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2024-01-25 Caucasus/Russia/Central Asia
Ukrainian Perspective: Invasion of Ukraine: January 24, 2024
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited.

Worth noting, korrespondent.net has compiled its Invasion of Ukraine series into separate months, beginning May 9th, 2023. Linked in the title

[Korrespondent] 22:39 Ukraine and Germany may soon conclude an agreement on security obligations, Scholz said: “I proceed from the fact that we will soon finalize this... I have a feeling that we are on the verge of final negotiations.”

21:56 The Russians attacked Odessa with strike drones, there was damage to civilian housing infrastructure, and fires were recorded. Currently, two casualties are known, said the head of the OVA, Oleg Kiper. Public posts write about a hit in a multi-storey residential building and a fire in it.

21:03 In Gornyak, Donetsk region, the number of victims as a result of a Russian missile attack has increased to nine, including two children. Two more people died, the National Police reported. The search and rescue operation has been completed.

20:27 Britain wants to buy Taurus from Germany in order to transfer more Storm Shadow cruise missiles to Ukraine, writes Handelsblatt. According to the publication, the proposal has been under consideration for several weeks.

20:18 Committees of the Senate and House of Representatives of the US Congress have approved a bill that will allow the confiscation of Russian assets and transfer them to Ukraine for restoration. If the Senate and House of Representatives support the document and Biden signs it, this will mark the first confiscation of assets of the central bank of a country in US history with which Washington is not at war, writes Reuters.

20:15 The Russian army is trying to get out of positional battles, writes the American Institute for the Study of War (ISW). His analysis is based on reports from Russian "military correspondents". However, as analysts note, the Russian army is not yet able to concentrate on several sectors of the front, because it does not have sufficient resources to break through the Ukrainian defense lines. Read more in the material What the enemy is up to.

19:31 Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico, at a meeting with his Ukrainian counterpart Denis Shmygal, told him that he did not believe in the possibility of ending the war by military means. “At today’s rather lengthy meeting, it was demonstrated that our views with Mr. Prime Minister of the Ukrainian government on some topics diverge significantly. This is, first of all, a view on the war itself taking place in Ukraine. I repeated that I do not believe in a military solution to this conflict,” he said Fico.

Fico said he was deeply concerned that in the conflict in Ukraine "Slavs are killing each other" for the sake of geopolitical interests. “I said that my government would support any plan for a peaceful settlement. Therefore, I without hesitation supported the plan of Mr. President Zelensky, although I am convinced that it is unrealistic,” Fico added. Also, in his opinion, “the influence of the United States on the internal life of Ukraine, primarily on political life, is quite large.”

19:27 Ukraine is putting pressure on the EU to return refugees, Politico writes, citing sources. According to them, Kyiv is negotiating the establishment of EU rules that would return a large number of Ukrainians home in 2025. The Ukrainian government explains that this is necessary to maintain the country’s economy.

19:00 Zelensky said that he had a telephone conversation with Scholz - they discussed further defense cooperation, in particular strengthening the Ukrainian air defense system, as well as artillery and armored vehicles. We separately discussed the issue of preparing an agreement between Ukraine and Germany on security guarantees and measures for bilateral political dialogue in the near future.

18:56 Shmygal said that Slovakia will supply Ukraine with engineering equipment for the construction of a three-level defense line. In particular, we are talking about armored excavators and mine clearance vehicles. “Today, Ukraine is building a large-scale three-level line of defense lines - this is protection in all directions. The government has allocated tens of billions of hryvnia for this. Such protection will allow us to both deter the enemy and move forward. We need a significant additional amount of engineering equipment. With Prime Minister Fico, we have come to I agree that we will cooperate on the supply of such equipment from Slovakia,” the Ukrainian Prime Minister noted.

According to him, Slovak private companies will also supply armored excavators and mine clearance vehicles based on the T-72 tank. In addition, Slovakia has already decided to supply two Bozena-4 mine clearance vehicles for sappers working in the de-occupied part of the Kherson region.

18:51 Russia has requested an urgent meeting of the UN Security Council on the crash of the Il-76 plane in the Belgorod region, Lavrov said.

18:45 The Russian Army launched a missile attack on Gornyak, Donetsk region - at least two people were killed and eight were injured, said the head of the OBA Vadim Filashkin. Among the wounded is a 16-year-old teenager, he is in extremely serious condition. An enemy missile hit a residential area - two high-rise buildings and 43 private houses on five streets were damaged.

17:54 The Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense officially stated that an exchange of prisoners was supposed to take place today, but it did not take place. At the same time, the department said that they do not yet have “reliable and comprehensive” information about who exactly was on board the Russian Il-76 aircraft and in what quantity. The Main Intelligence Directorate emphasized that, for its part, Ukraine has fulfilled all agreements regarding the preparation of the exchange. The Russian prisoners were delivered on time to the agreed exchange point, where they were safe.

“The safety of our defenders, according to the agreements, was to be ensured by the Russian side. At the same time, the Ukrainian side was not informed of the need to ensure the security of airspace in the area of ​​​​the city of Belgorod during a certain period of time, as has been done many times in the past. Ukraine was not informed on the number of vehicles, routes and forms of delivery of prisoners. It is known that the delivery of prisoners occurs both by air, rail and road transport, which may indicate deliberate actions by Russia aimed at creating a threat to the life and safety of prisoners. Landing of a transport plane in the 30th kilometer zone of combat operations cannot be safe and in any case should be discussed by both sides, because otherwise it jeopardizes the entire exchange process. Based on this, we can talk about planned and deliberate actions of the Russian Federation with the aim of destabilizing the situation in Ukraine and weakening international support for our state," the statement said.

17:48 In Kharkov, work has been completed on the site of a five-story building destroyed as a result of a Russian missile attack, the State Emergency Service reported. Today, rescuers recovered the bodies of two more people and two dogs. In total, ten people were killed as a result of yesterday's attack on Kharkov.

17:20 The media write that the published list of Ukrainian prisoners of war who were allegedly on board the crashed Il-76 includes those who had already been exchanged earlier. The list of 65 names published by RT editor-in-chief Margarita Simonyan contains data on 17 Ukrainian Armed Forces servicemen exchanged on January 3, reports journalist Andrei Tsaplienko.

16:37 To reduce the missile threat from Russia, the Ukrainian Armed Forces not only control the airspace, but also monitor in detail the missile launch points and the logistics of their supply, especially with the use of military transport aircraft, the General Staff said. “The recorded intensity of shelling is directly related to the increase in the number of military transport aircraft that have recently been heading to the Belgorod airfield. Taking this into account, the Armed Forces of Ukraine will continue to take measures to destroy delivery vehicles, control airspace to destroy the terrorist threat, in including in the Belgorod-Kharkov direction,” the statement says.

The General Staff also emphasizes that in the last week alone, the enemy launched 19 missile attacks on the Kharkov region using 26 S-300 missiles and three Iskander-M missiles. As a result of the strikes, 16 people were killed, including one child, and 78 people were injured.

16:06 Denmark will allocate 91 million Danish kroner (about $13.3 million) for projects to support the development of cybersecurity and defense of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, the country’s defense department reported.

16:01 Estonia has decided to join the Interflex operation to train the Ukrainian military, which is being carried out by Great Britain, the country’s Ministry of Defense reported. More than 34 thousand Ukrainian soldiers have already received the necessary skills for combat operations on the front line thanks to these exercises.

15:40 By the second anniversary of the Russian invasion, the EU wants to approve the allocation of 50 billion euros in aid to Ukraine, the first 5 billion in income from frozen Russian assets and the 13th package of sanctions, writes the Financial Times.

15:29 The Russian Ministry of Defense stated that the Ukrainian Armed Forces allegedly hit a Russian Il-76 from the area of ​​Liptsy, Kharkov region, using an anti-aircraft missile system - the radar equipment of the Russian Aerospace Forces detected the launch of two Ukrainian missiles. The Russian Ministry of Defense also claims that the prisoner exchange was supposed to take place this afternoon at the Kolotilovka checkpoint on the Russian-Ukrainian border.

Meanwhile, propagandist Margarita Simonyan published an alleged “list of Ukrainian prisoners of war” who were on board the crashed Il-76. Earlier today, advisor to the mayor of Mariupol Pyotr Andryushchenko admitted that Russia could pass off Ukrainian prisoners who were actually tortured to death in Russian prisons as those killed in the plane crash.

15:13 Air defense forces destroyed two missiles over the Dnieper district of the Dnepropetrovsk region, said the head of the Air Force Sergei Lysak. Debris fell on one of the enterprises in the Dnieper, one person was injured.

14:58 GUR representative Andrei Yusov, in a comment to Radio Liberty, confirmed that an exchange of prisoners was being prepared for today. “But I can state that the exchange planned for today has not yet taken place,” he added. Information that prisoners of war could have been on the Il-76 plane that crashed in the Belgorod region is now being verified.

14:36 ​​The death toll as a result of the evening strike in the center of Kharkov has increased to ten - rescuers have unblocked the bodies of two more residents of the house, said the head of the OVA Oleg Sinegubov.

14:03 The Slovak government will not block Ukraine’s purchase of weapons and equipment from Slovak businesses and will support the allocation of 50 billion euros to Kiev from the EU, Prime Minister Denis Shmygal said following a meeting with his Slovak counterpart Robert Fico. In addition, the parties agreed to cooperate in the supply of equipment from the Slovak company for the construction of defense lines. Fico also assured of full support for Ukraine’s European integration aspirations.

13:29 Governor of the Belgorod region Vyacheslav Gladkov said that everyone on board the fallen Il-76 was killed.

13:12 In the morning, Russian aviation struck Novoberislav, Kherson region, two people were injured, said the head of the OVA, Alexander Prokudin. Another person was wounded as a result of enemy shelling of the Dnieper district of Kherson. Over the past 24 hours, five people were killed and six were injured as a result of Russian shelling in the region.

13:00 The Coordination Headquarters for the Treatment of Prisoners of War reported that, together with other relevant structures, it is “collecting and analyzing” all the necessary information about the alleged presence of Ukrainian prisoners of war on board the Russian Il-76 that crashed in the Belgorod region. Until the announcement of official statements, citizens and the media are asked to refrain from disseminating unverified information. The headquarters also emphasized that the enemy “is actively carrying out information special operations directed against Ukraine, which are aimed at destabilizing Ukrainian society.”

12:52 Experts from the British organization Conflict Armament Research found a handwritten Korean hieroglyph on a fragment of one of the ballistic missiles that Russia hit Kharkov on January 2, Yonhap reports.

The inscription was found on the barometer, while there were no Korean characters on other components of the rocket. However, after examining additional fragments, such as the distinct propeller blade drives, the pattern of bolts around the igniter and the repeated markings of the number 112, experts from the British organization concluded that it could be a North Korean KN-23 missile.

12:36 The head of the defense committee of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, Andrei Kartapolov, said that the Il-76 in the Belgorod region was allegedly shot down by the Ukrainian military - with three missiles. According to his information, another plane allegedly with 80 prisoners on board was flying after the crashed Il-76; they managed to turn it around.

12:33 Speaker of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Vyacheslav Volodin instructed to prepare an appeal to the US Congress and the Bundestag in connection with the Il-76 crash. According to him, “there is a proposal to figure out what missiles and launchers were used.”

12:04 Russian telegram channels showed the first photos from the crash site of the Russian military transport aircraft Il-76 near Belgorod:

11:30 The Russian Ministry of Defense stated that the Il-76 crashed in the Belgorod region; on board there were allegedly “65 captured military personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine transported to the Belgorod region for exchange,” six crew members and three accompanying persons. A VKS commission flew to the site of the plane crash to establish the causes of the disaster.

11:22 Ukrainskaya Pravda was told by the General Staff that the Il-76 plane that crashed in the Belgorod region was transporting missiles to the S-300 systems with which the Russians are shelling the Kharkov region. Russian public pages write that there were 63 people on board the Il-76, all of them died.

11:17 Media reports about the crash of an Il-76 plane in the Belgorod region of the Russian Federation. Local public pages publish a video of the alleged crash - the plane falls at high speed and explodes. It is also unofficially reported that there are supposedly 63 people on board. Against the backdrop of this news, the regional governor, Vyacheslav Gladkov, announced a certain “event” and the work of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, but did not specify any details.

11:14 Prime Minister of Slovakia Robert Fico arrived in Uzhgorod and has already met with his Ukrainian counterpart Denis Shmyhal. The day before, Fico said that “normal life” was going on in Kyiv. When asked by journalists why his visit to Ukraine on January 24 will take place in Uzhgorod and not in Kiev, Fico replied: “Why should I go to Kiev if I can meet with the Prime Minister of Ukraine in Uzhgorod? I don’t see the difference... You "Do you really think that there is a war going on in Kiev? Not seriously. So go there and you will see that normal life is going on in this city, absolutely normal life."

10:56 Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba said in an interview with Bild that North Korea is “a more effective partner for the Russian Federation than our friends who supply Ukraine with artillery ammunition.” According to him, the current level of production of the Western defense industry does not meet “neither the needs of the war in Ukraine, nor the defense needs of your countries themselves.” And when making decisions, partners sometimes “drown in endless discussions,” although there is no time for this.

The minister also assured that Ukraine does not need Taurus missiles to attack Moscow, but rather to destroy logistics behind enemy lines on Ukrainian territory.

10:22 In the Kharkov OVA they showed a photo of the consequences of the evening rocket attack on the center of Kharkov. A 130-year-old architectural monument - a historical building by architect Sergei Zagoskin - came under attack. It is located on Pushkinskaya Street, in the very center of the city. Previously, two rockets hit the street, one directly hit the building.

09:38 Advisor to the mayor of Mariupol Pyotr Andryushchenko reported another blow to the area where Russian engineering units are based in the village of Granitnoye, which, according to him, “finally dashed the hope for the railway bridge.” As a result of the strike, the remains of the bridge and at least five pieces of engineering equipment were destroyed. “This is not just a point. This is a bold cross on the potential of the railway from Russia for at least 2024,” Andryushchenko added.

09:03 At the Ramstein meeting on January 23, the creation of two new coalitions was announced - armored vehicles and drones, said US Assistant Secretary of Defense Celeste Wallander: “We have already formed coalitions of capabilities focused on the Ukrainian Air Force, artillery, maritime security, mine clearance and information technology. Today [January 23], Germany announced that it will lead the armored vehicle coalition, and Latvia will lead the drone coalition."

According to Wallander, the United States, together with Denmark and the Netherlands, continues to fulfill its role in the air coalition, and also, together with France, is strengthening Ukraine’s capabilities in terms of artillery and ammunition.

08:59 In Russia, cyber volunteers from the BO Team group destroyed the database of the Far Eastern Research Center for Space Hydrometeorology Planet, reports the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense. This federal-level enterprise is engaged in receiving and processing data from satellites, and also provides them to more than 50 government entities, primarily the Ministry of Defense, the General Staff and the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

According to Ukrainian military intelligence, the value of the digital array lost by Russia could be at least $10 million. Among the destroyed was meteorological and satellite data, which was constantly actively used by the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation, Roscosmos and a number of other departments. The operation of the supercomputers with which the Far Eastern Center is equipped is paralyzed and cannot be fully restored.

08:47 The General Staff announced the estimated losses of the Russian Federation as of the morning of January 24:

  • personnel - about 378,660 (+840) people,

  • tanks - 6227 (+13),

  • armored combat vehicles - 11,579 (+31),

  • artillery systems - 9008 (+61),

  • MLRS - 971 (+1),

  • air defense systems - 659 (+2),

  • aircraft - 331 (+0),

  • helicopters - 324 (+0),

  • UAV of operational-tactical level - 6998 (+37),

  • cruise missiles - 1842 (+22),

  • ships/boats - 23 (+0),

  • submarines - 1 (+0),

  • automotive equipment and tank trucks - 12,005 (+49),

  • special equipment - 1416 (+7).

08:36 On the evening of January 23, the Russians fired at the Kiev and Kholodnogorsk districts of Kharkov, first with S-300 missiles from the territory of the Belgorod region. As a result of the impact, nine people were injured, including one four-year-old child. Four people were hospitalized, said Oleg Sinegubov, head of the OVA. Private houses, educational institutions, postal and telecommunications buildings, and cars were damaged.

07:40 Over the past 24 hours, 56 military clashes took place at the front, the General Staff reported in its morning report. In the Avdeevsky direction, the Defense Forces repelled five enemy attacks in the areas of Novobakhmutovka, Stepnoy, Avdeevka and another 11 attacks near Pervomaisky and Nevelsky, Donetsk region. In the Maryinsky direction, 16 attacks were repelled near Georgievka and Novomikhailovka, Donetsk region.

In the Kupyansk direction, one enemy attack was repelled near Sinkovka, Kharkov region; on Limansky - four attacks in the areas of Yampolevka, Torsky, Donetsk region and two more attacks near Belogorivka, Serebryansky forestry, Lugansk region; on Bakhmutsky - three attacks near Bogdanovka, Ivanovsky and Kleshcheevka, Donetsk region; on Zaporozhye - four attacks south of Chervonoye, west of Verbovoye and Rabotino, Zaporozhye region. The expansion of the bridgehead continues in the Kherson direction; over the past 24 hours, the enemy unsuccessfully tried seven times to storm the positions of the Ukrainian troops.

06:44 The Russian Ministry of Defense announced the interception of four drones by air defense systems over the territory of the Oryol region.

03:53 A Ukrainian reconnaissance group entered Russian territory in August 2022, destroyed a Russian TU-22M3 bomber and disabled two more. The group was commanded by Colonel Oleg Babiy, who died during a combat mission. The scouts covered 600 km through enemy territory, the Main Intelligence Directorate said.

02:37 The United States intends to provide budget support to Ukraine in the amount of $11.8 billion - the funds will be used to support the country's economy during the war. US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen informed Prime Minister of Ukraine Denis Shmygal about this.

00:32 Switzerland is discussing the conditions for holding a peace summit on Ukraine with “central partners such as Russia,” said Swiss Foreign Minister Ignazio Cassis after negotiations with his Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov. He added that the dialogue will continue, and without Moscow “there will be no peaceful solutions.”
Posted by badanov 2024-01-25 00:00|| || Front Page|| [31 views ]  Top

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