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Blix says Iraq war may have worsened terror threat
But Spanish surrender has made us safer!More inane ramblings from our favorite dupe
The invasion of Iraq has polarized the Middle East and may have worsened the threat of terrorism, former United Nations weapons inspector Hans Blix charged on Thursday. On a tour of the United States to promote his book,
which has lots of pictures and was written with a crayon
"Disarming Iraq," Blix criticized U.S. President George W. Bush and British Prime Minister Tony Blair for engaging in a "witch hunt" to justify the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq one year ago. In a speech sponsored by the Chicago Council on Foreign Relations, Blix listed the negatives he believes have resulted from the war: polarized societies in the Middle East, a rift in NATO, damage to the U.N. Security Council, and no easing in the threat of terrorism. "The terrorism threat has not abated," he said.
Do these UN weenies live in the same world the rest of us do?
Asked to expand on his comments in light of the March 11 train bombings in Spain that killed more than 200, Blix said "it’s clearly an increase in the terrorism. "It was ... al Qaeda or some related terrorist movement trying to tell states that they should not participate in the actions in Iraq," he said. Genius
Blix said his task of seeking weapons of mass destruction in Iraq was undermined by the Bush and Blair governments, which probably knew they were exaggerating the threat to justify the invasion. "(The war) was more punitive than preemptive," he said.
Excuse me Hans, if you don’t have anything informed to say, please STFU.
Apart from removing Saddam from power, Blix said he saw no benefit from the invasion and was skeptical of U.S. claims that Libya’s subsequent decision to disarm was based on a fear that it could be next.
Ugh!, This guy is just clueless! I’m sure Kadaffey was more afraid of Blix’ boy’s tearing up the hotel bars.
What bothered him most, he said, was the manipulation of intelligence on Iraq and the lack of support for the weapons inspections process and the UN in general. "They are politicians, and we understand the need for hype. But still, as citizens, as voters, we want critical thinking, we want sincerity, not advertising hype," he said.
And the UN is comprised of America hating, career bureaucrats who will sink to any low including being complicit to mass murder in order to prevent their gravey train from drying up
Blix said the UN could play a key role in a fight against terrorism. "First of all, the struggle against terrorism must be a multilateral one, and I think the United States realizes that," he said. "This is not just an alliance of the willing, of big industrial states, but must have the rest of the world behind it."
Disgraceful, sour, bitter old fool.
Posted by:JerseyMike

#61  Shamu would never had had a chance. :)
Posted by: Shipman   2004-3-20 4:23:00 PM  

#60  [/cruel shoes]
Posted by: Super Hose   2004-3-19 11:44:36 PM  

#59  Note - Those who tolerated my last ad-hominem attack on Boris, should be OK with the way I now address Antiwar.

Antiwar, You come off as a woman with residual prom trauma. Take some personal responsibility for the hygiene choices that repelled all suitors. If you had taken a weed-whacker to the steel wool staging a jail-break from your underarms, at least eight-fingered Billy Jo with his 2.0 average in a manual arts concentration would have been interested.

Lets face facts. The boys weren't checking out your booty; they had formed an anchor pool that involved speculation on when you might change your underwear next. Suzy who used to look at you getting dressed post-gym class wasn't bi-curious. The boys hired her to judge the competition.
Posted by: Super Hose   2004-3-19 11:43:45 PM  

#58  For decent Rantburgers, please, skip or excuse the following insensitive address to Boris.

Wake the hell up Boris. Are you trying to convince us or entertain us when you regurgitate the canard-filled CAIR stump speech.

If you actually believe the drivel that you post, then your talent is truly being wasted by whatever your current occupation you are currently engaged in. Your guidance counselor should have encouraged you to harness you gullibility by seeking employment as Michael Jackson's wet-nurse.

You might be one of the rare individuals capable of rationalizing showing selections from Michael's private video collection to children. I doubt that you would even notice that Michael's copy of "The Muppet Movie" features anatomically correct sock puppets in the roles of Kermit and Miss Piggy? Most people would question whether Jim Henson ever scripted a movie for children that including puppets bumping, grinding and disrobing to a cheesy soundtrack. If you can ignore the warts on Senor Arafat, certainly, your exaggerated cognitive dissonance reduction reactions should allow you to walk right on by Jackson's "eccentricities."

Note - some of his pre-CTW experimental shorts like the cult classic Time Piece are edgy, though.
Posted by: Super Hose   2004-3-19 11:39:42 PM  

#57  Most of the time we hammer on the stupid rather than have to contend with the truly vile.
Posted by: whitecollar redneck   2004-3-19 6:24:31 PM  

#56  ex-lib,
Been here a week, huh? Well stick, around we're just kinda going through a bad spell here.
Posted by: whitecollar redneck   2004-3-19 6:21:31 PM  

#55  Hey Anti,

Posted by: JerseyMike   2004-3-19 5:47:28 PM  

#54  whitecollar redneck: I agree (ignore, mock, ban), and I know they probably didn't even read it. I wasn't reÃ¥lly writing for them, but for others who may be confused by their rhetoric. But I try to hold out hope for them nonetheless. (There, but for the grace of God, go I . . . )

Operatives like antiwar and the neo-nazis aren't for real. They believe if they keep telling the lie long enough people will believe it. And they're right, somewhat. It worked for Hitler, and it works for the terrorists now (consider Spain, American /Euro liberal nonsense thinking). Their job is to go on websites like this, find out what they can, and keep pushing the same "drug." I've only been on this site for a week, and I really don't think they're simply average people with wacky ideas. They never really respond to critical inquiry and discussion.

Nice one, JFM.
Posted by: ex-lib   2004-3-19 5:14:46 PM  

#53  JFM - That was a great post.
Posted by: Matt   2004-3-19 4:24:02 PM  

#52  Good post ex-lib. Your parts about posting should give us all pause to search our motives for being here. I learn something here everyday.

On another note "The Jews killed Jesus" is just stalking horse for these people to insert themselves and their politics into the discussion.
They should be ignored, mocked then banned.
Posted by: whitecollar redneck   2004-3-19 4:24:01 PM  

#51 are signing everyones death warrant by voting for Dubya.

Damn right. And the sooner all the terrorists die, the better.
Posted by: Bomb-a-rama   2004-3-19 4:19:21 PM  

#50  "you are signing everyones death warrant by voting for Dubya. I suggest you think (for a change)and do not vote for him. "

Antiwar, you make me regret that I will never be able to vote for Bush even if I moved now to the US. This has been a constant itch since 9/11 but never as much as when I saw your abject post.

My country has emblazoned the words "Liberty, Equality, Freternity". Liberty as in having freedom of religion, Liberty as in not having to bow to a caliph, Liberty as in not having to accept barbarous, inhuman laws and as in being able to tell what I think of them. Equality as in women having same rights as men. Equality as in the testimony of a non-Muslim having the same value as the one of a Muslim, Equality as in not having Christians put to death for striking a Muslim in self defence while a Muslim murdering a Christian or a woman has his sentence halved (that is Sharia, ie Al Quaida's dream). And then there is Fraternity as in not seeking the extermination on people whose only crime is not regarding Mecca as the center of the world. I think such ideas deserve to be defended and, if necessary, to die for them: I don't want my daughters live in the world dreamed by wahabis.

But you, you are ready to abdicate all of your ideas as long as bin Laden spares your life. It is abject. It is stupid. Such people as bin Laden, Saddam or Hitler never keep their world. They could kill you to set an example or just for the fun of it. Do you know the meaning of "Vae Victis"? It means that once you have surrendered, everything can happen.
Posted by: JFM   2004-3-19 4:06:57 PM  

#49  Funny how the "German Defense League" carries no German text or link to German text on their website. And of course "whois" takes us right back to Boris Pribich.

Yeah, Boris, you're world-*yawn*-wide. Ho hum...
Posted by: Dar   2004-3-19 4:05:21 PM  

#48  TGA, one should never threaten someone he doesn't know -- the GDL has membership world-wide. -:)
Posted by: Anonymous   2004-3-19 3:58:39 PM  

#47  OldSpook - I'll send an email too - thanks.

Posted by: Yosemite Sam   2004-3-19 3:29:42 PM  

#46  Rafael, don't bother. Compared to antiwar even Michael Moore comes across as intelligent.
Posted by: True German Ally   2004-3-19 3:02:05 PM  

#45  Dan is right in his post (#15). Everyone is accountable for themselves--not for what their ancestors did. Also, freedom is a huge threat to oppressors, because true freedom (springing from a foundation of responsibility, morality, and justice) empowers the individual. Freedom is the BIG DOG!


Well, well, well. The neo-nazis have discovered Rantburg! I’m a newcomer myself. Can’t wait (yawn) to hear what they have to say, I mean spew. Whatever they come up with, it is certain that they will now attempt to garner experiences on this site that help them feel that they are powerful people. As top members of the “club” they've invented, they pretend to possess expert knowledge of world affairs! Get ready to be impressed! Not. The feelings they get from conforming to each other and uniting against an self-invented common “enemy” ever bolsters their individual and group commitments to the “substitute for reality” they have selected--i.e. their crazy mindsets.

These guys only post because they can--not because they have anything useful to contribute (obviously). Saying audacious things simply gives them a FEELING. The feelings then give them a false sense of affirmation. This helps them feel less alone in what they perceive to be the void of what they consider an existential universe. They will say anything, and teach themselves to believe anything, that will take their minds off their own, individual, personal places of discontent. They are mad for distraction. They absolutely MUST distract themselves. Otherwise the enveloping emptiness is too much for them to bear.

The silver lining is that their posts do serve to educate the rest of us about them and their disturbing mental states. (Know your enemy?) Some of them, sadly, will never find their way out of the hate and lies they adhere to. They are a blank, boring, dismal lot underneath all of the poison, the vitriol, the impotent screaming. Those who can think clearly will be able to recognize their pitiful plight fairly easily. They really need to figure out who they’re truly angry at. If they would only think back through their own lives, beginning with their earliest memories, they might discover the truth about what motivates them.

Mike Morris is an interesting case in point.

First, I find it very suspect that Mike is at all seriously interested in discussing either politics or religion. But since he’s portraying himself as jumping into the soup, I’ll jump on in too. Besides, I’m really sick of the neo-nazis reiterating their usual nonsense--ad nauseum--and would like to shut up their stupidity.

(NOTE: For those who do not wish to expose themselves to discussion with religious content--bail out here.)

On we go . . .

Mike tries, like all of his neo-nazi cohorts, to make the age-old argument that "the jews crucified Jesus" and that jews are now the quintessential bad guys of the world. ( I don't think he believes a word of what he's talking about, but, again, let's take him at face value for the sake of discussion.)

It is an interesting misconception, but a misconception nonetheless, that the "jews" ever crucified Jesus the Christ. According to the record, there were, in fact, jewish leaders that wanted Jesus dead because His words of freedom threatened their power base, their social position, their self-importance, and their chosen estrangement from God. But it was actually the Romans, under Pontius Pilate, who crucified Jesus. Roman soldiers were the instrument used. Mike Morris, if he were to be intellectually consistent, would therefore need to be carrying a grudge against the Italians! He also is overlooking the fact that there were plenty of jewish people who did not support the actions and intentions of their corrupt religious hierarchy, or of the Romans. When the jewish writers of the New Testament wrote that “the jews crucified Jesus,” they were speaking only of those whose will was set against truth, those who allied themselves with corruption. It’s therefore silly to say “THE” jews, like they are, or were, a standardized human conglomerate “unit” of some sort.

Next, Mike, and the rest of his group, ignore the fact that almost all of the early christians were righteous (you guessed it) jews. Mary, the mother of our Lord, all of the disciples--Andrew, Paul, James, John, Peter, etc.--the common people, the writers of the Holy Scriptures--each and every one was of jewish origin. In fact, it’s kind of funny that the only reason Mike knows anything about Jesus at all (and I don't think he knows much) is because of what righteous hebrew men wrote, under inspiration from the Holy Spirit. So, again: the “jews” did not crucify Jesus, even though there were some jews--a minority of jews at that time--who supported it.

Thirdly, Mike’s purported objection to the death of Jesus is but another misinformed inconsistency. He framed his point in such a way as to suggest that some very bad people killed someone of great importance to him. While the importance of Jesus is not being disputed in this post, the correct THEOLOGICAL understanding is that no one actually took Jesus' life. No one “killed” Jesus. No one could. According to the Scriptures, He gave His life willingly as an atonement for the sins of every individual, in order to restore them to right relationship with God (if they will accept it)--including ‘Mike Morris’, ‘Inchu Chuna’, ‘Kunta Kinte’, ‘Boris’, ‘antiwar’, ‘muck4doo’, ‘dan’ , ‘Dar’, ‘Jen’, ‘Bulldog’ and ‘ex-lib’ etc. It was the original “No man left behind” policy. And for those who have the inclination, the door is still open. The point is to figure out where each of us stands in relation to this Friend of Man--because, interestingly enough, according to the record, He’s not dead after all.

Finally, if Mike has a serious beef about financial aid to Israel, or Iraq, or any other of the many countries the US helps out--great! I’d like to learn more about what we’re giving to who and why. I imagine the neo-nazis will be curiously silent, however, on any discussion of merit . . .

Posted by: ex-lib   2004-3-19 3:01:56 PM  

#44  Antiwar, how was Bush responsible for 9-11? I'm not baiting you, maybe you have some new information that I don't know about. BTW, saying that Bush "knew" about it is not the same.
Posted by: Rafael   2004-3-19 2:59:14 PM  

#43  I should not have gone to the site Boris touted but I did. And I read the posting about the concentration camps, including Buchenwald.

All I can say is, Boris, should you ever tread on German soil I'll have you arrested. And very soon this is possible EU-wide.

I'm not kidding, Boris.
Posted by: True German Ally   2004-3-19 2:53:19 PM  

#42  Thanks for the address OP... on the way.
Posted by: Shipman   2004-3-19 2:47:44 PM  

#41  Odd Duck indeed. Go into town and vist/or make some friends antiwar. You will be happier and feel younger.
Posted by: Shipman   2004-3-19 2:46:28 PM  

#40  Apparently "Boris" is hosted on "" (or through it). I just sent a very NASTY note to the president ( This guy needs to be hung out to dry. And Boris - I'm also a God-loving Christian, raised a southern Baptist, and trained by the Air Force and a ROK Marine to be one of the nastiest SOBs on the planet. Even with my bad back, you're toast, you piece of brain-dead fecal matter.
Posted by: Old Patriot   2004-3-19 2:45:56 PM  

#39  You are truly becoming sad antiwar. No facts, arguments, logic, reason. Not even decent hyperbole. Have you ever really been challenged to examine your beliefs or plumbed the motives for the things you do in life? Try it some time and see how it weighs up. LIGHTWEIGHT.
Posted by: whitecollar redneck   2004-3-19 2:45:18 PM  

#38  Fred. I'm convinced. How much for a year? $29.00? Seriously.
Posted by: Shipman   2004-3-19 2:44:55 PM  

#37  Rafael,yes.
Posted by: Antiwar   2004-3-19 2:42:59 PM  

#36  Rafael--Don't forget the USS Cole, the Marine barracks in Beirut, the Achille Lauro, Pan Am 103 over Lockerbie, etc., etc. This started a long time ago--Blix, Anti, Boris, and their ilk are just upset because we've finally decided we're not going to sit here and take it anymore.

Jen is right. The world is more dangerous for terrorists now. The gloves are off. Run, cowards!
Posted by: Dar   2004-3-19 2:34:47 PM  

#35  "you are signing everyones death warrant by voting for Dubya. I suggest you think (for a change)and do not vote for him. "

Well that convinced me! how bout you guys? :)
Posted by: Damn_Proud_American   2004-3-19 2:31:53 PM  

#34  well the world isnt safer really is it?

I vaguely remember that has something to do with 9-11. Surely you don't claim that Bush was responsible for that, do you?
Posted by: Rafael   2004-3-19 2:27:24 PM  

#33  Jen you are signing everyones death warrant by voting for Dubya. I suggest you think (for a change)and do not vote for him.
Posted by: Antiwar   2004-3-19 2:25:56 PM  

#32  Auntie, the world isn't safer for *terrorists* and that's only one of the reasons I'll happily vote for Bush AGAIN.
Posted by: Jen   2004-3-19 1:43:05 PM  

#31  I suppose you will vote for GWB well the world isnt safer really is it?

You want safe? A handful of re-entry vehicles with their nuclear payloads falling into Damascus, Riyadh, Tehran, the Bekaa Valley, and Peshawar would do the trick. That's the quick and dirty way. The less dirty way, which requires time and patience, is to tackle the problem areas one at a time. Which do you prefer?
Posted by: Bomb-a-rama   2004-3-19 1:12:57 PM  

#30  Found this on google about the troll....

Boris Pribich, uses and distributes for a price
pirated copies of Kintex's 3D Max, Metacreation's Ray Dream Studio, Adobe's
After Effects 4.0 production bundle, MicroSoft's Soft Image and more. Mr
Pribich also goes by the name Ivan and the handle "FOSI" which he uses to
freely distribute lower end software (in order to get one to inquire AND buy
the above mentioned products and to garner $$$ from Porn) at sites he runs
with the aid of his Russian pals see: then go to:

or his other site:

About porn, he makes a nice living off of their Porn banners, some of which
are linked to Child pornography. See for yourself if you have the stomach for

I believe there is a reward for turning them in but you would have to contact:
Posted by: Yosemite Sam   2004-3-19 1:02:02 PM  

#29  Antiwar, Jewish Judge and State Prosecutor forged Boris' Jury Instructions, would you say that they were "Zinonists" or "ordinary Jews"?
Posted by: Anonymous   2004-3-19 12:53:20 PM  

#28  Damn Proud American. I suppose you will vote for GWB well the world isnt safer really is it?
Posted by: Antiwar   2004-3-19 12:36:53 PM  

#27  I'm tempted to track down who he is and get the FBI involved.

Maybe the proprietor can provide you with all the IP numbers from where the postings orginated so you can contact the domain owners to see if they have further information?
Posted by: Bomb-a-rama   2004-3-19 12:32:04 PM  

#26  anti, you've been reduced to babbling incoherently?
Posted by: Damn_Proud_American   2004-3-19 12:28:49 PM  

#25  Nothing wrong with jews but there is everything wrong with zionists and their Entity. Bush is a piece of work and a warmongering waste of space.The world is very much unsafe since the coalition of the silly invaded Iraq.Look at Spain the terrorist attack came after the war.So Bush is full of shite and needs to leave the presidency
Posted by: Antiwar   2004-3-19 12:27:03 PM  

#24  this was on google...

Boris Pribich is a Serbian Hate Monger. People like him should not be
permitted to use a computer! He thinks he's a Serbian patriot working
behind a computer!

Boris was born in 1946 in Okucani (Nova Gradiska), Croatia. He was raised
a Serb Nationalist and throughout his youth would hate all Croats. This
despite the fact that his family was saved by a Croatian family during
WWII. He joined the young communists in his early 20's. Despite his
average marks, he was sent to institutions of higher education in
Yugoslavia and the US by the "Communist Party" only because he was a

Later on in life, Boris Pribich moved to California where he began
working as a design engineer. He did not loose his hatred for Croatians
though! It was rumored that Boris even went on to work for the Yugoslav
secret police in California as an informant.
Posted by: Damn_Proud_American   2004-3-19 12:22:49 PM  

#23  I wouldn't be so quick to assume he isn't spoofing someone else's identity online. This Boris Pribich may be some completely innocent guy that this scum bag has something against or just decided to steal his identity for on line purposes as an alias and post his hate rhetoric...

I'm tempted to track down who he is and get the FBI involved. I have a feeling this scumbag is actually a danger to society... defintely mentally disabled and possible capable of lashing out. He should be in a loony bin getting sever shock treatments.
Posted by: Damn_Proud_American   2004-3-19 12:19:38 PM  

#22  There are some interesting claims re. our miserable troll Boris here. If half of this is true, shit doesn't come slimier...

Includes a home address for anyone who lives within striking distance of the Simi Valley, California.
Posted by: Bulldog   2004-3-19 11:39:38 AM  

#21  Time to delete Boris Prickbitch's comments?!
Posted by: Bulldog   2004-3-19 11:14:12 AM  

#20  Come now folks, Jews weren't run out of every country in Europe because they were loyal citizens -- that's hardly "persecution". Unfortunately for Jews and Gentiles when the latter get hungry there could be a real Holocaust and censorship of truth will put the blame where it belongs, on the Jews.
Posted by: Anonymous   2004-3-19 11:11:35 AM  

#19  Boys and girls, "anonymous" is a troll, pure and simple, perhaps it's Boris or CSerb, whoever, whatever.

Ignore him.

Fred, we got a leak in the boat! Got a patch handy?
Posted by: Steve White   2004-3-19 11:09:50 AM  

#18  Blix is Svedish Jew same as Kohn aka "Kerry" is Czech Jew.
Only idiots do not pay attention on details which are crucial to control judeo-christian cattle.
Posted by: Kunta Kinte   2004-3-19 11:01:32 AM  

#17  Oh, not another troll with schizophrenia! Do you really think your little Army of One is going to fool us with your made-up pseudonyms? F'ing troll.
Posted by: Dar   2004-3-19 11:00:51 AM  

#16  boris is having fun playing with hiself.
Posted by: muck4doo   2004-3-19 11:00:09 AM  

#15  man all of this racist bullshit! look i don't care who you are ,jews or muslims,or buddist..whatever - but people have the right to live in peace and prosperity. no one should be held accountable for their fathers deeds - especially shit from decades and hundreds of years ago.

as for the terrorist threat - this threat has hung over the world for 3 decades and especially since 1979 islamofacist revolution in iran. we were under the gun before and after 9/11 - the only difference now is the perpetrators of these acts are feeling the heat big time. it is natural for a reaction (which we are seeing in the increased acts of terror)- it is really about survival of governments. but we are winning, look at iran. irainians go to iraq and see their freedoms and nascent prosperity, they are treated with respect and dignity by our troops and take this back to iran. now you have iranians in open defiance. Freedom is addictive and the regimes of the Middle East status quo know their survival is at stake. that is why syria and iran actively support terrorists in iraq - it is also why the goddam sods cut opec production - squeeze the American economy so Bush can be blamed.

so yes there is more terrorism but more of a desperate type!
Posted by: Dan   2004-3-19 10:58:28 AM  

#14  Oh, great--funny how the most persecuted group in history is always accused of "world domination". Are you wearing your Reynolds Wrap hat today?
Posted by: Dar   2004-3-19 10:57:41 AM  

#13  Mike Morris, let's just deport Jews to Israel, not kill them, the world couldn't survive another Holohoax.
Posted by: Anonymous   2004-3-19 10:55:18 AM  

#12  Jen [] writes:
this is God speaking, "He who blesses Israel, I will bless. He who curses Israel, I will curse."
But, Jen, this is your god. And he is full ofdogsht! My God is of Universe and infinite intelect. If you say that you are moron, I trust you but if you say that you can think, then you prove that you are moron.
Posted by: Inchu Chuna   2004-3-19 10:54:00 AM  

#11  MM, the Bible clearly says and this is God speaking,
"He who blesses Israel, I will bless.
He who curses Israel, I will curse."
When the Almighty says something, you can take it to the (eternal) Bank.
God has blessed and will continue to bless America for standing by Israel and God's Chosen People.
(And I was born and raised a Southern Baptist!)
Posted by: Jen   2004-3-19 10:39:29 AM  

#10  Yo Attentionstarvationsyndrome, what is it little boy? Cant you find a girlfriend? Hint: Its you B.O. not the Jews that carries the blame for that.

Oh, and if you find any spelling-mistakes in my post, dont bother posting about them cause i simply do not give a flying f*** about the opinions of people who spend all their time putting together nonsense websites like yours.
Posted by: Evert Visser in NL   2004-3-19 10:36:10 AM  

#9  Its all cause of these fuckin jews that there is no peace in this world. They believe in world domination. They were the ones who crucified jesus, and they are ones that are suckin us dry by getting 4 billion dollars aid every year, since 70's. I say kill these bastards....
Posted by: Mike Morris   2004-3-19 10:35:29 AM  

#8  Jersey Mike, just like a typical Jew you can't spell -- want to pay for some tutoring?
Posted by: Anonymous   2004-3-19 10:26:27 AM  

#7  Better to be a "Jew-serving Gentile" and rewarded in Heaven by the God of us all (Christians and Jews) than a servant of SATAN, like you hate-mongers and Devil-worshipping terrorists!
And Anon, buddy, it's Fred's site and he can delete what and whom he chooses.
As for the latest example of Blix babbling, I'm convinced that Saddam either bribed, tortured and/or drugged every single one of the UNSCOM inspectors;
Blix, Ritter, Butler and Kay all belong in a mental institution with a drool cup and a lifetime supply of Depends and baby food.
Sad, but true.
Posted by: Jen   2004-3-19 10:21:05 AM  

#6  Fuck off Cserb you useless peice of shit
Posted by: JerseyMike   2004-3-19 10:16:54 AM  

#5  It's no ananymous troll, it's CrapuSerb, the excrement-for-brained wankstain who can't take a hint. FUCK OFF, you worthless parasite.
Posted by: Bulldog   2004-3-19 10:15:35 AM  

#4  Come on Frank, don't go and get all riled up! Fred Pruitt is a Jew-serving Gentile and he'll delete whatever you don't like. :-)
Posted by: Anonymous   2004-3-19 10:12:35 AM  

#3  very nice comment, you cowardly anonymous piece of shit. Off topic slur - not even good trolling.

On topic - I listen to Blix as much as I do Ritter. Bitter Saddam suckups and losers on the big stage
Posted by: Frank G   2004-3-19 10:03:36 AM  

#2  What else could you expect a Jew to say?
Posted by: Anonymous   2004-3-19 10:00:41 AM  

#1  As Romano Prodi said,terrorism is "infinitely" more powerful now than three years ago.Shows you how big an impression 9/11 and the 3000 dead made here.
Posted by: El Id   2004-3-19 9:55:07 AM  
