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Rantburg Ramadan of Arabia™
The Active Index of Rantburg Recipes – 10-16-06

A Rantburg Ramadan™

A Rantburg Ramadan Part II™

More Rantburg Ramadan™

Son of A Rantburg Ramadan™

The Son of Rantburg Ramadan Returns™

The Bride of Rantburg Ramadan™

A Rantburg Ramadan – The Prequel ™

A Rantburg Ramadan – The Sequel ™

A Rantburg Ramadan Strikes Back™

Revenge of the Rantburg Ramadan™

Rantburg Ramadan Battles the Roller Maidens from Outer Space ™

Crouching Rantburg Hidden Ramadan™

Rantburg Ramadan’s Flying Circus™

A Rantburg Ramadan Meets Abbot and Costello™

A Rantburg Ramadan – First Blood™

A Rantburg Ramadan vs. King Kong™

Fear and Loathing In Rantburg Ramadan™

Rantburg Ramadan the 13th ™

Enter the Rantburg Ramadan™

Post # 1:
A Formal Dinner for Eid al-Fitr
Roast Suckling Pig with Truffles
Submitted by Jack Bross

Post # 4:
Mushroom Stuffed Chops
Main Course
Submitted by Zenster

Post # 5:
Bacon Wrapped Chicken Breasts
Easy Poultry Main Course
Submitted by Zenster

Rantburg Ramadan Reloaded™

Post # 1:
Pit Roasted Hawg
Old Style Barbecued Pig
Submitted by Shipman

Post # 3:
The Mother of All Ramadan Soups
Barley and Bean Vegetable Soup
Submitted by anon1

Post # 19:
Classic American Comfort Food
Submitted by Zenster

Post # 20:
Club Sandwich
Classic American Lunch Order
Submitted by Zenster
Posted by:Zenster

#4  Today's schedule did not permit the usual three recipes. Please stay tuned until tomorrow when it will be all about pork and all about another Rantburg Ramadan.

Warmest Ramadan Wishes,

Posted by: Zenster   2006-10-16 23:42  

#3  Breakfast Burrito
Mexican Fusion Style Morning Meal

Preparation Time: 20 Minutes

Serves: 2 People


6 Slices Smoked Bacon
6 Breakfast Sausage Links
4 Slices Ham
4 Large Grade AA Eggs
2-4 Slices Cheddar Cheese (or American process cheese)
2 Large Flour Tortillas (12” or 14” size)
Generous dose of Crystal Hot Sauce


Hashed Brown Potatoes
Sour Cream
Fresh Salsa


Fry the bacon and sausage links over medium heat in a large skillet until done. While bacon and sausages are browning, add slices of ham to the skillet and heat to temperature. Drain on paper towels and blot with another paper towel to remove residual grease.

Wipe skillet clean of excess grease and fry a batch of sunny side up or scrambled eggs according to preference. Once the eggs are three-quarters cooked, remove from stove, leave in warm pan and reserve for later use.

Heat the large flour tortillas directly over a medium-high running gas burner or electric element until they begin to bubble and brown all over. Flip each tortilla several times while crisping, rotating it to help brown it all around. Wrap them in foil or keep in a warm oven to hold until assembly.

Returning each tortilla to the hot burner set on low, center the cheese portion and allow it to melt. As this happens, layer in the bacon, sausage and ham slices. Top all of them with the fried or scrambled eggs, douse with Crystal Hot Sauce or fresh made salsa and add the hash browns or simply fold up into the classic burrito shape. Serve immediately.
Posted by: Zenster   2006-10-16 23:39  

#2  You're a legend!!

Some might add: "In my own mind", but I'll happily settle for your kind praise, anon1. I'm confident that many of us here at the 'Burg would welcome your own direct observations regarding how Australians are dealing with the routine and most hideous Muslim incursions in your neck of the woods.

I'll even go so far as to speak up for many of us here and give you and your nation's Diggers deep and abiding thanks for the fabulous effort being made towards helping dispatch Muslim fascists to the hell they so richly deserve. We here in America cannot thank you enough. Howard does each and all of us proud with his unflinching condemnation of Islamic aggression.
Posted by: Zenster   2006-10-16 22:47  

#1  Thanks, Zen, for putting in my mother of all ramadan soups!!

You're a legend!!
Posted by: anon1   2006-10-16 19:59  
