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Caucasus/Russia/Central Asia
Ukrainian perspective: Russian invasion of Ukraine, March 23rd, 2022
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited.
[Korrespondent] 21:28 Biden will announce a new package of sanctions against Russia on Thursday, March 24, during a visit to Brussels for a NATO summit.

21:11 Yermak spoke at the Chatham House think tank in London and said that Ukraine needs offensive weapons, medium-range missiles and lend-lease to repel Russian aggression.

20:45 Poland has frozen Russian assets worth $33 million, the government said.

20:43 The proposal to exclude Russia from the G20 has received support in Washington, writes Reuters. In particular, the Minister of Economic Development of Poland said: "In the course of meetings, including with US Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo, we came up with a proposal to exclude Russia from the G20, and the reaction was positive."

20:30 The news agency of the Ministry of Defense compared the losses of the Russian army in 26 days of the war in Ukraine and in ten years in Afghanistan:

20:26 Proposals to create a new Nuremberg Tribunal to investigate Russia's crimes in Ukraine are getting louder. From the point of view of international law, there is no ban on the creation of a new international court. Read more about this possibility in the article Special Tribunal for Putin - How Possible?

20:22 Russian occupiers began shelling Mariupol from the sea, CNBC reports citing a high-ranking Pentagon official. According to him, seven warships are shelling the city.

20:21 The Russians fired on Lozovaya in the Kharkiv region: one person died, 30 were injured, the head of the territorial community, Sergei Zelensky, said.

20:19 Zelensky was invited to the summit of NATO leaders at the end of this week. He is expected to speak via video link.

20:16 Chairman of the Akhtyrsky District Council Sergei Kirichka was released from the captivity of the Russian invaders - he was kept in the basement for a week, said Elena Shulyak, head of the Servant of the People party.

20:14 In the Kherson region, the occupiers kidnapped the headman of Staraya Zburyevka, Viktor Marunyak, said the head of the Golopristan City Council, Alexander Babich.

20:13 The European Commission has proposed to allocate three billion euros from the EU budget to the EU countries that accept Ukrainian refugees, said Ursula von der Leyen.

19:59 The United States has clear evidence that the Russian military in Ukraine deliberately opened fire on civilian infrastructure, writes CNN, citing a senior Pentagon official. Such actions of the aggressor, he said, are regarded as a war crime.

19:41 The economy of Ukraine is suffering greatly from Russian aggression: the fall in GDP could be a third of the pre-war level, said IMF Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva.

19:23 Polish President Andrzej Duda on Russian aggression: “Poles are now saying with tears in their eyes: Mariupol is like Warsaw in 1944, when the Nazi Germans brutally bombed residential buildings, mercilessly killing civilians. Today, the behavior of the Russian army and Russian leaders is exactly the same like Hitler, the German SS and the pilots of the fascist army. These are unprecedented killings that the free world should not put up with."

19:21 At the upcoming EU summit, the creation of a solidarity fund with Ukraine is expected, DPA reports with reference to the draft final statement of the summit. The fund will be used to restore Ukraine after the end of Russian aggression and to support the current leadership of the state while the war is going on. One of the sources of filling the fund should be a donor conference.

19:15 The military administration of Kiev reported that as a result of the strike on Obolon, one person died and three were injured.

19:11 US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken and French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian called for further tightening of sanctions against Russia.

18:49 Representatives of the "DPR" captured an evacuation convoy with employees of the State Emergency Service on an agreed route near Mangush near Mariupol, Vereshchuk said.

18:47 At the NATO summit on March 24, Poland is going to officially propose to the alliance to send peacekeepers to Ukraine, writes kronika24. The Polish Ministry of Defense is intensively working on a project according to which the NATO peacekeeping mission should have 10,000 troops.

18:41 The head of the Dnipropetrovsk OVA, Valentin Reznichenko, announced a missile attack on Pavlograd, as a result of which the Pavlograd-2 railway station was destroyed. The railway bed and rails were destroyed, 15 freight cars derailed, one person died.

18:32 The KGB of Belarus today made a number of statements: on the liquidation of the "residency of Ukraine, acting under diplomatic cover"; that he saw "signs of espionage" in the actions of individual Ukrainian diplomats - eight out of 19 diplomats of the Ukrainian embassy are allegedly career employees of the special services. Also, the KGB stated that Kyiv "is closely cooperating in Belarus with the special services of Lithuania, exchanging data with the intelligence of the NATO countries."

18:29 The Pentagon has not yet seen evidence of the arrival of "volunteers" from other countries in Ukraine to participate in the war on the side of Russia. According to the US Department of Defense, only "Wagnerites" actively participate in hostilities (mainly in the Donbass).

18:21 CNN reports, citing sources in NATO, that Belarusian troops will soon invade Ukraine.

18:08 Ukraine's western neighbors actively support our country in the war against Russia: they accept refugees, supply humanitarian supplies. Hungary was no exception. However, in terms of political issues, Budapest took a special position, trying to maintain relations with the Russian Federation. Read more about this in the material Hungarian Position in the War in Ukraine .

18:06 In Mariupol today at 16:45 near the Neptune basin, the Armed Forces of Ukraine shot down one of the planes of the Russian invaders, which had been destroying the city in recent weeks, the City Council reports.

18:01 In Ukraine, on the border with Poland, on the way to Lviv, the first field hospital has been opened, the Foreign Ministry reports. The staff consists of 65 people - they are all Israeli specialists.

18:00 Greek Foreign Minister Nikos Dendias said he intends to personally accompany the humanitarian mission to Mariupol in coordination with the head of the International Committee of the Red Cross, Peter Maurer.

17:56 The Law Enforcement Committee of the Verkhovna Rada approved a bill introducing criminal liability for unauthorized dissemination of information about the movements and positions of Ukrainian troops. Now for such a video in social networks, you can get from five to eight years in prison. And if this is done by a group or for selfish purposes - from eight to 12 years.

17:50 Polish President Duda said that the founding act of NATO-Russia on relations, cooperation and security has ceased to exist and no longer binds anyone.

17:37 Normalization of relations between Germany and Russia is out of the question as long as Putin remains the head of the Kremlin, said Lars Klingbeil, co-chairman of the ruling SPD party and confidant of Chancellor Scholz.

17:32 German Finance Minister Christian Lindner said that within the framework of the "Marshall Plan-2" Ukraine can receive money for reconstruction after the war from a number of states. Developed countries have come to an agreement to give Ukraine money as free support to rebuild from the destruction by the Russian army.

17:25 Thousands of women and children are forcibly taken to Russia from the temporarily occupied territories , Ombudsman Lyudmila Denisova said.

According to her, in the settlements that the occupying troops enter, so-called "humanitarian corridors" are organized for residents to be taken to the Russian Federation. Women, children, and the elderly are searched, their Ukrainian documents and telephones are taken away, and they are sent to the border regions of Russia, where they are placed in concentration camps with subsequent transfer to settlements in depressed regions.

There is no exact data on the number of such deportees, but we are talking about thousands of Ukrainians. Attempts by Russians to create such "humanitarian corridors" were recorded not only in Donetsk and Lugansk, but also in Kharkov, Chernihiv, Sumy and Kiev regions.

17:12 In Severodonetsk, as a result of shelling by the invaders of local residents who were standing in line at the grocery store, one person died on the spot, more than ten people were hospitalized, the Regional State Administration reported.

17:03 Anonymous hackers reported on their Twitter that they had hacked the Nestlé database, which refused to leave the Russian market. They released 10 gigabytes of data containing email addresses, passwords, lists of company clients, etc. to free access.

17:01 The last two journalists left Mariupol, who recorded Russia's crimes against Ukraine. It was they who distributed pictures of the maternity hospital and the city hospital after the bombing. According to journalists, there are no colleagues left in besieged Mariupol, writes Babel.

16:53 The invaders released Hromadske journalist Victoria Roshchina from captivity, who had to record a video in which she denies her claims to the Russian services that held her captive, and says that they saved her life. The recording was made under pressure from the Russian security forces, Hromadske reports.

16:41 In Mariupol, tankers of the Azov regiment destroyed four enemy tanks, several armored vehicles and infantry of the Russian invaders during a street battle.

16:15 The EU will not introduce quotas for refugees from Ukraine, as it was with the Syrians, said European Commissioner for Internal Affairs Ylva Johansson. According to her, the states themselves indicate how many people they can accept and what their needs are.

The European Commissioner stressed that Russia will not be able to quarrel the EU countries because of the migration crisis.

16:13 The mayor's office of Paris unanimously supported the assignment of "honorary citizenship" to the capital of Ukraine, Kiev, for the first time granting such a status to the city.

16:08 The SBU assesses the likelihood of Belarus' invasion of Ukraine as quite high. Belarus can send 10,000 to 15,000 troops to Ukraine. Possible tactical targets of the Belarusian military in Volhynia are Vladimirets in the Rivne region, Kovel and Lutsk.

16:05 The European Union must be prepared for rising energy prices and grain shortages, the Greek Foreign Ministry said.

16:04 On a number of key topics related to the situation in Ukraine, elements of progress are visible, said UN Secretary General António Guterres.

16:03 Vereshchuk criticized Hungary's position on Russia's war against Ukraine. She did not rule out that Budapest might "really want our Transcarpathia", and called on the Hungarians to change their minds and not repeat the mistakes of World War II, when "Hungary made the wrong choice."

15:44 In some cities of Ukraine that are in the war zone, food is left for 3-4 days, says Steve Gordon, humanitarian response adviser for the Mercy Corps in Ukraine.

15:42 According to WHO, about 500,000 Ukrainian refugees who arrived in Poland suffer from mental health problems. At the same time, 30 thousand have "serious" mental health problems, many of them need support due to trauma.

Earlier it was reported that more than two million Ukrainian refugees moved to Poland.

15:39 About 50-70,000 IT specialists have left Russia, another 70-100,000 may leave the country soon, the Russian Association for Electronic Communications said.

15:32 The minimum punishment for looting in Ukraine has been increased from three to five years, the National Police reported.

15:30 The anthem of Ukraine was played in the Council of Europe for the first time in history.

15:12 Venediktova claims that there are spies and enemy agents in every government agency. She assured that law enforcement agencies identify them and bring them to justice.

15:08 Six people's deputies who went abroad will be held accountable, Venediktova said. According to her, since the beginning of the war, the Office of the Prosecutor General has been monitoring the movement of all top officials.

15:01 Activists on the Polish-Belarusian border have suspended the blocking of trucks heading to Russia. For seven days of protest, they managed to create a line of trucks with a length of 55 kilometers.

The protesters reported that their official permission to protest had expired, and it had become unsafe to be at the border. Now the volunteers are trying to get a new permit.

14:55 The air command of the Skhid hinted that in Chernobaevka, the Ukrainian Armed Forces destroyed the Russian occupiers for the eighth time.

14:52 Well-known photojournalist Maxim Levin disappeared on the front line near Kiev. According to his friend, the last time Levin got in touch was on March 13 in the Vyshgorodsky district - he was in the combat area with a camera.

14:33 In the Vinnitsa region, a Russian Iskander cruise missile was shot down, the head of the regional military administration, Sergei Borzov, said.

14:30 Italy has declared that it supports Ukraine's accession to the EU.

14:17 The Turkish Navy issued a mine alert in the western part of the Black Sea and urged ships to exercise caution in the area.

14:15 Hungary raised fighter jets to intercept an aircraft that allegedly flew in from Ukraine and was heading towards Slovakia, Hungarian media reported, citing the Ministry of Defense.

14:00 Vereshchuk said that a large humanitarian corridor to the Chernihiv region is too dangerous: “Negotiations are ongoing with the invaders to open a humanitarian corridor. But today it has been decided, the military supports it, that it will be too dangerous. The road is mined, it is clearly visible to the enemy and you know the cynicism of the occupiers."

13:47 The network began to distribute the "order", according to which the strongholds in Odessa should be located in schools and hospitals, and the civilian population is prohibited from leaving the city along humanitarian corridors. Odesa OVA claims that this is a fake.

13:45 In Kiev, at about 13:10, a Russian missile was destroyed by air defense forces over Obolon, presumably Point U. The remains of the missile fell into the Dnieper, Gerashchenko reports.

13:32 In Russia, for lack of reserves, the prosecutor's office is purposefully looking for people who have problems with paying loans, alimony and other debts. Debtors are offered exemption from all credit obligations in case of signing a contract with the Russian army, reports the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine.

According to Ukrainian intelligence, such proposals have already begun to spread in the territory of Tatarstan, in Pyatigorsk, Rostov-on-Don and the North Caucasus. The "recruiting" of people who have problems with the law also continues - they are offered a full amnesty in exchange for participating in hostilities in Ukraine.

13:29 Russian invaders use tear gas in Kherson to disperse a rally of local residents.

13:28 The Ministry of Finance of the Netherlands announced that Russian assets worth almost 400 million euros have been frozen in the country.

13:13 Tikhanovskaya, in an address to the Belarusian military, stated that Lukashenko had already committed high treason by providing the territory of Belarus for Russian aggression against Ukraine, which directly contradicts the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus.

She also warned that the invasion of the Belarusian army into Ukraine would become a "shameful stain" and further isolate the Belarusians from the outside world. Tikhanovskaya stressed that everyone who gives the order for the invasion of Belarusian troops into Ukraine will be brought before the tribunal. And those who refuse to carry out criminal orders or surrender will be released from liability.

13:06 Russian aviation today dropped two super-powerful air bombs on Mariupol, the Azov regiment reported.

13:01 Shoigu dismissed the commander of the 6th Army of the Russian Federation for huge combat losses, journalist Roman Tsymbalyuk reports. According to him, 2,000 servicemen were missing in this army, of which about 180 were conscripts.

12:39 Zelensky, in an address to the Italian parliament, called on the country "not to be a resort for killers": "They almost all use Italy as a vacation. Don't be a resort for killers. Block their property, support the embargo, block ports. Prevent a food crisis, help us. This war needs to end faster. And restore Ukraine."

He called for even more sanctions against the Russian Federation - "more pressure is needed on Russia."

12:35 The Italian authorities announced the freezing of assets of Russian oligarchs in the amount of more than 800 million euros.

12:28 Peskov commented on Zelensky's words about a referendum in Ukraine regarding security guarantees and the status of Crimea and Donbass: "This is a sovereign state, there may be domestic procedures, but there are also negotiations."

He also complained that Russia "many days ago handed over draft documents to the Ukrainian side as part of the negotiation process - Kyiv responded to some things, not to others."

Peskov also assured that the Russian Federation does not create "any special structures" in the "territories of Ukraine liberated from nationalists."

12:25 Zelensky talked to the Pope, told him about the difficult humanitarian situation and the blocking of humanitarian corridors by Russian troops.

"We would welcome the mediating role of the Holy See in ending human suffering. Thank you for the prayers for Ukraine and the world," Zelensky wrote.

12:07 According to the UN, 3 million 528 thousand 346 people have left Ukraine since February 24. More than two million of them crossed the border into Poland.

12:04 In the Transcarpathian region, local residents began to receive anti-Hungarian SMS messages, like "Ukraine is for Ukrainians, Magyars for knives." According to local authorities, this is the work of the Russian special services.

12:03 Russian invaders fired at a supermarket in Severodonetsk, where there were people. The number of victims is being specified, said the head of the Lugansk OVA Serhiy Gaidai.

12:00 Arestovich predicts the cessation of active hostilities in Ukraine within two to three weeks.

11:56 A Russian soldier surrendered along with his tank. According to the head of the Kiev School of Public Administration Viktor Andrusiv, now he has been provided with the most comfortable conditions of detention, and after the war he will receive 10,000 dollars and the opportunity to apply for citizenship.

11:53 The Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation reports that Russian airlines have already lost 78 aircraft - all of them were arrested abroad.

11:34 Reznikov called on residents of the occupied territories of Donbass to avoid forced mobilization by all means, and those who were taken into the Russian army to go over to the Ukrainian side as soon as possible.

"Everyone who has already surrendered their weapons is safe. We will deal with all the formalities. The main thing is to avoid the irreparable and save your life. If you have committed a crime, but want to be saved, run. Or surrender. Only very quickly. Active repentance will be taken into account", - added the Minister of Defense.

He stressed that in recent days the Ukrainian army has been increasingly capturing people whom the Russian invaders forcibly mobilized and threw into battle as cannon fodder. Mobilized from the "LDNR" are not included in the statistics of the losses of the Russian army, so for Moscow they are consumables. Soon the number of killed residents of ORDLO will reach thousands.

11:25 The Estonian Foreign Ministry initiates the suspension of Russia's membership in the UN Human Rights Council, "because its activities in no way correspond to the goals of the Council's work."

11:14 The Russians have intensified the shelling of Kharkov and are probing the defense, said the head of the Kharkov regional administration Oleg Sinegubov.

He also said that tomorrow there will be another attempt to organize a green corridor to Izyum: "This is a critical point now. The last three times, when they tried, the occupier did not confirm to us. We have buses and the cargo is ready."

11:10 The first payments of 6,500 hryvnias through ePidtrimka have begun for those who applied on the first day. In total, four million applications were received, money was sent to almost 500,000 Ukrainians, Fedorov said.

He also warned about fraud: people receive SMS with an offer to follow a link for help. You can't click on any of those links.

11:00 The General Staff named the approximate losses of the enemy on the morning of March 22:

personnel - about 15,300 people,
tanks - 509,
armored fighting vehicles - 1556,
artillery systems - 252,
MLRS - 80,
air defense systems - 45,
aircraft - 99,
helicopters - 123,
automotive equipment - 1000,
ships/boats - 3,
tanks with fuel and lubricants - 70,
UAV operational-tactical level - 35,
special equipment - 15.

10:57 Tonight, the Russian invaders attacked the seaport of Nikolaev, the Administration of the Sea Ports of Ukraine reported. As a result of the shelling, the port infrastructure was badly damaged, there were no casualties.

10:55 Last night, the enemy fired at the area of ​​the railway station in Slavyansk, Donetsk region. There were no casualties, local authorities said.

10:51 The Ukrainian Foreign Ministry reminded Hungary, which refused to impose energy sanctions against the Russian Federation, that "if Russia succeeds in achieving its criminal goals in Ukraine, our neighbors will become the next target."

10:47 In the Kharkiv region, a Russian tank shot down a car in which there was a family with two children. The family waved a white flag and shouted that they were civilians. Parents and a nine-year-old girl were killed, a 17-year-old boy was injured, the Prosecutor General's Office said.

10:41 The General Assembly of the European Federation of National Language Institutions (EFNIL) unanimously decided to grant Ukraine the status of an associate member of the organization. Membership in EFNIL will allow Ukraine to form a strategy for the legislative protection of the Ukrainian language as the future language of the EU.

10:39 The road from Chernihiv to Kiev is mined, Mayor Vladislav Atroshenko said in an interview with According to him, about 130 thousand people remained in the city, more than 150 thousand left. Because of the shelling, there has been no heat, electricity and water here for many days, there is very little food and medicine left. Chernihiv is on the verge of a humanitarian catastrophe and under the threat of a complete blockade.

10:36 Borrell said the EU's joint defense strategy, dubbed the Strategic Compass , includes plans to develop a rapid reaction force that would allow the bloc to rapidly deploy up to 5,000 troops for various types of crises. At the same time, each EU country will have its own army, and now we are talking about closer cooperation between them. NATO remains the backbone of Europe's territorial defense.

10:25 Finnish customs detained 21 yachts from the number of those wintering in the ports of the country. Customs officers suspect that all of them are connected with sanctioned Russians. The yachts will remain in their wintering grounds until the moment when their owners are identified, then those belonging to the Russians will be seized.

10:19 During the day, 149 saboteurs were caught in Kiev, the Kiev VGA reported.

10:14 The 128th Brigade captured a high-ranking staff officer of the 58th Russian Army - Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Koshel.

Immediately after the capture of Koshel, the Russians threw significant forces in an attempt to rescue him. Including raised aircraft, which inflicted a fire strike on Ukrainian attack aircraft. As a result of enemy fire, no one was injured, the prisoner was taken to a safe rearward place.

09:50 The personnel of the units of the marines of the Russian Federation, preparing for the assault on Odessa, were destroyed by the Ukrainian military near Nikolaev and Mariupol, said the speaker of the operational headquarters of the Odessa OVA Sergey Bratchuk. He clarified that part of the train "is still hanging out in the sea, but will go to feed the bulls."

09:46 Today, humanitarian corridors will work to evacuate Mariupol residents, Vereshchuk said. Three routes have been agreed: Berdyansk - Zaporozhye, Mangush community - Zaporozhye, Nikolskoe - Zaporozhye.

09:40 In the Ship area of ​​Nikolaev after enemy firing the gas station caught fire. Three men were killed and one woman was injured, according to the State Emergency Service.

09:28 Zelensky on the rights of the Russian language and languages ​​of national minorities, including Hungarian: "I believe that we can agree on such things, and they must be human. You cannot demand: look, we have such a minority. We are no longer calling minorities, but communities. And they say, for example: they had a school there, they spoke, for example, Hungarian, Russian. Questions of mirror attitude, mirror respect. We talk about such things, I think that these are normal things."

09:09 At night, a strike was made on villages in the Krivoy Rog region, Vilkul said. In particular, the villages of Malaya Kostromka and Zelenodolsk were fired from Gradov. According to preliminary data, there are no casualties.

09:03 Zelensky believes that Putin wants to seize not only Ukraine, but also the Baltic countries, as well as establish control over other countries in Europe, as the Soviet Union once did.

According to the Ukrainian president, during the negotiations, the Russian side specifically puts forward such demands that Kyiv definitely refuses them - then the Kremlin will have an excuse that Ukraine did not want to negotiate. All this can lead to the beginning of the Third World War.

08:49 Podolyak on a possible meeting between Zelensky and Putin: "When the working groups, as part of the negotiation process, develop some preliminary documents and they are handed over to the presidents, they will assess whether this is already a road map that can be discussed face-to-face "Then. Then this meeting can be. When it can be - I'm not ready to say, because some phrases are constantly heard, in two, three days or in a week. There is no specific date."

08:39 The British Ministry of Defense admits that the use of hypersonic missiles by Russia aims to "divert attention from the lack of progress" in the ground campaign.

08:17 Over the past day, according to the General Staff, Ukrainian defenders repelled 13 enemy attacks and destroyed 14 tanks, eight infantry fighting vehicles, two MTLBs, three artillery systems and four vehicles. Air defense units hit two enemy air targets. The loss of enemy personnel amounted to about 300 people. In addition, the Raptor patrol boat and the Leer-3 electronic warfare complex were destroyed in Mariupol.

08:10 In the Akhtyrsky district, about 300 invaders refused to carry out the order to conduct hostilities and left the area with 70 pieces of equipment, the General Staff said.

07:59 Russian troops have stocks of ammunition and food for no more than three days. A similar situation with fuel, according to the General Staff.

07:48 According to the Association of Sappers, in Ukraine now it is necessary to clear about one sixth of the territory - 82.5 thousand square kilometers.

07:12 The mayor of Boryspil urged local residents to leave their homes because fighting is going on around the city. He explained that, "as the practice of those cities where fighting is taking place shows, the smaller the civilian population, the easier it is for the Armed Forces of Ukraine to work."

07:01 Zelensky named two necessary stages of agreements with Moscow: at the first, the issue of security guarantees for Ukraine should be resolved, at the second, the status of Crimea and Donbass will be discussed.

"I think that this is a very complicated story. For everyone. Both Crimea and Donbass. In order to find some way out there, we must first take a step towards guaranteeing security and ending the war. At the same time, we must agree that we are resolving the issue of temporarily occupied territories. We will solve them, but only after this step," the president said in an interview with Suspilny.

He added that it would be possible to resolve the issue of Crimea and Donbass only at the second meeting with Putin, and the first one would have to be completely devoted to the topic of guarantees.

06:55 The Pentagon accused the Russian army of committing war crimes in Ukraine and said it would help collect evidence.

06:32 Ukraine will continue the transit of Russian gas as long as it is technically possible , head of Naftogaz Yuriy Vitrenko told Bloomberg. He clarified that Russian troops in Ukraine are very careful with the transit gas infrastructure. According to Vitrenko, Ukraine now fully controls the transit of gas, and Gazprom uses the contracted capacity.

05:17 Bennett may be preparing a visit to Kiev, Israeli media write.

04:35 The head of the Kiev Regional Military District Oleksandr Pavlyuk explained that the Ukrainian army cannot yet carry out any actions either in Bucha or in Gostomel: “We need to keep the enemy in his attempts to cross the Irpin River and go on the offensive against Kiev. So far, the potential does not allow we will switch to offensive operations in this direction, only locally. We are building up potential, while the enemy's is decreasing."

02:58 Russia's accusations that Kiev is creating biological and chemical weapons are untrue and only say that Putin himself is considering using them in the war against Ukraine, Biden said.

01:09 Ukrainian troops liberated Makarov, Kiev region, confirmed at the State Headquarters.

01:06 In the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the planned dismissal of officers, warrant officers and sergeants from military service has been suspended, the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine reports.

00:14 In Uzhgorod, a sabotage group was detained, which was preparing crimes in Ukraine, the head of the Transcarpathian OVA said. In turn, Uzhgorod deputy Vitaliy Glagola announced the liquidation of an FSB agent who planned an assassination attempt on Zelensky.

Posted by:badanov
