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Pak Parliament demand Pope to retract remarks on Islam
The parliament on Friday unanimously condemned Pope Benedict XVI and passed resolutions demanding him withdraw his remarks against Prophet Muhammad (PTUI PBUH) and the concept of jihad.
I demand he decree a new Crusade...
Pope Benedict sparked an outcry with comments in a theological lecture in Germany on Tuesday which many in the Muslim world have regarded as an implicit denunciation of connections between Islam and violence.
... the two being two side of the same coin and all...
Both houses of parliament - the Senate and National Assembly - passed resolutions urging the Pope to withdraw his remarks to promote peace and brotherhood among the world communities. The resolutions said that the Pope’s remarks could inflame inter-religion conflicts in the already volatile world after 9/11 and at a time when many people believed in the ‘clash of civilizations’ theory. The resolution passed by the National Assembly reads: “This house condemns Pope Benedict XVI’s remarks, which hurt the sentiments of millions of Muslims across the world. The Pope’s remarks are also against the United Nations Charter that urges respect for all religions.” It adds, “The house also asks the Pope to withdraw his remarks . . . and help save the world from further conflicts.”
Posted by:Fred

#41  Iran on the other hand, is really starting to push the limits...

Thoth they are all heads on the same hydra.

I am with .com and Zen. The conjectures etc.
My parents did the forties. They didn't talk about it much.
It's our turn. Technically the younger guys/gals, but it's us 50somethings who will be reviled. So be it. Our children will live free.
On 9/11/01 I knew subconciously what was up.
Now that it is all too clear,
I know why the Andrews Sisters kept playing in my head.
Posted by: J.D. Lux   2006-09-16 22:23  

#40  So, choose: Domestic Cleanup, Foreign Whack-a-Mole, or the Sidelines. If the latter, take this to the bank: stay the fuck out of the way.

I'm onboard for "Domestic Cleanup"! My MFD list grows longer every day.
Posted by: Texas Redneck   2006-09-16 22:15  

#39  Lessons B Hard. History is replete with examples, it's hard to locate an exception in fact, of societies which were dragged into war by the most vocal and acrimonious among them - I think of them as the "activated" Muzzies. Shorthand it to Asshats for convenience and clarity. Those not overtly "activated" among them I think of as the "resource pool" for they are either complicit in their support or irrelevant in their silence. Even the most innocent among them, let's call them the LMOOIs (Leave Me Out Of It), will be going to war, sooner or later... dragged there by the majority who fill the other categories. It has always been thus, and always will be so. Tough shit - for all of us.

Bing-effing-go, .com. All this blasted handwringing about moderate Muslims needs to stop, NOW! Confronted with the danger of Islamic terrorism we must, for once and all, decide that whatever silent minority or majority there is, is just that, silent and therefore irrelevant.

That so much zakat continues to flow into jihadist coffers from these silent Muslims makes them into tacit accomplices and nothing else. Until they actively unmake their unstated alliance with jihadist Islam, they must be considered every bit the threat that the terrorists are.

Glad to see you weigh in on this, .com. I was thinking about you earlier today as I banged someone over the head with quoted "Deteriorata". Great post, keep up the good work.
Posted by: Zenster   2006-09-16 21:55  

#38  Posted by .com

There was good reason I've missed this guy. Great post, responding in a few. Bear with me, I'm cooking right now.
Posted by: Thoth   2006-09-16 18:41  

#37  Damn "com" you nailed it!
Posted by: 3dc   2006-09-16 18:08  

#36  Thoth I would agree I would not like a holy war, but the muzzies want it one way or another and they are going to do something so horrendous that we will drop to their primitive state and destroy them.
Posted by: djohn66   2006-09-16 17:07  

#35  Word, .com. Especially:

Why is Islam so blatantly aggressive today when the West could obliterate them? Simple: we didn't do fuck-all about their earlier attacks

Lessons B Hard. ... There is a Perfect Storm in progress. We have more than one enemy and they have made common cause, an alliance of convenience attacking us on multiple fronts, in many forms. It is aggression meant to bring us down, including physical attacks, informational propaganda, political subversion, economic ruin, and erosion of morale and identity. Some are internal, some are external, but they are obviously in collusion.
Posted by: lotp   2006-09-16 16:32  

#34  Gawd. I wish you'd get off the dime and take a damn position, PD.

Posted by: Frank G   2006-09-16 16:29  

#33  Note: while I was whanging away at my keyboard, youse guys have moved way on down the tracks, lol. Sorry if I'm out of sync...

Lotsa folks coming at this from every angle - all well-meaning, all rational and reasoned from the commenter's POV, all worthy of consideration... Here's mine, FWIW. Apologies for restating the obvious here 'n there - it's my Joycean (Joycian?) thought processes which are to blame.

I'm with Zen. I believe we have few choices, but must survive. What remains to us to decide is how we do it. No matter how we conduct ourselves in this war, as a society, some will disagree. I won't apologize to anyone who thinks me bloody-minded. Tis our freedoms which allow each his or her say - and those are what I seek to defend, even if, as did Abraham Lincoln, we have to suspend some rights to achieve survival. I stand with everyone here who is willing to do whatever it takes - and I mean whatever it takes. You can get all nasty and shit with me / us later, if we survive this generation-long test of will. I vigorously recommend the story Dan Simmons' The Traveler (Thanks, lotp!) for a more readable version of the ramifications. My comment here is pathetic, in comparison. Okay, enough of the preambling...

We're at war. Whether accepted, or not, adequately described in words we can all agree upon, or not, meeting with our personal comfort factors, or not, conforming to our personal notions of fair play, or not, breaching the threshold of provocation into the realm of decisive action, or not -- we are at war.

It only takes one side to wage war. The aggressor, Asshat Islam, isn't complaining - their targeted foe, the entire Western World, mostly sits on its hands and blathers on about the deeper meanings, what constitutes war and how can we acceptably respond if it is so, and questions if it is actually so, or merely appears to be so. Multiple Pearl Harbors have already occurred, some were decades ago, yet still most of us dither. Why is Islam so blatantly aggressive today when the West could obliterate them? Simple: we didn't do fuck-all about their earlier attacks (e.g. Oil Embargo, US Embassy takeover, blowing up the Marine Barracks in Beirut, etc). We gave them solid reasons to believe we'd sit here, fat, dumb, and complacent, while they did their Lilliputian best to kill us. And, were it not for Bush, they'd be perfectly right. Blather, dither, wringeth hands. Rinse. Repeat. Pfeh. Thank you Dubya for getting some of us off the dime.

I have a theory: All this hair-splitting and equivocating is just the conscious mind trying to figure out how the hell to justify in comfortable terms what the subconscious knows to be fact.

Complicating matters is the remarkably successful campaign, remarkable for its outrageous cognitive dissonance, IMHO, to demonize America. Many who would LOVE to come here, have chosen to hate us. Boggle. The rest are so bereft of dignity and gumption that they are either triangulating for short-term gain or just need a bogeyman. There is an entire school of thought which believes that every society needs a convenient demon to demonize, an adversary to pit itself against, and the more powerful it is, the more laudable and brave the society is that roars its mousy little head off in opposition. The Last Remaining Superpower, lol. We're a very soft and convenient and accommodating target -- until we're not. Go ahead kiddies, wail away - we won't do diddley-squat cuz you're too small to swat and we're in Full Moral Equivalency Dither. Except for Bush. Yeah, he's still trying to find the words that frame our dilemma, but have no doubts or illusions, he is trying to defend us within the realm of reality. And he'll get there, though it will cost him his comfort zone, too, just as it costs us. We are all moving along, kicking and screaming every step of the way - even him.

Lessons B Hard. History is replete with examples, it's hard to locate an exception in fact, of societies which were dragged into war by the most vocal and acrimonious among them - I think of them as the "activated" Muzzies. Shorthand it to Asshats for convenience and clarity. Those not overtly "activated" among them I think of as the "resource pool" for they are either complicit in their support or irrelevant in their silence. Even the most innocent among them, let's call them the LMOOIs (Leave Me Out Of It), will be going to war, sooner or later... dragged there by the majority who fill the other categories. It has always been thus, and always will be so. Tough shit - for all of us.

There is a Perfect Storm in progress. We have more than one enemy and they have made common cause, an alliance of convenience attacking us on multiple fronts, in many forms. It is aggression meant to bring us down, including physical attacks, informational propaganda, political subversion, economic ruin, and erosion of morale and identity. Some are internal, some are external, but they are obviously in collusion. I doubt that even the Civil War (CW-I) posed as dangerous a threat to the survival of the truly unique experiment called America and the revolutionary principles upon which we were founded.

The communications revolution has brought us an avalanche of data. Much of it, like cable TV, is half-baked trash, but we must sort through it, nonetheless, applying our own filters, to arrive at the bits that we can call fact and then assimilate into our understanding. Since many of us are lazy intellectually Weak Willies, we've lost a fair-sized segment to the easy answers, the Stalinists such as ISM and Code Pink and the rest - the Giant Puppet crowd - who work tirelessly to peddle their lies and distortions. I think a few are just ronery idjits trying to get laid like Dad did during the "anti-war" 60's, but that's just my opinion. Information parsing is like mining diamonds: maybe a ton of rock mined per carat gleaned.

To my mind, the disinformationists are even more deadly and more deserving of death than suicide bombers - they seek to erode and destroy the will to fight, removing all of our intellectual and technological advantages. They seek to drag us down to the level of the barbarians. Irony lives here... To defeat them we will eventually have to adopt barbaric measures. This will be, by far, the ugliest, nastiest, most divisive and contentious, and the most important campaign in the WoT. The internal enemies are why we face CW-II. This is not an "if" campaign, it is a "when" campaign. "When" it comes, I will show no quarter.

Iranian nukes. Talebunnies. PakiWakis. Proxy Wars. Saudi ticks. UN farce. CAIR. ISM. ANSWER. Dhimmidonk Senate and Pubbie RINOs. MSM. Immigration. Bolton. And yep, China.

So, choose: Domestic Cleanup, Foreign Whack-a-Mole, or the Sidelines. If the latter, take this to the bank: stay the fuck out of the way. Now I'll say the unthinkable... Snipe away if you truly believe you must, but don't be surprised if you're mistaken for a Stalinist or one of their tools, since that is precisely what you'll be. If you escape justice in CW-II, then by all means, wring your hands when it's all over and your freedom to do so has been preserved. Just one last thing: it is perfectly safe in a free society to be a coward and an ankle-biting fuckwit a generation after the dust has settled... but it's just bad luck that you don't have that luxury today. It is every American's lot to choose and live with that choice. Nothing new there, in fact, several generations have found themselves bearing the burden. Sure, it sucks, but You Can't Wait For Good Timing - not only is that choice unavailable, it's an oxymoron, lol.
Posted by: .com   2006-09-16 16:20  

#32  Bing-effing-go, Duh!.
Posted by: Zenster   2006-09-16 16:19  

#31  "Consistent with the UN Charter?"

What about freedom of religion?! Freedom to choose and freedom to leave, ie. By this token all 56 muslim countries should be ineligible to be in the UN(as useless an outfit as it may be).
#!%$#@ hypocrites!
Posted by: Duh!   2006-09-16 15:48  

#30  I'm hoping it doesn't come down to that Frank. Yes, there are many animals in the Middle East that deserve to die, but there are a lot of human beings too that don't want and don't deserve any part of this madness.

Then they had better speak up quickly and loudly. Their window of opportunity is closing rapidly and, most likely, permanently.

True - you don't see them clamoring to get out before it hits, or to overturn the MMA/ISI regimes in Pak, to name just one target.

... Expose and condemn/deny this evil, or perish along with it. Sorry, there is no alternative

Word, Frank. To date, zero exposure and only negligible condemnation, which is usually of an almost unanimously equivocal nature anyway. Sorry, Achmed, day late and a dollar short.

I think you're calling that option early. America is not going to be taken over by Islamic assholes tomorrow.

Toth, the advent of nuclear weapons has changed all of this. That “tomorrow” is rapidly arriving. Think, “Iran”.

If he is just shouting to oblivian and has no power to do that, why should I wish that I or We kill him for expressing his foolish opinion?

These genocidal psychopaths are not just “shouting to oblivion”. They are consistently advocating nuclear attacks on the West and inculcating each successive generation with increasingly malevolent programming. The luxury of not taking these violent fanatics seriously is gone forever, never to return.

I'm seeing your analogy, and asking if you would go to chemo to remove a pimple?

Understating the threat of fascist Islam by calling it “a pimple” is like calling a great white shark a goldfish with a severe overbite problem.

Look, I'm not interested in trying to get them to grow up and leave the medieval world behind. They apparently like living with a backwards, repressive and hateful ideology, no matter how many chances they get to have something approaching a civilized government. They have proved it time and again. So be it.

Sorry, Blondie, no such luxury exists anymore. The proliferation of atomic weapons has forever changed the equation. These Neanderthals must be dragged kicking and screaming into the 21st century or be faced with extermination. They lust after a nuclear attack upon the West. This is the great Islamic wet dream and they will either forsake it or face annihilation.

I gave no timeline. I merely said that continuing on their existing path will ineveitably lead to their destruction. Prolly in an exchange with India

With respect to Pakistan, I tend to agree with you, Frank.

That is leading to miscalculations. Which in a world with city killing devices and most of the world living upon the surplus of the West to stay one level away from devastating plagues and famine, it means lots of even more innocent people are going to pay the price for every day of delay from doing what is necessary, no matter how ugly it may seem.

Which goes back to what I've been saying about how terrorism diverts such vast financial and manpower resources from other more deserving enterprises, like fighting disease, illiteracy, institutionalized abuse of women, famine and tyranny, nearly all of which are the hallmarks of Islamic rule. Any delay in subduing Islam only increases the likelihood of even more horrendous measures being required later. Europe's constant appeasement of Muslims almost guarantees that their continent will, once again, become yet another charnel house. It is critical to remember that this impending disaster is the fault of Islam and not to be blamed upon any inaction by the West.

You don’t have to kill them all. You don’t have to clear the planet of their religion. However, because they only understand the ‘primitive’ you’re going to have to thump them mighty big before they pay serious attention. The longer the delay, the bigger the price.

I sure as hell hope that you’re right, Glith Shatch1916. I’m willing to go in and thump Islam conventionally a few times before any application of glass and Windex™. In fact, we possess sufficient firepower to cripple Islam permanently using conventional weapons alone. Iran is an ideal and immediate starting point for testing this notion. However, after everything that I’ve seen from Islam of late, I no longer delude myself about the distinct possibility of having to excise or even cauterize this moral cancer.
Posted by: Zenster   2006-09-16 15:42  

#29  Oh, and my ancestors who kept Thor's Holy Grove would approve.
Posted by: 3dc   2006-09-16 15:34  

#28  Swamp Blonde
Look at the trends. We have been at it now for 5 years and trillions of dollars and still don't have too much to show for it. Bush talks about the long war but thats resources, money and lives spent in methods and biz that don't improve the pocketbook or advance our lives, non-war science or culture. The end trend still looks like we have to end up making parking lots, so why not save a lot of time, money and our lives by just making the parking lots now? If it troubles your faith and morals I am sorry. I am just looking at the bottom line.

Posted by: 3dc   2006-09-16 15:32  

#27  Against the UN Charter? Is the part about Jews being the cousins of apes and monkeys consistent with the UN Charter? Inquiring minds want to know ... .
Posted by: Perfesser   2006-09-16 15:00  

#26  The PopeÂ’s remarks are also against the United Nations Charter that urges respect for all religions

That's part of the Pope's point, idiot Pak. How are the churches, synagogues, and other infidel worship structures and peoples doing in Pakland. Hmm?
Posted by: Thinemp Whimble2412   2006-09-16 13:34  

#25  Right of Entry sounds good!
Posted by: 6   2006-09-16 13:30  

#24  :-)
Posted by: RD   2006-09-16 13:01  

#23  6r I don't see where Frank or I called for glassing over one billion people.

So for the sake of the thread lets eliminate the frivilous "Turn the other cheek vs. Duke Nukem"

6.... We don't need to be "sporting". Much more liberal ROEs would do wonders for the muzzie mindset and negate the need for more drastic measures

ROE Return On Equity
RoE Races of Eberron (roleplaying games, Dungeons & Dragons)
ROE Rapid Oxidation Event
ROE Rate of Exchange
ROE Rate of Expenditure
ROE Record of Earnings (Canadian pension plan)
ROE Record of Employment
ROE Reflector Orbital Experiment
ROE Regional Office for Europe (UNEP)
ROE Regional Office of Education
ROE Relacao de Ondas Estacionarias
ROE Remote Operating Equipment
ROE Report of Excess (GSA)
ROE Reportable Order Event (NASD)
ROE Ressurection of Evil (gaming, Doom3 Expansion Pack)
RoE Rest of Europe
ROE Return on Expectation
ROE Right of Entry
ROE Root of Evil
ROE Roster Of Exception
ROE Rotating-frame Overhauser Enhancement (NMR spectroscopy)
ROE Round One End
ROE Route of Egress
ROE Royal Observatory, Edinburgh (Scotland,UK)
RoE Rubies of Eventide (game)
ROE Rules Of Engagement

Posted by: RD   2006-09-16 13:00  

#22  We don't need to be "sporting". Much more liberal ROEs would do wonders for the muzzie mindset and negate the need for more drastic measures.
Posted by: 6   2006-09-16 10:43  

#21  The West no longer practices the primitive. The Â’massive ralliesÂ’ the unrelenting broadcasts and prints demonizing the enemy are not found in its behavior patter. Quite the contrary, it is those who seek to achieve fundamentally similar goals with the enemy, the destruction of a vibrant western culture, that take to the streets, and demonstrate with an emotional display. The Islamic world identifies with that and buys into the misrepresentation presented by the WestÂ’s own MSM, that such displays mean matching power and influence. Therefore, the Islamic take heart not recalculation of their behavior. If the West practiced the primitive, the usual play of positioning and posturing would be seen in our dealings with them. However, it is no longer practical, if not possible, for the West to play the Â’gameÂ’ in this manner.

That is leading to miscalculations. Which in a world with city killing devices and most of the world living upon the surplus of the West to stay one level away from devastating plagues and famine, it means lots of even more innocent people are going to pay the price for every day of delay from doing what is necessary, no matter how ugly it may seem.

Imagine those concerned about the vast numbers of Islam did the same thing in North American to inhibit the movement of the early English settlers from beyond their small coastal enclaves. It certainly would have been better for millions of natives who outnumbered the settlers then and millions of natives yet to be born. It would have been more ‘humane’ . However, deep in my gut, I suspect that the world today would have turned out much darker and far less advanced than we enjoy today as the human and natural resources, the base of industry and technology from North America would not have been around to stymie the vast powers of authoritarianism and totalitarianism that took root in the 19th Century and unleashed in the 20th. Basically , the world would be screwed. Yes, the whole world. From the eradication of smallpox to the green revolution of the world’s food supply, it wouldn’t have happened.

So, don’t count me in this - “Let’s be sporting about this. Let’s wait till we take ‘x’ number of civilian casualties in some horrific way before we do what we really know what has to be done, but it will make us feel oh so unhappy with ourselves.”

You don’t have to kill them all. You don’t have to clear the planet of their religion. However, because they only understand the ‘primitive’ you’re going to have to thump them mighty big before they pay serious attention. The longer the delay, the bigger the price.
Posted by: Glith Shatch1916   2006-09-16 09:23  

#20  Sorry, there is no alternative

I think you're calling that option early. America is not going to be taken over by Islamic assholes tomorrow

I gave no timeline. I merely said that continuing on their existing path will ineveitably lead to their destruction. Prolly in an exchange with India
Posted by: Frank G   2006-09-16 08:32  

#19  That takes us to their primitive, psychotic level, and I'm not ready to go there quite yet.

I'm about in 80% agreement with Thoth and Swamps. It's not time.

Conventional assault on Iran? Likely and necessary. A nuclear assault on the Uummah? Why? 'Moose did quite a long essay yesterday and compared the situation to a mosquito attacking an elephant, I think there's some truth in that.

The west doesn't need to use nukes, it needs a will.
Posted by: 6   2006-09-16 05:53  

#18  3dc, I can't argue your points about education of the ulema, reason and tolerance.

However, the entire idea of turning the entire Muslim world into a glass parking lot is wrong. And I'm basing that on my lifelong affiliation with the Catholic church. My pope is telling them the truth, which obviously touched a nerve, but he is not saying that we need to go in and slaughter the pathetic bastards.

Look, I'm not interested in trying to get them to grow up and leave the medieval world behind. They apparently like living with a backwards, repressive and hateful ideology, no matter how many chances they get to have something approaching a civilized government. They have proved it time and again. So be it.

Quarantining them and letting them live in their Islamic Paradises without benefit of Western technology? Sure. Why not? They only want to use our tech against us. For example, they'll never be able to build an advanced form of transportation. All they can seem to do is use their expensive Western educations (Osama is trained as an engineer, don't forget) to figure out ways to destroy them, not build on them.

But "killing 'em all and letting God sort 'em out"? Uh, no. That takes us to their primitive, psychotic level, and I'm not ready to go there quite yet.

We didn't do that right after 11 September. We stayed civilized in spite of their ardent desire to set off our wrath and trigger the Apocalypse. The last thing I want to do is give those twisted farks their wish, and that is, a huge conflagration of the type they envision.

I want them to have to wait in the arid dust, having to dodge piles of steaming camel dung, and smelling like the goats wandering the streets. I want them to see on their satellite TV just how much fun the rest of the world is having (Lookee here, Achmed, we gots women running around half-nekkid!! You think Fatima next door might look like that under her chador?? Heh heh heh!!) while they are stuck in the 12th century. And I want there to be no escape from that hell (no emigration, no travel to Disney World, nothing), until they learn to play nice with the "infidels" and stop blowing shit up. Kind of like what Palestine under Hamas is experiencing from the rest of the world, but to the extreme. They aren't going to get any jihadi perks for virgins as a reward for martyrdom, no taking a few infidels with them, nothing except scratching at their fleas and ticks after they molest the neighbor's livestock out of sexual frustration.

Yup, a giant "rage in the cage" is what they really need right now. Let 'em fight it out amongst themselves instead of giving them the safety valve of escape to the West (which they repay by pissing all over our rights and freedoms).

And pass the popcorn, please. I bet it would be a bloody good show....
Posted by: Swamp Blondie   2006-09-16 05:35  

#17  Thoth - its getting late in the day. Education of the ulama in tolerence seems a complete failure. Reason and debate are not in their lexicon.
Midnight is closer than we think. Times of decision are upon us.
Posted by: 3dc   2006-09-16 04:29  

#16  So be it.
Posted by: Thoth   2006-09-16 03:31  

#15  glass and pimples don't do much for me Thoth.

I believe were done.
Posted by: RD   2006-09-16 03:29  

#14  I'm seeing your analogy, and asking if you would go to chemo to remove a pimple?

I'm not trying to be a wise ass RD, I'm just saying it is way too early to go to glass parking lot solutions...

Granted, these stupid farks in Islamoland ain't making things any easier either... :(
Posted by: Thoth   2006-09-16 03:22  

#13  OK Thoth,

Immagine that you that patient but who's probably a more patient and charitable person than I.

And then Mr. patient you should hope that we'll see that your lump is not a matastizing lump but just a big noxious bump and then you can sue me for mal-practice or impersonating a doctor....meh!!!

Posted by: RD   2006-09-16 03:17  

#12  2 sides of the same coin RD. I've been here at Rantburg a few years, and so I'm not new on the subject. I think too many are jumping torwards the glass parking lot solution here, too quickly.

You see that fool holding the stupid sign declaring Muslim victimhood? I disagree with him sharply, and hate his message. Guess what? He's still my brother. He's still my fellow human being. I will not declare for his death unless it is absolutely necessary to protect my family, and those of my fellow countrymen. If he is just shouting to oblivian and has no power to do that, why should I wish that I or We kill him for expressing his foolish opinion?
Posted by: Thoth   2006-09-16 02:58  

#11  Mucky are you Thoth?

Posted by: RD   2006-09-16 02:50  

#10  Thoth, commenter's here at RB change their names often, so plz permit me to assume that you're new.. and to note that you've not analyzed the enemy very well or assessed it's strengths and weaknesses..

You sound like a patient whose just discovered irritating lump not recognizing that it is a cancer, and it further and unknown to you has metastasized and spread... arc from the South Pacific, South East Asia, East Asia, SW Asia, Middle East, Africa, Europe, The Caucasus, South America, Central America, North America and Canada.
Posted by: RD   2006-09-16 02:49  

#9  If a man say, 'I love God.Â’, and hates his brother, he is a liar: For he that does not love his brother whom he has seen, how can he love God Whom he has not seen? And He has given us this command: 'That he who loves God love his brother.'—1John 4:20-21.
Posted by: muck4doo   2006-09-16 02:44  

#8  Sorry, there is no alternative

I think you're calling that option early. America is not going to be taken over by Islamic assholes tomorrow. I think they also know if they want to play those kinds of end games they are going to lose, and lose badly. I also know this is the kind of crap Osama was beating himself off to, and hoping to achieve. I'm not going to oblige him, unless we are seriously threatened. I'm also not ignorant. I do know the threats exist, but I think you are being way too early in calling for glass parking lot solutions.

Do you think it will just be Muslims that die in all this? There would be many deaths on all sides in a culture war of that scale. Sorry, but we should always be looking for solutions before drawing the sword. Just the way I see it. I won't appease them, but I still do think it's not too late to find a solution.

Iran on the other hand, is really starting to push the limits...
Posted by: Thoth   2006-09-16 02:02  

#7  True - you don't see them clamoring to get out before it hits, or to overturn the MMA/ISI regimes in Pak, to name just one target. They are the schools of fish among which the evil ones swim. They may not get an overt choice, but it remains there the same. Expose and condemn/deny this evil, or perish along with it. Sorry, there is no alternative
Posted by: Frank G   2006-09-16 01:33  

#6  I'm hoping it doesn't come down to that Frank. Yes, there are many animals in the Middle East that deserve to die, but there are a lot of human beings too that don't want and don't deserve any part of this madness.
Posted by: Thoth   2006-09-16 01:26  

#5  FOAD with your demand Pakiland. Always trying to be holelier than holely.
Posted by: Duh!   2006-09-16 01:20  

#4  Thoth - these mental midgets haven't thought further than where the next madrassah boy-bait's coming from. The ultimate consequence of playing with the tiger's tale will come true, and like Nasrallah, they'll stand dumbfounded, and say "we didn't think you'd react this way...." as the gamma rays smoke their DNA. What would Mucky say? "Ima thinkrn they were high"?
Posted by: Frank G   2006-09-16 01:12  

#3  I demand he decree a new Crusade...

I really hope you don't mean that Fred. Things are ugly enough as it is, and yes, we have to do what we need to do. I don't want to see it go on a fullscale culture war though. I think that's what the fanatics of theirs want. What was Osama's mission again?....

This could escalate into something uglier than anyone imagined, I'm really hoping it doesn't.
Posted by: Thoth   2006-09-16 01:06  

#2  In response, the Vatican sold advanced weaponry, Christian Outrage™, to Islam's Pakistan's enemies.

Be careful what you ask for, assholes
Posted by: Frank G   2006-09-16 00:39  

#1  It is time to terminate PakiWakiLand.
Posted by: 3dc   2006-09-16 00:34  
