, they are citizens of Russia! They were not seized from the so-called. "civil population" trucks, dump trucks and other heavy vehicles, although it is obvious that

Even being in prison, even being defamed, Budanov retains the honor of a Russian officer and loyalty to the oath. He was told: Colonel, keep in mind that your early release from prison will cause a bad response in the leadership of the Chechen Republic, and if we refuse to grant you pardon or amnesty, this will cause a bad response in the Russian officer environment and the public, so you better not ask any petitions at all. serve. And Budanov withdraws his petition for pardon, covering up the political leadership of the country to his own detriment.

In 2006-2007 an arbitrary decision of the court repeatedly denied the parole of Colonel Yu.D. As a pretext for refusing to release the court, the court determined the circumstance that “the statement of the convict about the confession of guilt in the crimes committed, about repentance for the deed, are of a formal nature, not confirmed by anything. Despite the fact that the court did not make a decision on compensation for the harm caused to the victims, the lack of attempts on the part of the convicted person to compensate for the harm caused to the victims in any form, to mitigate the consequences of the suffering suffered by the victims, indicates that the restoration of social justice in the case has not been achieved, and the fact that the correction of the condemned has not been achieved.

In the decisions of the courts against Russian officers, there is a hidden political motive associated with the relationship between the federal government and the authorities of the Chechen Republic, with attempts to appease ethnic bandits.

In early 2009, Colonel Yu.D. Budanov was released on parole. As a provocation to the media, false information was spread that the colonel would have to go back to jail in the case of the kidnapping of three people. The information was disseminated by representatives of the investigative department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for Chechnya.

The case was initiated back in 2000, and Budanov's involvement in it arose just at the moment of his release. The previously closed case was reopened for provocative purposes at the end of 2008 - after the appeal of the Chechen Ombudsman Nurdi Nukhazhiev, as well as statements from the relatives of the victims. Nukhazhiev and relatives of the victims of the kidnappers suddenly began to assert that Yuri Budanov was involved in the crime. Witnesses confirmed the guesses of the investigators at the identification procedure carried out on the basis of a photograph of Budanov,

The media used the release of Colonel Budanov to repeat their dirty fabrications about the officer who fought for the Motherland and was sent to prison for this. The fabrications were again raised that Budanov was drunk during the arrest of Kungayeva, that he raped her and then killed her. Budanov never denied the fact of the murder, he always regretted it, and the investigation has already responded negatively to the fabrications of the slanderers. None of the colonel's subordinates, despite pressure and threats, testified against their commander.

As one of the leaders of gangs operating in Chechnya, Kadyrov could not calmly endure the fact of the release from prison of Colonel Yuri Budanov, who spent 8.5 years behind barbed wire on fabricated reasons.

Kadyrov slandered a Russian officer: "Budanov is a schizophrenic and a murderer." “Budanov is a recognized enemy of the Chechen people. He insulted our people. Every man, woman and child believes that as long as Budanov exists, shame has not been removed from us. He insulted the honor of Russian officers. How can you protect him? What judge could let him go free? Behind him are dozens of human lives. I think the federal center will make the right decision - his place in prison for life. Yes, and this is not enough for him. But a life sentence will ease our suffering a little. We do not tolerate insult. If the decision is not made, the consequences will be bad. I will strive, write, knock on doors, so that he gets what he deserves. And our army, our strong army of a strong state, must also throw off this shame from itself.”

Such statements are a direct insult to all Russian people. The fact that the federal government does not make personnel decisions and does not remove a bandit from power testifies to the collusion of the highest leadership levels of this government with terrorist groups. authorities, courts, journalism, "human rights" environment. The systematic nature is explained by the personal position of Budanov, who, in an interview with Komsomolskaya Pravda, stated that before committing the crime, he considered himself an officer of the Russian army. Not Russian, just Russian.

Today we understand that the authorities have betrayed everyone! But we have “Heroes of Russia”! A year later, approximately, after the trial of Colonel Budanov, the Chairman of the Government of the Chechen Republic Ramzan Kadyrov in 2004 was awarded the title "Hero of Russia"! Having gone over to the side of the federal government, together with his father, a prominent supporter of the independence of Chechnya, R. Kadyrov fought with Russian troops from 1996 to the end of 1999! And Colonel Budanov fought, as befits a military officer, on the orders of the military command of the Russian Federation, which, in turn, carried out the will of politicians!

In an address to his loved ones on the eve of the new year 2000, Colonel Yu.D. Budanov said: “Please take my word for it, we live normally. We ourselves are already in this war, but we need to fight it, this is our job ”The simple words of a military officer about his work that needs to be done and he did this war until his very last breath, until the very last minute. He fought, even after coming from the war, she did not leave him and the executioner's bullet stopped the heart of the Russian hero, but did not stop our hearts, ignited by the shed blood of Russian soldiers and officers, abandoned to destruction by traitors and enslavers of the Russian people and our Motherland - Russia.

Colonel Yu.D. Budanov will forever remain in the hearts of the Russian people and his feat of resisting the forces of evil, his confession of the Orthodox faith in front of a pack of corrupt politicians, lawyers, military leaders, judges will find its place in the glorious history of the Russian people and Russia.

And today, Colonel Budanov reminds (he said on the day of his release from prison): “Yes, it’s a shame, but I swore to serve the people. I did and continue to do this work. And if you understand that the people of Russia are in danger, that we are all surrounded - don't wait for the order, maybe no one will give it. You know what to do.

Posted by:badanov
