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Mississippi: Looks like the Publicans have it...
Mississippi -- 1,528 of 2,319 precincts reporting (66%)
Barbour [B] 289,788 52%
Musgrove * [M] 256,872 46%
Cripps [I] 4,015 1%
Dillion [I] 2,162 0%
O'Hara [I] 2,574 0%
I suppose it could still turn around, but with 2/3 of the precincts in it looks pretty good. Fox is still describing it as too close to call, but I don't think they're on the local stations...

Barbour will be Mississippi's next governor
Republican Haley Barbour has done it. The former Republican National Committee chairman has been declared the winner in the race for governor, beating Democratic incumbent Ronnie Musgrove. With 84 percent of the vote reported, Barbour had 53 percent to Musgrove's 45 percent in unofficial returns.

Some have said governor's races in Mississippi and Kentucky could give an indication of President Bush's popularity headed into the 2004 federal elections.
Posted by:Fred Pruitt

#30  "Fetus" is greek for unborn child.

So you're killing a child. Discrimination based on age and temporary physical handicap. Two with one stone.
Posted by: Ptah   2003-11-5 2:43:05 PM  

#29  Hey, let's all kill a fetus then deny it.
Posted by: Lucky   2003-11-5 12:11:37 PM  

#28  aggh..I apologise for snapping at the troll bait. I just couldn't help myself.
Posted by: B   2003-11-5 12:09:38 PM  

#27  HOLY BANDWIDTH, BATMAN! NMM's catalytic comments skew the comments:article ratio all to hell just about as much as Murat's inputs (and outputs).
Posted by: Alaska Paul   2003-11-5 11:45:17 AM  

#26  No..NMM, my world is not the opposite of yours, gaagg..what an insult! Though I'm not surprised you'd make such a blanket assumption, seeing how in your little black and white world, all non-Democrats think exactly alike.

No, Mike, not everyone is a rabid, cheering spectator like you. You just sit in the stands and cheer for one side..always assuming that any and every call by the ump against your team is BAD!! and any and every call by the ump for your team is good. You just sit in the stands and mindlessly cheer for your team. Go Democrats.

Believe it or not, there are some of us who would prefer to pull from the best players on all sides, to make up an all-star team. The best of the best...regardless of which team they come from. A concept I'm sure that is foreign to you sitting there all wrapped up in your "team spirit" busy waving your little "we're number one" flag.
Posted by: B   2003-11-5 11:41:59 AM  

#25  Steve W You're right--the GOP put the loonies in a lockbox--but they are still pulling the strings--just look at the judicial appointments, this "partial birth" (which is NOT a medical term) abortion ban, etc.

NMM, you really don't want to get me started on the "partial birth" issue. As a physician, I can tell you that you're right, it isn't a medical term.

The proper medical term is "infanticide."
Posted by: Steve White   2003-11-5 11:33:27 AM  

#24  I thought the publican was the guy tending bar at the pub?
Posted by: mojo   2003-11-5 11:32:20 AM  

#23  Old enough to know that their ideologues are now Republicans in the South

Nice little bit of msidirection there. Too bad few people are buying it.
Posted by: Bomb-a-rama   2003-11-5 11:20:42 AM  

#22  OP Stonewalling appointments? Payback IS a bitch isn't it?! Bwahahahaha
B Sounds like my world is the opposite of yours--Democrats always bad--GOP always good--so what's your point? Oh and it's a fetus, not a baby in my opinion--if you're against abortion--don't have one then!
Posted by: Not Mike Moore   2003-11-5 11:06:27 AM  

#21  WOW! Nutmike, you surprise me. You actually can distinguish that Al Sharpton (though a Democrat) is not, simply by invoking the holy name of the Democratic party, as pure as the rest of the saved among you; though it is amusing that the confession caused you such dismay that you found yourself compelled to immediately recite ten hail talking points and 5 hate Marys.

I envy your simple world of black and white. Democrats…always good. Republicans…always bad. Abortion …always good, Suck that baby out at 39 weeks and throw it in the trash. Why, it’s exactly the same as an abortion of less than 12 weeks..right?? It’s all very simple.
Posted by: B   2003-11-5 10:59:49 AM  

#20  The Dummycheats will continue to lose and be marginalized until they understand two things: most Americans want limited government, and we want only the taxes necessary to do the government's legitimate business. The majority of what passes as "legitimate business" these days is pork added to the budget to buy off some special constituency in the plunderer's home district. It might also help if the dummycheats had a decent idea once in awhile, instead of pushing the same old garbage: greed and envy('tax the rich'), divisiveness ('multiculturalism'), and social programs that only make a larger percentage of the population dependent upon the government (From "New Deal" to "Great Society" to "slavery reparations" to whatever else pops up in their flights of fantasy). Somebody has to pay for all of this, and it's the guys that actually have to WORK for a living. At one time, the dummycheats cared about the working people: now they only care about the dependent class. The rest of us are tired of carrying the load.

NMM's idiotarian comment about "judicial appointments" is the mark of a true dummycheat. Bush has nominated a number of people the American Bar Association has vetted as "eminently well qualified". The Dummycheat Party has stonewalled their appointments because those nominees won't continue their destruction of the Constitution through 'judicial activism'- a piece of stupidity where judges usurp the role of the Congress by making laws from the bench. The dummycheats have put party above the Constitution. They all deserve to be taken out and shot. That USED to be called Treason - taking an oath to "support and defend the Constitution, and bear true faith and allegiance to the same".

Someone on LGF made a comment about needing an "anti-idiotarian" party. I'll be one of the first to join. It's also looking more and more like we'll need a Second American Revolution to get rid of the dead weight currently bogging this nation down. Let's hope we can accomplish it at the ballot box, rather than having to take up arms to make it happen. If, however, that's the only choice, I'll do my part.
Posted by: Old Patriot   2003-11-5 10:53:50 AM  

#19  Raptor Did I say I supported Sharpton? I happened to have lived in NYC when the Tawanna Brawley farce was going on--I think Sharpton, Maddox AND Mason should have gone to jail for their actions.
Steve W You're right--the GOP put the loonies in a lockbox--but they are still pulling the strings--just look at the judicial appointments, this "partial birth" (which is NOT a medical term)
abortion ban, etc.
Posted by: Not Mike Moore   2003-11-5 10:20:45 AM  

#18  Mark - I'm sorry CCC = ??? (I'm assuming you don't mean the Civilian Conservation Corps...)
Posted by: eLarson   2003-11-5 9:39:44 AM  

#17  Given that Barbour actively pursued the support of the CCC (essentially the Klan in suits, you can check out the history) during this campaign, he deserves to take some heat for it.
Posted by: VAMark   2003-11-5 8:52:34 AM  

#16  mwh.. re: Publicans, I think the GOP should graciously relinquish that title to the side that most wants and deserves it. Then the Dumb-Downers would have both a symbol and a title of which they could be proud.
Posted by: B   2003-11-5 8:28:18 AM  

#15  CA + KY + MS = 2004
Posted by: ---------<<<<--   2003-11-5 8:13:18 AM  

#14  B,

Publicans is probably not a good name for the GOP because 'publicans' in the english version of the Christian bible are basically tax collectors.

Maybe GOPs would be better as a title.
Posted by: mhw   2003-11-5 8:13:03 AM  

#13  Well he is some news that we can all be happy with! Even Nutmike. Democrat Whipple trounced GOP Kamal Nawash. Remember him? He's candidate from 31st in Arlington, who got financing from Alamo(aundi?), the terrorist financier from Florida. Namal had other connections to terrorist organizations too. Surprisingly, GOP Senator Warner, member of the Armed Services Committee, came out in support of Nawash. Gives me pause on Warner.

Hmmm, on second thought, I'm guessing the loss of a terrorist supporter, even to a Dumbdownocrat, is probably a disappointment to Nihilistic Nutmike.
Posted by: B   2003-11-5 7:47:08 AM  

#12  NMM,do you really,honestly think a lying Democrat(remember Tuwana Brawly)like Sharpton(Democrat)would make agood Pries.If so I have a"bill of goods"I think you might be interested in.
Posted by: Raptor   2003-11-5 6:28:55 AM  

#11  Why stop at the Klan? Listening to the Al Sharptons and the Jesse Jacksons of the Dimocrats will tell you they still have a problem with openb racists.

By the way, NMM, what bunged up, lashed together sort of moral code allows you to apply the guilt of one man and blindly and unthinkingly apply it to another, sight unseen? Whatever it is, most Americans don't seem to agree its a fair one...
Posted by: Ptah   2003-11-5 5:14:14 AM  

#10  Memo to NMM: You're either being sarcastic to a level high enough to crash the Pentagon's main-frame, or you're really ARE Micheal Moore.

I could care less either way since the Daily Show makes more sense than you.
Posted by: Charles   2003-11-5 3:25:43 AM  

#9  Note to Dems:
You're in a hole. Dig faster.
Posted by: Dishman   2003-11-5 3:03:59 AM  

#8  See you in Louisiana a week from Saturday, Nutmeg. To avoid a major case of cognitive dissonance, you might want to jettison your stereotypes at the state line.
Posted by: Tonto   2003-11-5 2:04:09 AM  

#7  To: Steve White

You nailed it with both posts - 'specially the gem about Repub diversity. The NutMikes of the Left will not fathom this until it's waaay late. Too bad, actually.
Posted by: Tonto   2003-11-5 1:24:00 AM  

#6  Steve, Steve, Steve, the GOP is ruled from Texas, the moderate Republicans have been marginalized and bullied into toe-ing the party line--I'm glad the Southern Democrats have been thrown out I have no patience for Republocrats! The joke is Olympia Snowe and her ilk pretending they agree with the GOP agenda! One day people in Maine and other more moderate states will wake up and realize that the GOP is a bunch of evangelical loonies run by Rove and DeLay
Posted by: NotMikeMoore   2003-11-5 1:21:39 AM  

#5  I gather you're too young to realise that most of the Klansmen were Democrats.

Unfortunately, some of them migrated to the Republican party, and we've yet to drum them out completely.

However, some of the most vicious haters in the old Democratic party weren't found in the South, but in Chicago, Philly, etc. And those folks remained Democrats. And they still vote. Just ask Da Mayor.
Posted by: Steve White   2003-11-5 1:14:11 AM  

#4  Now when will the Country Club Republicans in the NE, midwest and mid-Atlantic states wake up and realize their party has been hijacked by the loony right wing?

Now, now, don't be a sore loser! :-)

The far-right wing of the Repubs actually got put into a box during the late 1990s -- right about the time Repubs realized that if they were going to win any more elections they should stop giving Pat Buchanan and Pat Robertson floor time at the conventions. What you call "right wing" is actually surprising heterogenous in its views. Failing to see that would be the same mistake as calling all liberals "left wing". We both know that there is substantial diversity in leftist thought, and ditto is true for the right.

Democrats will keep losing until 1) they get their own nutters into a box (dare I call it a "lockbox"? Just a little 2000 humor) and 2) they fiunderstand the diversity of the right, and thus begin to peel voters away in the center-right.
Posted by: Steve White   2003-11-5 1:11:53 AM  

#3  Old enough to know that their ideologues are now Republicans in the South
Posted by: NotMikeMoore   2003-11-5 1:11:26 AM  

#2  To: NotQuiteBright

I gather you're too young to realise that most of the Klansmen were Democrats.
Posted by: Tonto   2003-11-5 1:05:54 AM  

#1  The Klan Southern Republicans winning? Now that's a BIG surprise! Now when will the Country Club Republicans in the NE, midwest and mid-Atlantic states wake up and realize their party has been hijacked by the loony right wing?
Posted by: NotMikeMoore   2003-11-5 12:26:11 AM  
