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Home Front: Politix
sKerry confirms he is an idiot!
This just disgust me to know end!! I just wanna punch this C$%@Sucker in the face!!
What would Ronnie think of this? What a coward this east coast gigolo is....
All of these people wait in line and he ends up there to put on some political show!
How dare this commie show his face there.
Read this crap, but have a barf bag handy!

SIMI VALLEY, Calif. — John Kerry (search) paused for a moment of silent reflection before the flag-draped casket of former President Reagan (search) on Tuesday, a brief appearance in a national spotlight that suddenly has shifted from politics and the Democratic presidential candidate.
He cut in line while 1000’s of real Americans waited
"Don't you know who I am?"
Head bowed, eyes closed and hands clasped in front, the Massachusetts senator stood for about a minute to pay his respects to Reagan, the Republican icon who died Saturday and whose body lay in repose at the presidential library.
I am gonna hurl!!
Kerry, a Roman Catholic, made the sign of the cross and quietly recited the accompanying prayer before departing.

Like other dignitaries, Kerry did not have to wait hours with tens of thousands of mourners; an exception was made for the candidate and his visit lasted about 20 minutes.
I wanna know who gave this asshole permission to cut inline?
Traveling to California to attend his daughter’s graduation from film school, Kerry decided to make a last-minute trip to the library in Simi Valley, a community northwest of Los Angeles. Aboard his campaign plane, Kerry spoke to reporters about Reagan, the current White House occupant — President Bush (search) — and Bush’s father.
Speaking of tramps, when does her playboy spread come out?
"I didn’t agree with a lot of the things he was doing, obviously," Kerry said of Reagan, whom he called a "very likable guy." But he added that he got along well with the Republican, was able to work with him and visited the White House a number of times during his two terms. "I met with Reagan a lot more than I’ve met with this president," Kerry said.
What an Asshole!!
The Democrat also said he had more meetings with George H.W. Bush during his one term than he has had with President Bush. "I liked his father very much. I like his dad. He’s a very good guy. He used to write notes. I have a number of notes from him. He’s very thoughtful," Kerry said.
What kind of BS is this Asshole trying to pass!!
Kerry suspended campaign activities this week in deference to Reagan. The presumptive Democratic nominee said he first took note of Reagan in the 1960s, a time when some were wary of the California Republican. "He got your notice," Kerry said. He praised Reagan’s 1964 speech for Barry Goldwater, calling it "better than anything else you heard from the campaign."

Kerry’s rival, President Bush, will deliver the eulogy for the 40th president during a state funeral Friday at Washington’s National Cathedral. Kerry will be one of dozens of notables attending the service, a face in the political crowd.

In suspending his overt political activities, Kerry risks losing momentum with voters just as Bush’s popularity is at its most vulnerable. To do anything else, however, would appear unseemly amid the outpouring of praise for a president remembered for bridging political divisions. "Campaigning is campaigning, regardless of where you are and what you’re doing," said Stephanie Cutter, the Democrat’s spokeswoman. "Out of respect for President Reagan and his family, he felt canceling those campaign events was the right thing to do."
Wait a minute, you don’t really expect us to believe this bull do you? What an Asshole and Asshole-ette
Marc Kruman, chairman of the Wayne State University Department of History in Detroit, said nobody outside Washington will fault Kerry for taking a week off the campaign trail. "It strikes me as a wise decision. He’s not going to get any national political attention and it shows his respect for President Reagan, which is appropriate this week," said Kruman, an expert in the history of presidential elections.
Now I am really getting pissed off here!!
These are political calculations, happens all the time, both sides do this. I wouldn't worry.
Kerry aides, already split over whether to cancel the week’s schedule, remain divided over how soon to renew campaigning. Other Democrats applauded Kerry’s decision to set politics aside, though some privately complained that he didn’t at least schedule a few non-partisan events in battleground states that could have gained him some local media notice.
Nobody is showing up for this asshole anyway so why not ride the tide of a true American death you assholes!
Once again enjoying the advantages of an incumbent, Bush can go about the business of the president without fear of appearing insensitive. By attending D-Day ceremonies in France, hosting world leaders for the the Group of Eight summit and euologizing a GOP icon, Bush takes center stage for a week, unchallenged by Kerry or his immediate surrogates. "Look, the president is the president and this is part of the, if not luxury, the advantage of being the sitting president," Democratic strategist Tricia Enright said. "It appears the Kerry campaign is taking that into account and altering its course."

With political events stripped from his schedule, Kerry and his top advisers were getting behind-the-scenes work accomplished in Washington. Bush advisers, meanwhile, insisted that they weren’t trying to compare Bush to Reagan for political gain, even as they did so. "This week we’re focused on paying tribute to him. We will leave it to other people to try to draw contrasts or parallels or similarities," White House communications director Dan Bartlett told CNN.
Ok, the above qoute is enough to make you puke right now. But it is almost over so hold it back!!
A day earlier, Bush campaign chairman Ken Mehlman posted a tribute to Reagan on the campaign’s blog that made several comparisons, including: "Just like President Reagan, President George W. Bush speaks with moral clarity about the enemies of freedom." Campaign officials said Mehlman’s letter was intended for distribution to his staff. A version posted on the campaign’s official Web Site did not include the comparison, only praise of the former president.

Democrats used Reagan’s memory to take subtle digs at Bush. "There are those who don’t seem to be as willing to compromise as President Reagan was" and as a result, things haven’t been achieved "that were within our reach," said Senate Minority Leader Tom Daschle, D-S.D. Asked to compare Reagan to Bush, he said: "This administration has a harder time finding middle ground ... and that’s unfortunate."
If this article did not make you wanna puke or break something that you wished was sKerry Kerry’s neck, then please go now to and give the man $50.
Posted by:Long Hair Republican

Posted by: Anonymous   2004-06-10 12:38:42 AM  

#27  Cafeteria Catholics is what they are.

They pick and choose what part of the religion they act on.

And they are officially *NOT* in communion with the Church and should not consider themselves eligible for Holy Eucharist, and shoudl nto present themselves for Eucharist during that part of the Mass, until they have genuinely confessed and are repentant.
Posted by: OldSpook   2004-06-09 11:40:13 PM  

#26  What's the really good snarky Catholic equivalent?

"Easter Catholics" (that's the only time they show up).
Posted by: Pappy   2004-06-09 11:09:22 PM  

#25  Hanoi John makes me want to destroy my TV everytime I see his traitorous face. He said a prayer. What a fu-_ing joke my ass. He was there long enough for his precious phot op. This man has no moral backbone whatsoever. He is as transparent as Clinton was on his trips to Normandy D-Day remeberances in years past. Hanoi John is a traitorous scum bag who will be remembered for what he really is. an opportunistic politician who used his war service and his fellow vets as a jumping board dishonorably to gain public office. This fall election will shock a lot of the liberal left with the magnitude of Dubya's vote margin.
Posted by: Bill Nelson   2004-06-09 8:29:42 PM  

#24  #22 That reminds me of the time my Western Civ teacher in High School asked the class "What name do the Catholics give the Reformation?"

Being a snarky Catholic, my answer was "The Great Heresy!"

(Real answer: The Protestant Revolt)
Posted by: Chris Smith   2004-06-09 6:48:00 PM  

#23  Lol, Sgt DT! That deserves a coffee alert!

What I do NOT get is why someone would continue to call themselves X when they no longer practice the doctrine of X and even openly dispute those who are officially designated to explain X to the lay person by the keeper and ultimate authority of the X doctrine.

Boggles. And I know the numbers, etc. and perceived political advantage, etc, - I get that, but the danger of the opposite occurring because true adherents recognize the obvious hypocrisy seems to more than negate imagined advantages.

So the Skeery Heretic goes for the photo-op at the viewing of the casket of a man who would genially spit in his eye, if the opportunity presented itself.

Moron redux.
Posted by: .com   2004-06-09 6:40:01 PM  

#22  Catholics have long had a word for Kerry's ilk, whose obstinate refusal to adhere to dogma and misrepresentation of Catholic teachings leads souls into harm's way. HERETIC. Not spiffy, but accurate.
Posted by: Sgt.DT   2004-06-09 6:24:36 PM  

#21  "wishy-washy" might be best, kind of like his claim to Irish blood, and his "war hero" status.
Posted by: therien   2004-06-09 6:12:58 PM  

#20  Oh, and "lapsed Catholic" is the usual term.
Kind of like "backslidden" is in certain Protestant circles.
Posted by: growler   2004-06-09 2:12:40 PM  

#19  "made the sign of the cross and quietly recited the accompanying prayer"

Once again proving the press has no clue when it comes to religion, particularly Christianity. What "accompanying prayer"? Did he say an "Our Father" or a "Hail, Mary" or a "Gloria Patri"? It's common for mourners to say a rosary while in the funeral home, but Kerry was not there long enough to do that.

Also, Reagan wasn't a Catholic, so WTF is Kerry doing saying a prayer for him? If it was a prayer for the dead, that was wrong because most likely if Reagan was even a nominal Christian, he didn't believe in Purgatory or the need to pray for the dead.
Posted by: growler   2004-06-09 2:10:15 PM  

#18  Yank etc.

I must disagree. Sure I think the Secret Service has a job to do, but Kerry doesn't belong there in the first place. To say that you're having mercy on the hard-working security means that you're not questioning Hanoi John's attendance in the first place.

Consider: Was Bob Dole there? Newt Gingrich? Clarence Thomas? GW Bush? Jeb Bush? Arnold Schwarzenegger? John McCain? Rudy Guiliani? Gerald Ford? Bob Bennett? Lamar Alexander? Bill Frist? Kay Hutchinson? Trent Lott? Dick Lugar? Arlen Specter? etc etc etc etc....

Some were, I'm sure, but most were not. Why, you axe? Because they did not want to spoil a public viewing by having to cut in line for security reasons, and/or they didn't want to have their own interference into an affair designed for John Q. Public to spoil the proceedings.

Kerry had no business being there and his appearence can only hurt him. And it will.
Posted by: Chris W.   2004-06-09 12:24:07 PM  

#17  So do you have a nifty insider-styled term for Catholics who don't practice Catholicism as promulgated by the Holy See?

I'm protestant: not an insider; but I'd call them nominal Catholics. I'd use lapsed Catholic for those who show up for mass as often as Kerry shows up to vote. Hmm. Could we call him "lapsed Senator Kerry?"

I agree with Yank--have mercy on the Secret Service and let Kerry cut in line.

Posted by: James   2004-06-09 12:12:13 PM  

#16  Ass. Hole.

Had I been in line, I would have been quite... vocal about this prick cutting into the line. Prick prick prick.

I expect his poll numbers to take a severe dive after this stunt.

Posted by: Chris W.   2004-06-09 11:50:55 AM  

#15  So do you have a nifty insider-styled term for Catholics who don't practice Catholicism as promulgated by the Holy See?

Posted by: mojo   2004-06-09 11:10:42 AM  

#14  He should wait like the little people

"Wait in line? Don't you know who I am?"

he pulls this crap all the time - see Howie Carr for examples
Posted by: Frank G   2004-06-09 10:47:00 AM  

#13  im take it lhr not voting skerry. :p
im agree yank on lurch cutting in line. article is also say other dignitaries are do that as well so it not just skerry. also skerrys daughter shuld be leave out of it as well as bush kids. come think of it im not know if nader is have any kids.
Posted by: muck4doo   2004-06-09 10:28:09 AM  

#12  I waited for hours to see Reagan before finally giving up. I also loath Kerry. Still I have no problem with his cutting in line for a couple of reasons. First it would be a secret service nightmare to have him stuck in an unmoving vehicle for 4 hours and then wait for the parking shuttle for another 4 something hours. Second, a big part of the wait was for parking, and I assume Kerry's car didn't part, but kept moving while he did his visit. What bugs me is that he'll probably visit Reagan on the East Coast as well, just to make sure he maximizes the publicity.
Posted by: Yank   2004-06-09 9:30:45 AM  

#11  So do you have a nifty insider-styled term for Catholics who don't practice Catholicism as promulgated by the Holy See?

No offense but I call them Protestants...
Posted by: Anonymous5170   2004-06-09 9:17:58 AM  

#10  "I met with Reagan a lot more than I’ve met with this president," Kerry said.

Maybe that's because sKerry was in DC a lot more than the past two years! He's just about as bad as being absent for votes and business as my soon to be ex-nonsenator Edwards!
Posted by: AF Lady   2004-06-09 7:53:12 AM  

#9  Once again enjoying the advantages of an incumbent, Bush can go about the business of the president without fear of appearing insensitive.

I can't believe that this came from fox news. Does anyone else read a subtle implication here? I can't pin it down, but it almost makes President Bush look opportunistic, like, " Wow, what a stroke of luck! President Reagan's passing has put Kerry's campaign into a holding pattern, but I may be able to score a few points before he kicks in again. I mean, nobody would expect the President to stop working even after the death of Ronald Reagan."

Maybe I'm listening to too much Laura Ingraham lately, but the tone of that statement sounded a little catty. Anyone's thoughts?
Posted by: Dripping Sarcasm   2004-06-09 7:48:27 AM  

#8  EY - So do you have a nifty insider-styled term for Catholics who don't practice Catholicism as promulgated by the Holy See? Sorry - I don't know how else to put it - I'm not a Catholic and don't know diddley-squat - so I just parroted a line I'd read or heard somewhere, lol!

But do you? "Ortho" and "Wacko" do not get a "A" for spiffiness, IMHO!

CathoLibs? Sorry! You guys have to be better at this than me!
Posted by: .com   2004-06-09 7:44:37 AM  

#7  Ditto for Denver's -- whoever that is.
Posted by: Edward Yee   2004-06-09 6:58:58 AM  

#6  Archbishop Burke (St. Louis) is a definite "ortho", Cardinal Mahoney of LA is a confirmed wacko (maybe that's why Mel Gibson set up Holy Family in Malibu, to be outside of his clutches?), and the jury's still out on Edward Cardinal Egan ...
Posted by: Edward Yee   2004-06-09 6:58:45 AM  

#5  .com, there's always Matthew Fox ... Google "techno-cosmic Masses", I'm serious :P

Or Cardinal Bernardin ... McCarrick's an "eh", but Sean O'Malley seems like the type who's orthodox and just doesn't want to get caught at it ... (although he said that preaching the Word > public relations)

Posted by: Edward Yee   2004-06-09 6:57:07 AM  

#4  'Liberation theology' was and still is primarily a Catholic movement ... we've heard less of them lately compared to the 70s-80s, but they are still strong in many places.

The Protestants had 'situational ethics' instead.

Posted by: MDiv   2004-06-09 6:41:26 AM  

#3  OS - Mormons who don't follow the teachings are derisively called Jack-Mormons - no offence to Jack(s) out there. What's the really good snarky Catholic equivalent? Surely you guys have one! Something like Cathys? If there isn't one, you need to coin a phrase, making it really an insider sort of thing, cuz we have a Loonie Left Catholic component who has been given mucho sympathetic press - they all need a solid come-uppance!

My Grandfather always said, "An honest man always keeps the paperwork current." Meaning if you wanna fool around, get a divorce first. If you're not really a [insert noun here], then be man enough to make it official. Kerry, Pelosi, et al are cowards and hypocrites.
Posted by: .com   2004-06-09 1:47:15 AM  

#2  "Kerry, a Roman Catholic"

They misphrased this: "Kerry, a non-practicing Roman Catholic,"

Or "Kerry, a former Roman Catholic, no longer in communion with the Church"


"Kerry, a supposed Roman Catholic who has abandoned and opposed the teachings and doctrines of the Church on homosexuality and abortion..."

Or... (being truthful)

Kerry, the opportunist, who poses as a Roman Catholic when politcally expedient...
Posted by: OldSpook   2004-06-09 1:30:24 AM  

#1  Dang it Fred, I swear I said page2....can you change it please...
Posted by: Long Hair Republican   2004-06-09 1:20:21 AM  
