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Fifth Column
Netroots turn on Dems in a white-hot frenzy of fratricidal rage
The Blogometer

BLOGGERS VS BELTWAY: They're Mad As Hell...

The netroots are hopping mad over the Senate's vote to condemn MoveOn's 'Gen. Betray Us' ad. However, even some Beltway types are weighing in for the netroots. Paul Begala blogs at The Huffington Post: "Too many Democrats still think Mr. Bush's presidency is on the level. Let's be clear. Mr. Bush is not leading a serious, sober discussion about public discourse during a war. He wants to divide progressives and score political points. We should not let him. Throughout his career he's been willing to tolerate and benefit from vicious lies about military men. We should not concede that he is legitimately angry now." Netroots reactions include:
  • Open Left's Matt Stoller: "We already know that Republicans are a gang of psychotic criminals. The lesson I'm drawing from this episode is any non-progressive Democrat may and often will betray us at any time."

  • Talking Points Memo's David Kurtz: "Correct me if I'm wrong here. But by my calculation, more U.S. senators (72) voted today to condemn a newspaper ad attacking Gen. Petraeus than voted yesterday (56) to lengthen the time off troops get from the frontlines in Iraq, thereby reducing individual soldiers exposure to actual attacks. Am I missing something, or is that about right?"

  • Rabid Fire Dog Lake's Jane Hamsher: "It's not just MoveOn that is having their wrists slapped, it's all of us. All of us who stood together and had the temerity to fight their precious comrade in comity, Joe Lieberman."

  • Open Left's Mike Lux: "I know that not everyone in the progressive movement was totally comfortable with the MoveOn ad about Gen. Petraeus, but whatever you thought, the right wing is now coming for them with all their hounds baying. This censure resolution in the Senate is a load of crap, designed to intimidate and silence strong dissent on the war."

  • Reno and Its DiscontentsMyrna Minx: "Today, our dear senators easily managed to vote against an ad run in the NYTimes by, but yesterday they couldn't muster enough votes to rescind habeas corpus or demonstrate their support and care for our troops by giving them more time between tour of duties, because the price the troops are paying is so small that they would be demeaned by such efforts to relieve them. How can you get more cowardly?"

  • The Huffington Post's Ian Welsh: "The fact of the matter is that Petraeus's testimony to Congress was based on statistics that are, effectively, lies. ... By lying to Congress Petraeus effectively betrayed the US. He also betrayed his men on the ground. ... The honeymoon is over, and the Democrats who did this will reap what they sowed. Both they, and the netroots will be worse for it, but there is no way out - the real betrayal, in the end, was of the base, by these Democrats."

  • Working Assests' Justin Krebs: "The Senate is filled with cowards, many of whom have just -- in the words of the controversial ad -- betrayed us. McCarthyism is back...who wants to be censured next?"

  • The Huffington Post's Lane Hudson: "MoveOn has done more than anyone else in this country to bring an end to the war. Anyone. ... But, the Democrats in Congress didn't take the time to look past the baseless finger pointing and elementary name-calling. Instead, they gave in to cowardly instinct and said a big "F@*# YOU" to the millions of Americans who call themselves a part of the Netroots Movement and have worked side by side with MoveOn to end the War."

Daily Kos diarist Mike Stark blogged: "I've been waiting for this moment - it's been a long time coming. In preparation, I registered the domain names,, [and] .net and I've researched the cost of purchasing" Stark goes on to explain his plan: "We are forming a donors' union and going on strike. ... each donor will promise to give NotOneRedCent to elected Democrats or organizations that give money to elected democrats. Instead, they will promise to use their money to contribute to progressive organizations and candidates that, as proved by their record, support the furtherance of progressive ideals.
Yes! That's just what the Democratic Party needs: a purge!
Let's demonstrate to the Blue Dogs that the Democratic Party isn't their home after all. Senator Webb will be pleased.
Crooks and LiarsNicole Belle seconds Stark's idea: "In fact, I'm going to take the money I would have donated to Democratic campaigns and donating it to MoveOn so that they can redouble their efforts. Let those gutless Democrats in the Senate who once again caved to Republican framing know, 'I will fight back.'"
You GO, girrrrl!
More here

Nice to know that the nutroots appreciate how the Blue Dogs gave them the Congress in the first place.
Posted by:Mike

#21  I'll be so happy when ALL these lunatics come to Denver foaming at the mouth.

It will make campaigning in Colorado that much easier, with their mask ripped off and no way to hid it.
Posted by: OldSpook   2007-09-22 16:44  

#20  Republican voters, be aware, there is an organization Counsel on Foreign Relations that supports members of both parties. These are the NAFTA people who push for the North American Union and no fence. Bush, Clinton, Kerry, Gore, Dole, Thompson, Romney, Richardson, Obama, Edwards, and McCain are a few of its members.
We must elect a non-CFR republican and push for inclusion into the everyday workings of our gubmint via petition, inititive and referendum.
As it stands today, the MSM create issues which divide republicans like abortion and gay whatever, then the CFR ushers in a new member president for four more years of deceit. If abortion is actually an issue then why have none of the last 5 or 6 presidents done nothing for or against abortion ?
Get a grip, voters. Vote for a non-CFR republican. My word on the democrats is all corruption all the time. They can never do us any good and must be destroyed like the MSM.
Keep the discussion going...take America back.
Posted by: wxjames   2007-09-22 16:39  

#19  Popcorn please.
Posted by: Muggsy Unusorong5346   2007-09-22 15:42  

#18  Such consternation. I find it quite humorous.
Posted by: Abu Uluque6305   2007-09-22 14:47  

#17  The more extreme they've become, the more elections they've won.

Which neatly explains how a barking mad loon like Hillary is their frontrunner.

Is there some sort of magic that's supposed to change things around-- other than pure wishful thinking? If so, I want to know WTF it is; because the way it looks to me right now, we're in for a massive Republican defeat next year.

The republicans need to get on topic and on message and do it damn soon. Stupendous betrayals of the American people—like the immigration bill—have rightfully disenchanted a huge number of their stalwart voters. They need to focus on issues of substance, like securing the nation's borders. That's one issue the democrats won't even touch. More importantly, beating the war drum is not the same as clearly delineating the threat of Islam. When Christian America finally is made to understand the real goals of our Muslim colonists they might snap out of their delusions regarding peaceful coexistence.

Likewise with the fence-sitters and centrists. The mainstream media consistently has downplayed the implications of Islam colonizing the West. The republicans have a golden opportunity to create an exclusive rallying point the democrats simply cannot touch. Conservative politicians can ignore this fact but only at their peril.
Posted by: Zenster   2007-09-22 13:55  

#16  Was in Lyndon Johnson who said "The only difference between liberals and cannibals is that cannibals only eat their enemies."?
Posted by: Vinegar Hupusotle9601   2007-09-22 12:31  

#15  Ewwwwwww. I feel sticky.
Posted by: mcsegeek1   2007-09-22 11:43  

#14  The Republicans got in deep trouble last election because they had 6 years to get it right and fell on on their fat a$$es. The nutcase Left is filling the vacuum. The solid, middle of the road, patriotic American has nowhere to go.

I would like to see independents get in on government and clean it up, but honest, hardworking, patriotic Americans do not want to enter the septic tank of Washington politics (with no disrespect intended toward the hard-working septic tanks of this country).
Posted by: Alaska Paul   2007-09-22 11:03  

#13  We really need to keep this up. Keep the dhimocrats and the nutroots in the news. This, along with Billery's awful negative view numbers will sink any chance of the dhims getting the presidency. Congress as well has a good chance of falling away from their control as well.
Posted by: DarthVader   2007-09-22 10:58  

#12  "In fact, I'm going to take the money I would have donated to Democratic campaigns and donating it to MoveOn"

Me too! Do they feel their wallets weighing them down now?
Posted by: Glenmore   2007-09-22 10:51  

#11  In preparation, I registered the domain names,, [and] .net and I've researched the cost of purchasing"

How much research does this take? Does somebody already own If so, ask them what they want for it.
Posted by: Excalibur   2007-09-22 10:36  

#10  "Making the pols condemn (or not) the nuts is a win-win."

That much, I agree with. I hope you're right, Frank, I really REALLY do. But I'm not counting on it.
Posted by: Dave D.   2007-09-22 10:29  

#9  teh? PIMF
Posted by: Frank G   2007-09-22 10:25  

#8  DD - IMNSHO, teh great middle of America will be turned off by teh extremists. Up til now, the Donks have been able to hide their ugly sides. I'd posit that the Lieberman win could be the model for coming elections: the nutroots and their bought-and-paid-for pols so turn off the voters that they lose, big. Let's see who turns out right? Making the pols condemn (or not) the nuts is a win-win
Posted by: Frank G   2007-09-22 10:24  

#7  Is anyone register

Looks like it....

How about Nope. Ready to buy. is taken tho.
Posted by: Thomas Woof   2007-09-22 10:22  

#6  Stop whining, and go start the Progressive Party, already.

Sheesh, these leftists are freakin' cry babies.
Posted by: Hyper   2007-09-22 10:14  

#5  I don't think there's any cause for gloating over this. The extreme Left has done a damn good job of taking over the Democratic Party lock, stock and barrel, and I see no signs-- none whatsoever-- of their stranglehold being loosened anytime soon.

As for the American voting public's imminent rejection of these liberal lunatics... you've gotta be kidding me. The Democrats lost in the 2002 midterm elections and decided it was because they weren't extreme enough in their opposition to Bush; they got a lot more extreme in 2004, and damn near won the Presidency; and then they went DEEP into the fever swamps of anti-American, anti-GWoT, Republican-hating lunacy in 2006, and promptly won both houses of Congress.

The more extreme they've become, the more elections they've won. Is there some sort of magic that's supposed to change things around-- other than pure wishful thinking? If so, I want to know WTF it is; because the way it looks to me right now, we're in for a massive Republican defeat next year.

Posted by: Dave D.   2007-09-22 10:12  

#4  this is delicious. We need to provoke these nuts to tear the Dem party in two. Continue to make the Donk politicians vote on the nut's positions in front of the nation: they are faced with Cut and Run/Bashing the military (I think it was DepotGuy who nailed that yesterday) or getting their votes thrown in their faces in the general elections. What works in the Donk primaries won't fly with the mainstream of America, and the blogs won't let them lie about their votes like the MSM would've in the past.
Posted by: Frank G   2007-09-22 09:25  

#3  Hmmmmmm. A feeding frenzy amongst the cannibals.
Maybe they aren't as influential as they think?
Posted by: tu3031   2007-09-22 09:14  

#2  Netroots Movement Nutroots Movement. There that's fixed.

The far left is foaming at the mouth. They have a tantrum when they don't have their way. Spoiled adolescents. If they have a meltdown and engage in fratricide; what's the down side? How do you know the left is humorless and angry? They are humorless and angry all the time.
Posted by: JohnQC   2007-09-22 09:07  

#1  Yes! That's just what the Democratic Party needs: a purge!

Cause we all know how well that worked with Lieberman.

Maybe because they've never understood what real 'democracy' is about, that they're having such a hard time with this all. Watch their totalitarian streak start to come out. There is but one true god and it is theirs, all others are false and must be destroyed. No wonder they have so much in common with the Islamists. And like the Islamists they've already declared everyone else to be the 'enemy'. There's no concept of others having a legitimate difference of opinion. Watch what the unquenched thirst for POWER does to people.
Posted by: Procopius2k   2007-09-22 08:35  
