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THE trouble with the West is that we have forgotten that some things are sacred. We find it so difficult to comprehend the reaction of the Muslim world to that ham-fisted Danish cartoon depicting the Prophet Mohammed as a terrorist because our churches stand empty, our faith is weak and our God has left the building.

The idea that this is still a Christian country is laughable. We may haul in the local vicar for weddings and funerals, but that's about it. We worship our idols -celebrity and money, the sex lives of the rich and famous - but the Good Book is about as relevant to most of our lives as the ration book.

Christianity is widely mocked. The feeble humour of the Jerry Springer opera whipped up some half-hearted controversy, but nobody really cared beyond a few Bible-bashers considered to be humourless spoilsports.

Once this was a Christian country, back when we were all singing two hymns a day at school and fretting about burning in hell for our sins.

When I was a child, we could all chant the Lord's Prayer by heart. Do the Vicky Pollards of today know the Lord's Prayer? Can't see it, myself. So I feel an instinctive sympathy for Muslims who still hold to the belief that there is such a thing as blasphemy.

The Muslim community say that those puerile Danish cartoons should not have been printed, and they are right. It would not have been censorship or the curtailment of free speech to not print (and reprint) the offending cartoon. It would have been basic human decency. It would have been cultural restraint at a time when tension between the West and the Muslim world is higher than it has been for centuries.

I have read a number of commentators say that they would "defend to the death" the right of some crappy little Danish paper to print their nasty little cartoons.

But if I am going to die for a cause, then it is going to be a better one than the right of some Scandy cartoonist to print offensive rubbish.

If we are going to argue with Muslims, then let it be about something worthwhile.

The attitude of Islam to women. The attitude of Islam to gays. The attitude of Islam to Israel, which is routinely threatened with extermination by everyone from Hamas to the leader of Iran to mad mullahs with spit on their beards in Finsbury Park.

Printing that cartoon was supremely stupid. Muslims have a right to live their lives without seeing their religion vilified in a way that is designed to cause hurt, anger and offence.

What Muslims should never have the right to do is what they did on the streets of London on Friday. Around 500 demonstrators marched from the Regent's Park mosque to the Danish embassy, carrying the most sickening placards I have ever seen in my life.

On the streets of the city where Londoners were murdered and maimed on July 7, the pinhead protesters carried slogans boasting: "Europe, you'll come crawling when mujahideen come roaring" and "Behead those who insult Islam". On the same streets where four terrorists committed mass murder, a placard gloated: "Europe you will pay - fantastic 4 are on their way".

A toddler, 20-month-old Farisa Jihad, was dressed by some moronic adult in a hat that sneered: "I love Al-Qaida".

And they got away with it. Nobody was arrested for these sickening incitements to murder. Nobody was charged for spewing slogans of hate that gloated about the dead and broken bodies of July 7.

And that offends me. That offends me to the core of my being.

Responsible Muslim leaders have already condemned the appalling placards. But it happened. And I can't think of any thing more likely to create real loathing for Muslims. I can't think of anything more likely to make the BNP a real force in British politics.

I can't think of anything more likely to make the average British citizen - whatever his colour - ask: Whose country is it anyway?

MUSLIMS deserve the respect accorded to all our people. They take their religion infinitely more seriously than we do, and we should understand that. And if they want to burn down a few empty Scandinavian embassies in Syria because of crass depictions of the Prophet Mohammed, then personally I couldn't care less.

But when someone starts carrying placards in my city gloating about 9/11 and 7/7, when men with big mouths start promising death and destruction, when you tell us that we will be massacred if we offend you, then our tolerance is pushed to breaking-point. Muslims deserve to have their faith respected.

But if they want a Muslim country, then perhaps they should go and live in one.

Posted by:lotp

#14  The fakes in circulation have to be exposed for what they are. Not published, the the reality of their existence and provenance are important.
Posted by: Hupomoger Clans9827   2006-02-06 19:25  

#13  The attitude of Islam to women. The attitude of Islam to gays. The attitude of Islam to Israel, which is routinely threatened with extermination by everyone from Hamas to the leader of Iran to mad mullahs with spit on their beards in Finsbury Park.

The key point!
Posted by: BigEd   2006-02-06 16:47  

#12  Islam deserves NO respect whatsoever. It deserves NOTHING but contempt. It is as simple as that.
Posted by: FeralCat   2006-02-06 15:17  

#11  A jackass once said people are attracted to the strong horse. Europe should show them the strong horse and kick some troublemakers out of Europe.
Posted by: rjschwarz   2006-02-06 14:19  

#10  And they got away with it. Nobody was arrested for these sickening incitements to murder. Nobody was charged for spewing slogans of hate that gloated about the dead and broken bodies of July 7.

Welcome to PC Europe. MAybe if you stopped pandering to these Islamist wingnuts you might begin to get a handle on just what they intend for you. These cartoons (cartoons, remember ... not atrocities, just cartoons) are the most perfect example of what awaits our world should Islam expand its power base.

More cartoons, please. This horsesh!t needs to be crystal clear.

However, it appears that the Muslims want war with the West. If that's the case, accelerating the situation may be in our best interest, since delaying it may result in nuclear armed Armageddon.

As I said, more cartoons, please. Get these maniacs spun up to top speed right away so that everyone gets a clear picture of their sickness. This one is for all the marbles. The sooner everyone understands this, the better.
Posted by: Zenster   2006-02-06 12:51  

#9  ...let it be about something worthwhile. -- Freedom of speech isn't worthwhile?

Well, the US has about a hundred thousand soldiers in the field right now who are kind of dependent on the average Moslem-in-the-street in Iraq and Afghanistan


thinking that this is a "clash of civilizations" and that we are only concerned with fighting the extremists and not wiping out their entire culture.

Or, putting this another way: the extremists _didn't_ try to limit the publication of the cartoons. They distributed them themselves. With some rather interesting additions, such as the one with a praying Moslem being raped by a dog. And they labeled those additions, which they came up with themselves, as being from Denmark as well. They're distributing these cartoons with _their_ modifications as widely as possible... they're using freedom of speech with mostly the same materials as the free-thinkers in the west are convincing themselves they're so brave for publishing.

As if they're the ones going out on foot patrol in Najaf and Fallujah.
Posted by: Phil   2006-02-06 12:35  

#8  SG - ROFL!!!

I needed a Coffee Alert, lol!
Posted by: .com   2006-02-06 12:30  

#7  "If I'm going to die for a word, I want my word to be poontang."

Animal Mother-Full Metal Jacket
Posted by: Shomosh Griper3082   2006-02-06 12:26  

#6  We find it so difficult to comprehend the reaction of the Muslim world to that ham-fisted Danish cartoon

Ham-fisted !! hehe , the irony
Posted by: MacNails   2006-02-06 11:55  

#5  There's so much wrong here I hardly no where to start:

1) "MUSLIMS deserve the respect accorded to all our people" -- Why? An individual deserves a default level of respect UNTIL HE PROVES UNWORTHY or that respect. The actions and words of Muslims have shown that they are, by and large, unworthy of respect.

2)"It would have been cultural restraint at a time when tension between the West and the Muslim world is higher than it has been for centuries."-- No, it would have been cowardice in the face of an agressive bully.

3) ...let it be about something worthwhile. -- Freedom of speech isn't worthwhile?

4) " Muslims have a right to live their lives without seeing their religion vilified in a way that is designed to cause hurt, anger and offence." -- Since when does ANYONE have a right like this? The Jews and Christians are routinely vilified and mocked. This is just more appeasement oriented cowardice.

Posted by: AlanC   2006-02-06 11:49  

#4  Too many words.

The muslims insult Jews and Christians EVERY FRIGGING DAY on their newspapers and TVs and have no frigging right to tell us what we can say or publish. Period.

And it is time to explain to them how to behave when you are a guest.

And it is time to throw them out of the West. They are here to subvert our Freedom, they are here as part of the world war of ilsam against Freedom.

There is nothing to debate with these savages.
Posted by: Poitiers-Lepanto   2006-02-06 11:42  

#3  There have always been exceptions to free speech: falsely shouting fire in a theatre; 'fighting words'; blasphemy.

Blasphemy? Yes, for 150 years blasphemy was not protected speech in the USA. There are still blasphemy laws on the books here in Massachusetts, but they haven't been enforced for nearly a century, and the secular West has pushed back the blasphemy boundary to the point where the concept seems almost antique. Almost.

If I go into a mosque and announce that Allah doesn't exist (which I can't prove), surely that's a worse blasphemy than a few mild cartoons, and constitutes 'fighting words' in that location.

We are dealing with people whose concept of blasphemy is vastly different than ours. Pakistan has arrested hundreds for that offense, and executed dozens. To someone brought up in the madrassas, the taunt is clear. These are people whose religiosity exceeds that of Salem, MA at the time of the witch trials.

So the offense is understandable. On the other hand, the response is way out of line according to our standards. This is the real clash of civilizations. The West would like to resolve the situation. If so, pushing the blasphemy hot button isn't the answer.

However, it appears that the Muslims want war with the West. If that's the case, accelerating the situation may be in our best interest, since delaying it may result in nuclear armed Armageddon.
Posted by: KBK   2006-02-06 11:24  

#2  The issue isn't the content of the cartoons. It's the reaction to it.

And, frankly, if you're going to threaten violence over a drawing, you aren't fit for civilization.
Posted by: Robert Crawford   2006-02-06 10:45  

#1  You know, I think he has a point...

When 9/11 happened, the European leftists quietly murmured to each other, "the US deserved it..."

When Hamas and Hezbollah blew up cafe's in Israel, they said they were freedom fighters.

When Iraqi suicide bombers mainly targeted other Iraqi civilians in an attempt to forment an Iraqi civil war, the left said they were patriots comparable to the minutemen...

We have had our cities attacked, large-scale civilian casualties, and sent our military into harms' way in an attempt to deal with the situation.

But finally, the Europeans are figuring out it's serious because the radical Islamicists are threatening cartoonists?
Posted by: Phil   2006-02-06 10:38  
