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Caucasus/Russia/Central Asia
Ukrainian Perspective: Invasion of Ukraine: October 31st, 2022
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited
[Korrespondent] 23:53 Russia's decision to withdraw from the grain agreement caused a great resonance in the Western press. Was it spontaneous, or has Putin been preparing it for a long time? And has the hope for a speedy end to the war now been lost? About this in the material Blackmail from impotence .

23:15 Zaluzhny said that today the enemy used 55 Kh-101 cruise missiles and one Kh-59 guided missile, 22 S-300 anti-aircraft missiles, four Shahid-136 UAVs and one Lancet-3 UAV against civilian targets in Ukraine.

23:12 A small number of the US military have recently begun conducting inspections in Ukraine to make sure that the Armed Forces of Ukraine are properly accounting for Western-provided weapons, a Pentagon official said at a briefing. U.S. personnel cannot conduct inspections close to the front lines, he said, but clarified that they are located where security conditions allow. He added that the Ukrainian side demonstrates transparency in the distribution of weapons and facilitates inspections.

23:08 Zelensky said that he had a telephone conversation with UN Secretary General António Guterres: “I informed him about a new level of escalation due to Russian actions. Terror against Ukrainian energy facilities, and even against the backdrop of Russia’s attempt to aggravate the global food crisis, is obvious evidence that Russia will continue to oppose itself to the entire international community. And if so, then Russia has no place in the UN Security Council and all other international structures."

22:38 Putin said that today's attacks on Ukrainian infrastructure are "partially" the answer for the attack on Sevastopol. "But that's not all we could do," he added.

22:35 Zelensky said that he had an important conversation with Scholz: "I informed about another act of Russian missile terror. We are grateful to Germany for providing air defense. It is necessary to build an air shield over Ukraine. They noted the importance of continuing the grain initiative. We must not allow the world to be blackmailed by hunger."

22:26 Zelensky, in an evening video message, noted the very good work of the Ukrainian air defense forces: "We will continue to strengthen our air defense. But now, for every ten hits, terrorists have to spend at least four times as many missiles. The indicators in Russia for drones are even worse, including including those that henchmen from Iran put in it. And the world sees this. It sees that the former "second army of the world" is no longer even the twenty-second in terms of its efficiency. And we will do everything so that it goes into the second hundred altogether. And it will be ".

22:12 The Air Force shot down 45 out of 55 missiles today, and this is the best result during a mass launch, Yuriy Ignat, spokesman for the Air Force Command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, said: "Of all the mass launches of these high-precision weapons in Ukraine, this is the best result. When smaller batches were launched, four missiles each, and there were 100% shot down, there were nine shot down out of 12, but these are not many missiles. When such a large number flies, then 45 out of 55 is a surprisingly good result."

22:09 Putin said that Gazprom was allowed to examine the site of the Nord Stream explosion.

22:05 Russia is not saying that it is terminating participation in the grain deal, we are talking about a "suspension," Putin said.

22:02 IAEA experts have begun checking activities at two facilities in Ukraine, it will be completed soon, the agency said in a statement. We are talking about checking at the Institute for Nuclear Research of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine in Kyiv and the East Mining and Processing Plant in Zhovti Vody in the Dnipropetrovsk region for the creation of a "dirty bomb".

21:39 In the Beryslav district of the Kherson region today, in three minutes, from 18:45 to 18:48, two Russian Ka-52 attack helicopters were shot down by an anti-aircraft missile unit of the Odessa air command brigade Pivden, the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine reported.

20:57 Russia again chose Monday to attack Ukrainian infrastructure. Several explosions thundered in Kyiv, rocket hits were recorded in Kharkov, Zaporozhye, Cherkasy, Kyiv, Kirovograd regions. In many areas heard the work of air defense. In total, 8 infrastructure facilities in 10 regions of Ukraine were affected. Ukrenergo was then forced to start emergency power outages for industrial and domestic consumers throughout Ukraine. For more details, see the article Consequences of the RF strike .

20:08 The "authorities" of the occupied Kherson region have decided to expand the evacuation zone by 15 km from the Dnieper. This applies to the settlements of the Novokahovsky urban district, Golopristansky, Aleshkinsky, Kakhovsky, Gornostaevsky, Velikolepetikhsky and Verkhnerogachiksky municipal districts.

20:03 The Russian Defense Ministry said that until the situation around the "terrorist action committed by Ukraine against warships and civilian ships in Sevastopol" was clarified, traffic along the security corridor defined by the Black Sea Initiative was suspended. "The movement of ships along the security corridor is unacceptable, since Kyiv uses it to conduct hostilities," the ministry said.

At the same time, the Russian ministry stressed that Moscow is not withdrawing from the agreements, but suspending them: "Under the current conditions, there can be no question of guaranteeing the security of any object in the indicated direction until Ukraine accepts additional obligations not to use this route for military purposes."

19:31 Heads of the Russian and Turkish Defense Ministries Sergei Shoigu and Hulusi Akar held a telephone conversation in which they discussed the implementation of the grain deal. According to the Turkish side, Ankara expects Moscow to review the decision to withdraw from the agreement and insists on the need to continue its action for humanitarian reasons.

19:22 The Czech Republic is ready to join the restoration of Ukraine - in particular, to take patronage over the Dnipropetrovsk region, Shmyhal said following today's meeting with the Czech delegation in Kiev. He also noted that the Czech Republic at the state level has developed its own Assistance Plan for Ukraine with an annual volume of more than 20 million euros during 2023-2025.

Military-technical cooperation between Ukraine and the Czech Republic is also gaining momentum, the Ukrainian prime minister said: “Czech Dana self-propelled howitzers, tanks, infantry fighting vehicles and other assistance are already contributing to a significant strengthening of the Ukrainian army and the liberation of Ukrainian lands. We do not stop there, we are preparing many unpleasant surprises for the aggressor. The Czech government also supported the creation of an international tribunal to convict the military-political leadership of the Russian Federation for the criminal war against Ukraine.

19:13 The grain agreement continues to operate after Russia withdraws from it, Ukrainian Ambassador to Turkey Vasily Bodnar said: "They simply stop participation in the grain agreement, this does not mean that it is blocked. Given this situation, the UN and the Turkish side have proposed to conduct an inspection on their own ", without the involvement of the Ukrainian and Russian sides. And now the ships in the roadstead are subject to bilateral verification. We agreed on this, the Russian side was simply informed." According to the ambassador, Russia will continue to look for a reason to disrupt the grain agreement in an attempt to achieve preferences for itself.

In turn, the representative of the Russian Federation to the UN Vasily Nebenzya said that the agreements on the passage of ships through the Black Sea without the participation of Russia should not be implemented, and the decisions taken without Moscow are not binding. According to him, Russia cannot allow the unhindered passage of ships without inspection.

19:05 Zelensky and Czech Prime Minister Petr Fiala signed a joint declaration on the Euro-Atlantic perspective of Ukraine. "This is the first such document that we adopt in order to accelerate our Euro-Atlantic integration. We have fixed with this declaration that we will strengthen cooperation in order to ensure NATO standards in Ukraine. The Czech Republic confirmed that it supports our state in becoming a full member of the alliance, as soon as conditions permit," he said.

18:57 The Russians today attacked military and civilian infrastructure facilities with 55 aviation guided missiles, 45 of which were shot down by Ukrainian defenders. In turn, the aircraft of the Defense Forces inflicted 14 strikes on the enemy during the day, 12 of which - on the areas of concentration of weapons and military equipment, on the platoon stronghold, as well as on the positions of the enemy air defense complex. Ukrainian air defense units shot down two Ka-52 and Mi-8 helicopters and two enemy UAVs, the General Staff said in an evening report.

Meanwhile, the Russian military-political leadership decided to withdraw the contingent of private military campaigns from Mali. In addition, Russian military mercenaries are trying to create an aviation component that can be used in Ukraine. However, the effectiveness and training of pilots using various modifications of the Mi-8 do not allow them to perform tasks as intended. In addition, the motivation of the flight crew is negatively affected by significantly reduced payments compared to Syria.

18:42 Ukraine will receive equipment from 12 countries to restore its energy system, Kuleba said. In particular, the governments and companies of Israel, Spain, Italy, Lithuania, Germany, North Macedonia, Poland, South Korea, Slovakia, Slovenia, Finland and France will provide the equipment. In total, we are talking about 954 units of power equipment. The first batches of aid are already in Ukraine, the rest are expected in the near future. Among the equipment - generators of various types, automatic switches, heat guns and more.

18:37 The enemy continues shelling the port infrastructure in the Ochakovsky direction. According to OK Pivden, as a result of strikes on two civil port tugs involved in the transportation of a barge with grain, a fire broke out, control of the ships was lost. Two crew members were killed, one was wounded, the fate of another is unknown.

18:20 Ukrainians will have to save electricity throughout the heating season, Volodymyr Kudrytsky, chairman of the board of NPC Ukrenergo, said on the air of the telethon: “Saving electricity will be an urgent call for the entire heating season. Our energy system, unfortunately, is now wounded when compared with a living organism. damaged facilities need time. Now Ukraine can import up to 500 MW of electricity, negotiations are underway to increase this capacity."

18:17 The UN announced its readiness to investigate the details of the incident that caused the suspension of Russia's participation in the grain deal. The organization also noted that they hope for a full resumption of the participation of Russian representatives in the work of the coordination center in Istanbul.

18:05 Ukrenergo reported that due to today's rocket attacks, the equipment of the backbone network of the Ukrainian energy system was damaged in several regions at once. At 17:00, the company provided distribution network operators with the volumes of application of emergency power outage schedules for industrial and residential consumers in all regions of Ukraine.

17:34 The number of countries supporting the creation of a Special Tribunal to prosecute the Russian Federation for crimes of aggression in Ukraine is growing, Prosecutor General Andriy Kostin said in an interview with Interfax-Ukraine: "The dialogue is difficult, but I am optimistic about the prospects: the number of countries ready to support the tribunal , is growing, now we have informal support from ten to 16 countries."

"Due to legal restrictions, the International Criminal Court cannot consider the case of Russian aggression against Ukraine, and I consider this a primary international crime, without which all other horrors against civilians would be impossible. And we cannot afford to leave this act of violence in against the whole country with impunity," Kostin stressed.

16:56 Russia may use Iranian ballistic missiles with a range of up to 700 km against Ukraine next month. These missiles, unlike Russian ones, have greater accuracy, Andrey Yusov, a representative of the GUR MOU, said on the air of the telethon.

He added that ballistic missiles and everything that Iran can provide, Putin will try to get. "We also had information on North Korea... And on Lukashenka's regime in Belarus. There are facts and confirmed information about the transfer of tanks, armed equipment, ammunition for artillery. Not only that, civilian goods are often used, civilian equipment of countries that , for example, imposed sanctions against Russia," Yusov added. He also confirmed reports that Russia is using chips from washing machines for military purposes.

16:52 The Ministry of Foreign Affairs strongly condemned Russia's intention to start on November 1 in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine the autumn conscription into the ranks of the Russian armed forces. The department emphasizes that under the guise of conscription in Crimea, a mobilization campaign is also continuing, "the nature and methods of which testify to the desire of the Russian military-political leadership to reduce the number of Ukrainians and Crimean Tatars on the peninsula as a category of people who offer the greatest resistance to Russian occupation."

The Foreign Ministry called on the international community to strongly condemn Russia's illegal autumn conscription and mobilization campaign among Ukrainian citizens in the temporarily occupied territories and to increase sanctions pressure on Moscow.

16:49 The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine called the information about the channel for smuggling Ukrainian weapons to Finland fake. We are talking about an interview with Yle edition with the senior commissioner of the National Bureau of Investigation (Keskusrikospoliisi) Christer Ahlgren. To verify the facts given in the interview, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine sent a request to Finland, Sweden, Denmark using the Europol communication system.

16:38 Shoigu instructed to report by November 1 on the completion of "partial mobilization" activities. Starting tomorrow, all events related to the draft are stopped, the preparation and delivery of summonses are stopped. The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation stated that in the future the work of the military registration and enlistment offices for recruiting the armed forces will be organized only by accepting volunteers and contract soldiers.

16:21 Bulgaria is one of the largest indirect arms suppliers to Ukraine, writes Euractiv. According to experts, to date, Bulgaria has supplied Ukraine with weapons and ammunition worth at least 1 billion euros through intermediaries. At the same time, Bulgaria and Hungary are the only NATO and EU countries that officially refuse to send military assistance to Ukraine.

16:05 From November 1, Norway puts its military on high alert to strengthen security in connection with Russia's war against Ukraine, Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Stere said: "This is the worst security situation in the past few decades. There is no sign that that Russia is extending its war to other countries, but rising tensions make us more vulnerable to threats, intelligence operations and campaigns of influence."

16:03 The IRIS-T anti-aircraft missile system worked 100% today during a massive missile strike, Yuri Ignat, speaker of the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, said.

15:54 Within Kiev this morning, during a massive enemy attack, about 16 air targets were discovered, of which the air defense forces were guaranteed to destroy 12, said the head of the Kiev city military administration, Sergei Popko. He also said that as of 13:00, voltage was restored at one of the water intakes, and water supply will be resumed in the city in the near future.

15:46 DTEK Executive Director Dmitry Sakharuk said that the company had already used the stock of equipment for the repair of power grids, which was in warehouses after the first two enemy waves of attacks on October 10-12. A certain amount of equipment was purchased, but its cost is now measured in hundreds of millions of dollars.

"Now there are already certain difficulties with the purchase of this equipment, since it is very expensive. Now we are working on how to purchase it or get it from our partners. Now this is a problem for all power engineers," Sakharuk said.

15:42 In Ukraine, it is planned to create public Wi-Fi points in case of a power outage. They will run on Tesla Powerwall batteries and Starlink terminals, said Mikhail Fedorov, head of the Ministry of Digital Development, in an interview with Forbes. According to him, part of the more than 1.5 thousand Starlink terminals that Ukraine will receive from Poland is used for this. The first such points should start operating in November.

15:37 The SBU conducted searches at the leadership of the UOC-MP in the Kirovohrad region. According to the intelligence service, some members of this community are involved in the dissemination of ideas that encroach on the territorial integrity of Ukraine and incite religious hatred. The searches were carried out in the Kirovograd and Alexandria dioceses, as well as in the places of residence of the defendants.

Among other things, they found correspondence between the Metropolitan of Kirovograd and Novomirgorodsky and Patriarch Kirill of Moscow, and a large number of anti-Ukrainian materials made in the Russian Federation were confiscated. These materials were actively distributed among the clergy and believers. The author of one of the books is Andrey Novikov, ex-secretary of the Odessa diocese of the UOC-MP, who left for the Russian Federation in 2014. He currently runs a Telegram channel where he promotes Russian narratives.

15:25 As a result of a morning missile attack in the Chernivtsi region, a critical energy infrastructure facility was damaged - the consequences of such an attack are very noticeable for the entire energy system of Ukraine, said the head of the UVA Ruslan Zaparanyuk. According to him, at present the fire is localized, eight people received minor bodily injuries, they do not need medical assistance. There were no casualties among the population.

15:14 The Kremlin is using winter as a weapon, Kirill Budanov, head of the MOU Main Intelligence Directorate, said in a comment to Inews: “Russian attacks on infrastructure were planned weeks earlier. The Kremlin is using winter as a weapon, trying to demoralize people who remain strong despite all the cruelties caused to them by the occupiers".

Budanov also noted that the occupying troops could be driven out of Kherson as early as next month, and this would be a "seismic blow to Russian public opinion", destroying their narratives about their own invincibility and about Ukraine.

14:28 Russia uses the airspace of Moldova for attacks on Ukraine, Yuri Ignat, spokesman for the command of the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, said: "This must be shown to the international community, because this is not the first time they have been hitting Ukraine through Moldova." Meanwhile, the Moldovan Ministry of Defense stated that air surveillance systems did not detect illegal flights in the airspace.

14:26 In the Kiev subway, in order to more economical consumption of electricity from November 1, train intervals are increasing: at peak hours they will be 4-5 minutes, and at inter-peak hours - 8-10 minutes, the Kyiv City State Administration reported.

14:24 As a result of morning missile strikes on an energy infrastructure facility in the Cherkasy region, four people were injured, Igor Taburets, head of the IVA, said. Power engineers are working on the resumption of energy supply, partly already with the light of the regional and district centers.

14:19 The police of the Kherson region created a bot to collect photo and video evidence of the crimes of the Russian military in the occupied territory. There you can send photos or videos taken using smartphones, surveillance cameras, DVRs or other devices: @Warcrimes_Police_KhS_UA_bot

14:13 SuspÑ–lne showed a map of today's attacks on Ukraine:

13:51 Rescuers have completed the removal of the rubble of a three-story building partially destroyed as a result of Russian shelling on the territory of the Svyatogorsk Lavra. During the analysis, the body of another person was found, in total, since the beginning of work, the bodies of three dead have been found, the State Emergency Service reported.

13:43 In the Kamenetz-Podolsky district of the Khmelnytsky region, a rocket fall was recorded in two locations - they fell in a field, so there were no casualties or damage. Fragments of another rocket fell in the Khmelnytsky region, causing a fire, damaging the roof and windows in a civilian building. The fire has been extinguished, there are no dead or injured, said the head of the OVA, Sergei Gamaly.

13:36 Peskov said that Russia "so far can only guarantee" its readiness to compensate at its own expense the volumes of food falling under the grain deal to the poorest countries. "In conditions when Russia talks about the impossibility of guaranteeing the safety of navigation in these areas, of course, such a deal is hardly feasible and takes on a different character, much more risky, dangerous and not guaranteed," the Kremlin spokesman added.

13:21 The morning missile attack on Ukraine cost Russia 400-600 million dollars - that's how much 50 X-101 / X-555 missiles cost, the Orestocracy channel writes. In particular, the cost of the Kh-101 missile is $13 million, and the Kh-555 missile is $7.5 million. This amount exceeds the annual budgets of Novosibirsk or Yekaterinburg, the third and fourth largest cities in Russia.

13:15 At the air base of the RF Armed Forces in the Pskov region on the night of October 31, a powerful explosion occurred, as a result of which two Russian attack helicopters Ka-52 Alligator were completely destroyed, two more were significantly damaged, the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine reported. Details about the destruction of other equipment and personnel are being specified. In order to eliminate the consequences of the explosions, as well as "search for sabotage groups," the personnel of the military unit were alerted, and investigative actions are underway.

13:09 The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation stated that the Russian army "continued high-precision strikes on the military command and energy systems of Ukraine, the targets of the strikes were achieved, all designated objects were hit."

13:06 In Ukraine, as a result of today's shelling, 13 people were injured , said the head of the National Police Ihor Klymenko.

12:37 Losses of Ukrainian GDP from ongoing large-scale alarms during the working day have already reached at least 7.5 billion hryvnias, said Daniil Getmantsev, chairman of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Finance, Tax and Customs Policy. He urged to organize the work of both the public and private sectors of the economy remotely, during non-working hours and on weekends in such a way as not only to compensate for downtime, but also to ensure the production of the necessary products.

12:33 The Russians provoked an ecological catastrophe at the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant, Energoatom reports. Due to the shutdown of power units, warm water does not enter the ZNPP cooling pond - the water temperature has dropped to +13 degrees. This led to the mass extinction of fish in the pond. If the water temperature does not rise soon, about a thousand tons of dead fish will be washed ashore.

12:31 "Head" of Crimea Sergei Aksyonov said he ordered to "nationalize" the property of "a number of organizations and individuals associated with the Kiev regime." According to him, the property of LLC Rusline Co, the Bakhchisarai plant Stroyindustriya, and the Zaliv shipbuilding plant are transferred to the "property" of the region. The decision will be signed tomorrow and sent to the "parliament" of the republic.

12:27 In Kiev, in three to four hours, water supply should be returned to consumers on the left bank and partially on the right. Energy supply has already been partially restored in the Desnyansky district of the capital, Klitschko said.

12:25 Ukrenergo has canceled the stabilization schedules of hourly shutdowns, introduced from 6:00 in all regions. To eliminate accidents caused by rocket attacks, in some regions, oblenergos introduced local restrictions. In the future, the value of the required limitation of consumers will be regulated depending on the current situation in the power system. All Ukrainians who have electricity are urged to save electricity as much as possible.

12:18 Ten regions were hit by rockets and drones, where 18 facilities were damaged, most of which are energy facilities, Shmyhal said. De-energized hundreds of settlements in seven regions of Ukraine. In Kyiv, Zaporozhye, Dnepropetrovsk, Kharkiv regions, local emergency shutdowns continue. Today, as in previous weeks, it is important that all Ukrainians consciously consume energy and reduce the load on the network, the prime minister stressed.

12:14 In the morning, the occupiers launched five rocket attacks on the Kharkiv region, there were no casualties, the head of the OVA Oleg Sinegubov said. Critical infrastructure facilities were damaged in Kharkiv and the Chuguevsky district. In addition, in the morning, as a result of shelling, a fire broke out in an educational institution in the Kupyansky district. Power outages have already begun in the city and region.

11:56 In Krivoy Rog, one cruise missile hit an industrial enterprise, there is destruction, said the head of the VA Alexander Vilkul. Two more missiles shot down air defense forces.

11:54 The number of victims of the morning shelling of the Kiev region has increased to two, one of them is in serious condition, said the head of the OVA, Alexei Kuleba. In addition to damage to critical infrastructure, there is also damage to private buildings. Part of the Kyiv region without electricity, in some settlements there is no water supply.

11:48 A delegation of the Czech government headed by Prime Minister Petr Fiala arrived in Kiev, a joint meeting of the Ukrainian and Czech governments is planned. Such a meeting of the two governments will be held for the first time in history, writes UP.

11:34 In Kiev, 80% of residents were left without water supply after morning enemy shelling due to damage to a power facility near the capital, Klitschko said. Residents of Kiev are asked to stock up on water from nearby pump-rooms and points of sale. 350 thousand apartments were left without electricity.

Also, local publics report problems with mobile communications in Kyiv and the region. Thanks to the effective work of air defense, no hits were recorded in Kyiv. At the same time, strikes in the Kiev region affected the water and energy supply of the capital, the city military administration reported.

11:15 A Russian rocket fell in the north of Moldova in the morning, the country's Ministry of Internal Affairs reported. The missile was shot down by the Ukrainian air defense system and fell on the northern edge of the village of Naslavcha, located on the border with Ukraine.

11:12 In Kharkiv, a missile attack hit a critical infrastructure facility, as a result of which the subway and ground electric transport were de-energized. At the moment, it was possible to launch the Kholodnogorsko-Zavodskaya line, and trolleybuses and trams were replaced by buses. There are also problems with water supply, Mayor Igor Terekhov said.

11:04 Erdogan said Ankara is working to ensure that the grain corridor continues to operate: "Despite the fact that Russia doubts the grain agreement, since Moscow is not given the same opportunities, Turkey will continue its efforts to serve humanity."

11:01 Today, 12 ships with 354.5 thousand tons of agricultural products left the Ukrainian ports for the countries of Africa, Asia and Europe. Among them is the bulk carrier IKARIA ANGEL with Ukrainian wheat for Ethiopia. This is the seventh vessel chartered under the World Food Program under the auspices of the UN, the Ministry of Infrastructure reported. Passage to Ukrainian ports for loading is allowed for four ships, which the day before passed inspection with the participation of all parties, including representatives of Russia.

10:56 The "authorities" of the occupied Alchevsk, Luhansk region, announced a Ukrainian attack on the Metallurg Hotel. According to them, a civilian is under the rubble, and seven houses and a store are also damaged.

10:53 The Russians today hit energy infrastructure facilities in the Dnieper and Pavlograd, there is serious damage, said the head of the OVA Valentin Reznichenko.

10:51 Teams from Turkey and the UN have resumed inspection of ships under the grain deal after Russia withdrew from it, Reuters reports citing a UN representative. The delegations agreed to hold on Monday, October 31, inspections of 40 vessels.

10:43 Kuleba urged not to justify Russia's attacks on Ukraine, calling them a response to Kiev's attacks: "Another batch of Russian missiles strike at Ukraine's critical infrastructure. Instead of fighting on the battlefield, Russia is fighting against the civilian population. Do not justify these attacks calling them "the answer. Russia is doing this because it still has the missiles and the will to kill Ukrainians."

10:36 In the Kiev region, due to massive shelling, the energy infrastructure was damaged, part of the Kiev region was left without electricity. Also, emergency power outages are being introduced in the region, Aleksey Kuleba, head of the OVA, warned. He urged to prepare for a long absence of electricity. And everyone who does not apply blackouts, the authorities urge to use electricity economically. According to preliminary information, there is one victim in the region, there is also the destruction of private buildings.

10:25 On the morning of October 31, Russians attacked Ukraine's critical infrastructure with several waves of rocket attacks. In total, more than 50 X-101 / X-555 cruise missiles were fired from the north of the Caspian Sea and the Volgodonsk region of the Rostov region. The shelling was carried out from Tu-95/Tu-160 strategic aircraft, the command of the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine reported. The forces and means of the Air Force destroyed 44 cruise missiles : in the zone of responsibility of the air command Center - 18, Pivden - 12, Skhid - 9, Zakhid - 5.

10:08 The General Staff announced the approximate losses of the enemy on the morning of October 31.

  • personnel - about 71,820 (+620) people liquidated,

  • tanks - 2686 (+14),

  • armored fighting vehicles - 5485 (+32),

  • artillery systems - 1728 (+4),

  • MLRS - 383 (+0),

  • air defense systems - 197 (+0),

  • aircraft - 275 (+1),

  • helicopters - 253 (+1),

  • UAV operational-tactical level - 1413 (+1),

  • cruise missiles - 352 (+0),

  • ships/boats - 16 (+0),

  • automotive equipment and tankers - 4128 (+8),

  • special equipment - 154 (+0).

10:03 In the Poltava region, due to enemy shelling, emergency power outages have been introduced for consumers. We are talking about emergency shutdowns, and not about scheduled hourly ones, said the head of the OVA, Dmitry Lunin.

10:01 US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken in a telephone conversation with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi discussed bilateral relations between the US and China, as well as the war in Ukraine, the State Department said. Blinken raised the issue of Russia's war against Ukraine and the threats it poses to global security and economic stability. Wang Yi urged the parties to show restraint and diplomatic efforts, to prevent the situation from escalating and getting out of control.

09:58 In the Kiev region, as a result of enemy shelling, buildings were damaged and there are victims, said the head of the National Police of the region, Andrei Nebytov. Part of the missiles shot down the air defense.

09:56 Sweden will provide Ukraine with more modern weapons as an illustration of its new defense policy, Defense Minister Paul Jonsson said in an interview with Dagens Nyheter. He stressed that Sweden will more actively support Kyiv in its war against Russia. The minister also said that his first bilateral meeting was with his Ukrainian counterpart Oleksiy Reznikov.

09:52 Enemy missiles were shot down over the Lviv region, said the head of the OVA Maxim Kozitsky.

09:50 Vladimir Rogov, a representative of the "authority" of the occupied Zaporozhye region, reported an explosion at a substation near the DneproGES in Zaporozhye.

09:48 In the Khmelnitsky region, a civilian object was damaged as a result of the fall of rocket fragments, according to preliminary information, there were no victims, the head of the OVA, Serhiy Gamaly, said.

09:46 The head of the Chernivtsi OVA Ruslan Zaparanyuk reported damage to critical infrastructure as a result of rocket attacks.

09:27 Enemy missiles hit one of the energy facilities in the Svetlovodsk region of the Kirovograd region, preliminary - without casualties, the elimination of the consequences of the fire continues, the head of the OVA Andrey Raikovich said.

09:24 Due to massive shelling of critical infrastructure, emergency power outages are introduced , the President's Office reported. The Russians once again dealt a massive blow to the energy system facilities in a number of regions of Ukraine. Part of the missiles managed to shoot down the air defense, part hit the target. Services are working to eliminate the consequences.

09:11 In the Donetsk region over the past day as a result of enemy shelling, four civilians were killed - in Bakhmut. In addition, in Svyatogorsk, law enforcement officers found the body of one civilian who died during the occupation. Two more people were injured yesterday, Pavel Kirilenko, head of the OVA, said.

09:07 Kharkiv metro announced the suspension of the metro.

09:04 Ukrzaliznytsia reported that in connection with the morning enemy shelling of the energy infrastructure, there are de-energized sections. Reserve diesel locomotives have been withdrawn, all trains will continue to move. At the same time, 80% of the trains that are currently on the way continue to move on schedule, the rest - with a slight delay.

08:55 The Russians attacked the Dnipropetrovsk region at night with MLRS, heavy artillery and kamikaze drones, said the head of the OVA Valentin Reznichenko. In Marganets, one person died and another was injured. In the Kamensky district, the enemy hit the energy infrastructure facility with kamikaze drones, there is serious damage.

08:50 There is a hit in one of the communities of the Kiev region, air defense is also working, said the head of the OVA Oleksiy Kuleba. The area is subject to electricity restrictions.

08:48 In the Vinnitsa region, a downed Russian rocket fell on civilian objects, there is destruction, but people were not injured, said the head of the OVA, Sergei Borzov.

08:45 State Emergency Service reported that today throughout the day there is a high probability of missile strikes throughout Ukraine.

08:43 Klitschko said that as a result of attacks on critical infrastructure, part of the capital was de-energized, and in some areas there is no water supply.

08:40 New Zealand imposes anti-Russian sanctions against 14 individuals and seven organizations. The sanctions included executives and shareholders of companies that develop and manufacture rockets and firearms, members of paramilitary groups associated with the Wagner group.

08:38 The occupants attacked a critical infrastructure facility in Zaporozhye, in the city there were power outages, said Anatoly Kurtev, secretary of the City Council.

08:34 The Russians are again massively attacking Ukraine with missiles. The head of the Cherkasy OVA, Igor Taburets, said that as a result of a strike on critical infrastructure, part of the region was de-energized. Kharkiv Mayor Igor Terekhov also reports two hits on critical infrastructure. Air defense works in Vinnitsa, Kyiv and a number of other regions.

07:33 During the day, units of the Defense Forces of Ukraine repelled the attacks of the occupiers in the areas of settlements Zelenoe, Kharkiv region; Belogorivka, Nikolaevka and Novoselovskoe in the Luhansk region; Avdiivka, Bakhmutskoye, Veseloye, Vodyanoye, Mayorsk, Marinka and Novobakhmutovka of the Donetsk region, the General Staff said in the morning report .

In the Kherson region, the invaders are dismantling and taking out the equipment of cell towers to the Donetsk region to establish and expand the coverage of "national telecom operators." Preparations continue for the evacuation of individual units and military equipment of the enemy in the right-bank part of the Kherson region. To do this, pontoon crossings are installed and the serviceability and readiness of the barges are periodically checked. Two of them were successfully destroyed by units of the Ukrainian Defense Forces in the area of ​​the Antonovsky bridge.

07:12 The American Institute for the Study of War (ISW) believes that Putin is waiting for the winter to plan his next steps. Analysts say he will try to continue a "special operation" in Ukraine to hold the occupied territories, conquer new ones and create conditions for the withdrawal of Western support for Ukraine, which he hopes this winter. At the same time, Putin probably did not give up hopes of achieving his maximalist goals in Ukraine, experts say.

ISW also believes that the use of tactical nuclear weapons by Putin is unlikely at the moment, unless there is a sudden collapse of the Russian military, allowing the Ukrainian military to move uncontrollably throughout the theater of operations. It is also unlikely that Putin will seek direct military conflict with NATO.

Posted by:badanov
