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2022-12-08 Caucasus/Russia/Central Asia
Ukrainian Perspective: Invasion of Ukraine: December 7th, 2022
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited.
[Korrespondent] 23:11 Restoring 100% of the energy system as it was before the start of the Russian energy terror is now impossible, Zelensky said: “It takes time. , Vinnytsia region and Transcarpathia".

23:07 Zelensky said that the hottest spots today are in the Donetsk region, including in the Bakhmut area: "There is a very tough confrontation, every meter matters."

23:04 In Kurakhovo, Donetsk region, ten people were killed as a result of Russian shelling, there are also many wounded, Zelensky said in an evening video message.

22:19 Russia was expelled from the Parliamentary Assembly of the Organization of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation, said a member of the Ukrainian delegation, People's Deputy Alexander Marikovsky. Earlier, Russia announced that it was suspending the payment of contributions to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Organization of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation "because of Kyiv's attacks."

21:17 Up to ten Tu-22M bombers have disappeared from the Russian military airbase Dyagilevo in the Ryazan region, where explosions recently took place, Mark Krutov, a journalist for the Russian edition of Radio Liberty, said: “The damaged Tu-22M has disappeared, leaving only a shadow on the runway. At least nine other Tu-22M bombers took off from the base, as well as some other aircraft."

21:05 Ukraine received another 20 Dingo armored vehicles from Germany, as well as two M1070 Oshkosh tank transporters, the German government said. In addition, Berlin announced the transfer of 18 155 mm RCH wheeled self-propelled howitzers, 80 pickup trucks, 90 anti-drone sensors and obstacles.

20:57 Four policemen were killed by mines in the Kherson region, said the head of the National Police Ihor Klymenko.

20:54 Ukraine managed to liberate 1888 settlements from occupation, but almost the same number remain in occupation, Zelensky said in an address to representatives of the Human Rights Protection Fund named after. Robert Kennedy.

20:48 In Kiev, approximately 70% of the needs of residential buildings for electricity are now provided, but still there are emergency shutdowns. Possible maximum consumption in the capital increased by 7% compared to the previous day, YASNO CEO Sergei Kovalenko said. At the same time, on the left bank of Kyiv, customers receive only up to 30% of their needs, since one of the communal generation facilities is still being repaired.

20:03 The head of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, officially presented the ninth package of sanctions against Russia - now it must be unanimously approved by representatives of the EU member states. Restrictions can be applied, in particular, against three more Russian banks, 200 individuals and legal entities. In addition, it is proposed to introduce additional export restrictions for dual-use goods and take measures to complicate the supply of drones to Russia from third countries, including Iran. The package also provides for the blocking of four more Russian TV channels and additional sanctions against the Russian energy and mining sector.

19:54 Podolyak commented on Putin's statements today about Peter I and the conquest of territories: "The masks have been dropped. Forget about" NATO provocations "," denazification "and other forgotten casus belli. Putin confirmed what was obvious to the whole world: Russia is waging a genocidal war of conquest type for the conquest of new territories, because Peter I bequeathed so. Does anyone else want a "settlement"?

19:19 NATO countries are considering using funds from a fund previously used to support the security forces of Afghanistan to help Ukraine, Politico writes, citing five sources in Western countries.

18:45 The new package of EU sanctions against Russia will include two daughters of Kadyrov and his cousin, writes Bild. A decision on further sanctions is to be made in Brussels on 7 December. In total, the sanctions will affect 136 people, including 20 State Duma deputies, 22 members of the Federation Council and three deputy prime ministers. The list will also include ten Russian judges and seven officials and governors involved in the deportation of children. In addition, 31 officers jointly responsible for rocket attacks on Ukrainian facilities and infrastructure.

18:13 A delegation of the Spanish Armed Forces headed by the Chief of the General Defense Staff of the Kingdom, Admiral General Teodor Lopez Calderon, paid an official visit to Ukraine, the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine reported.

17:59 The speaker of the German federal government, Steffen Gebeshtreit, said that Ukraine has the right to defend itself not only on its own territory: "Ukraine has the right to self-defense, which follows from Article 51 of the UN Charter. Ukraine is not obliged to limit defense efforts to its own territory."

17:55 The head of the International Olympic Committee, Thomas Bach, said that Macron insists on the need for the presence of all countries at the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris: "President Macron said that sport should not be politicized, and stressed in relation to the 2024 Olympics and Paralympics that representatives of all countries, including those that are at war, must participate in them."

17:36 The Russians are preparing a counteroffensive in the Luhansk direction, but the Ukrainian Defense Forces are aware of this and are actively counteracting, said Serhiy Cherevaty, a representative of the Eastern Group of Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine: "In the Luhansk direction, of which Kupyansky is also an element, they are preparing a counteroffensive operation. But we know about it , we monitor their actions and actively counteract this - in the Svatovo region and other areas where they are trying to counterattack."

According to him, the situation in this sector of the front is difficult, but controlled, and it differs significantly from the situation in the Avdeevsky and Bakhmut directions, where the Russians have concentrated a huge amount of their forces and means, conduct dozens of assaults every day, using artillery, aircraft and helicopters.

17:31 Putin said that the war in Ukraine was started by the new Ukrainian authorities after the "coup d'état" in 2014. And the "nationalist elements" in Poland, he said, "sleep and see" in order to take the western territories, which Ukraine "received thanks to Stalin's decisions after the Second World War." The only "real guarantor" of Ukraine's territorial integrity within its current borders could be Russia, he said, adding that "this is up to the Ukrainian politicians of the future themselves."

17:25 Lviv Mayor Andriy Sadovyy handed over to the Pope a wooden cross with a fragment of a Russian rocket taken from a 13-year-old girl, Nastya.

17:23 Putin said that the threat of nuclear war in the world is growing: "We are not crazy, we are aware of what nuclear weapons are ... We are not going to brandish them like a razor, running around the world, but, of course, we proceed from the fact that it is - it is a natural deterrent."

17:14 Putin said that the "special operation" could be a "long process", but "the appearance of new territories is a significant result for Russia." He stated that the Sea of ​​Azov "became an inland sea", and recalled that even Peter I fought for access to the Sea of ​​Azov. “And most importantly, the people who live there, they are now with us, and these are millions of people, this is the most important result,” Putin said.

16:27 Putin said that in the current conditions, talk about additional mobilization measures "simply does not make sense." In addition, according to him, today "there is no need for this for the state and the Ministry of Defense."

Putin claims that out of 300,000 mobilized, only 150,000 are allegedly in the “special operation” zone, of which 77,000 are in combat units, and the rest are on the second or third lines or are undergoing additional training. Another 150,000 are still at training grounds and training centers - this is the so-called combat reserve, the Russian president said.

Putin also acknowledged that there were problems in the "special operation" zone, they may still arise now, "it is necessary to analyze the situation and have feedback." And there is no mass withdrawal from combat positions, he said.

16:24 Germany and Poland have agreed to deploy Patriot air defense systems on Polish territory near the border with Ukraine, Reuters writes. The Polish side expressed disappointment with this decision of Germany, because this air defense system, if transferred to Ukraine, could protect both the western regions and Poland at the same time.

16:21 Putin said that Russia will continue "a consistent struggle for its national interests - first by peaceful means, but if this does not help - by all available means."

16:15 There are still Iranian Shahed-136 drones in the arsenal of the Russian Federation. The occupants are choosing tactics to put pressure on different directions: on the open sectors of the front, psychologically on the population, as well as on the rear regions, said Natalia Gumenyuk, speaker of the OK Pivden: "They continue to attempt man-made terror and try to create an energy crisis in Ukraine. That is why they send weapons such as missiles (but they are more expensive) and also use drones.The enemy is trying to study and deplete our air defense, which does not allow them to fully carry out their terror by calculations.

16:08 The Russians attacked Kurakhovo, Donetsk region. According to operational data, at least six civilians were killed and five were injured, said the head of the UVA, Pavel Kirilenko. Under fire in the city center were a market, a bus station, gas stations, residential buildings.

15:37 Zelensky held a regular meeting of the Headquarters of the Supreme Commander. The participants considered further steps "to reduce the combat capabilities of the enemy troops," the presidential press service said.

15:28 Putin's entourage is preparing a "reserve airfield" for itself in case of defeat in the war and regime change in Russia. To do this, senior officials and state managers acquire real estate and residence permits in Venezuela. And officials from the Presidential Administration and the government of a lower rank issue a residence permit in Paraguay, Ecuador and Argentina. We can explain this to the channel from two interlocutors close to the presidential administration, as well as a source in Rosneft. This information is also confirmed by political scientist Abbas Gallyamov.

15:19 The Russians fired at the central square of the village of Yampol, Donetsk region, at a time when people were receiving humanitarian aid there. At least three people were wounded as a result of the shelling, Pavel Kirilenko, head of the UVA, said. An administrative building and at least seven residential buildings were damaged.

15:04 The American magazine Time named President Zelensky's Person of the Year and the "spirit of Ukraine".

14:33 An adviser to the Ukrainian government on defense told the Financial Times on condition of anonymity that after the drone attacks on Russian air bases, Ukraine no longer has restrictions on the range of strikes on the territory of the Russian Federation: "We have no restrictions on the distance, and soon we will be able to reach all targets inside Russia - including in Siberia. In Ukraine, we know how difficult it is to defend against such air attacks. Soon there will be no safe zones in Russia either."

The source noted that the drones that attacked Russian airfields are not models of Ukroboronprom or modified Soviet ones, but are a joint initiative of the government and the private sector, which can produce new drones "often".

14:27 A priest of the UOC-MP in the Luhansk region was sentenced to 12 years in prison for informing the enemy about the positions of the Ukrainian military, the Office of the Prosecutor General said. The attacker was exposed and detained at the end of April. In the course of documenting the crime, law enforcement officers discovered the correspondence of the clergyman with representatives of the armed formations of the Russian Federation.

13:46 Russia announced that it was suspending the payment of contributions to the parliamentary assembly of the Organization of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation "because of Kiev's attacks." The organization unites countries along the Black Sea, as well as Azerbaijan, Armenia, Moldova, Greece, Albania, North Macedonia and Serbia.

13:15 Ukrainian diplomats continue to receive threats - a total of 31 cases have been recorded in 15 countries, Kuleba said. According to him, over the past two days, suspicious packages have arrived at the embassies in Italy, Poland, Portugal, Romania and Denmark, as well as the consulate in Gdansk.

All envelopes have the same sender address: Tesla dealership in the German town of Sindelfingen. As a rule, the shipment was from post offices that were not equipped with video surveillance systems. The attackers also took steps not to leave traces of their DNA on the bundles. This, in particular, indicates the professional level of the implementation of this action, the minister stressed.

13:00 On the night of December 6, partisans destroyed four signaling, centralization and blocking devices on the Trans-Siberian Railway of the Russian Federation. Thus, one of the most important railway arteries in the Krasnoyarsk region was partially disabled, the All-People's Movement of the Legion of Freedom of Russia reported.

12:58 In the Kursk region of the Russian Federation, which borders Ukraine, concrete pyramidal anti-tank structures, known as "dragon's teeth", are being installed in the fields, Governor Roman Starovoit said and showed a photo .

12:55 Lavrov said that if there is a "serious proposal" on how to stop the conflict in Ukraine, Moscow is ready to speak, "but it must take into account the interests of Russia."

12:41 The United States made it clear to the German government that it supports the supply of German Leopard 2 battle tanks to Ukraine if Berlin decides to do so, FAZ writes, citing sources.

12:37 Russia ordered a new batch of weapons from Iran, including hundreds of ballistic missiles and drones, writes Zeit, citing UN sources. "I don't think they've shipped yet, but they're definitely on the order books," the source said.

12:18 In the Rostov region of the Russian Federation, a deserter with a machine gun was detained, who the day before, when trying to detain him, wounded the police. According to media reports, he turned out to be a PMC fighter Wagner, convicted of robbery and recruited in a colony.

12:15 The Russians are rapidly strengthening security measures in Mariupol and the Mariupol region and increasing the occupation corps. Mariupol has finally been turned into a rear military and logistics base for the occupiers, Piotr Andryushchenko, an adviser to the mayor of the city, said. In particular, military patrols have been launched in the settlements where the newly arrived Russians will be quartered. New checkpoints are also being set up and mobile communications are being jammed.

For the first time, a cargo of "dragon's teeth" arrived in Mariupol - concrete fortifications, the production of which was launched in a military camp near Sevastopol. These fortifications are massively transported to the temporarily occupied territory by civilian trucks. Yesterday, the first such cargo arrived in Mariupol and was sent to strengthen the defense line along the Mariupol-Mangush-Nikolskoye triangle.

11:53 British intelligence believes that the Russian authorities are promoting defensive preparations on their territory in order to ignite the patriotic feelings of citizens. Thus, recently Russia has begun to expand defensive positions along the border with Ukraine and deep into the Belgorod region, and the governor announced the creation of local "self-defense units."

According to analysts, the lack of strategic judgment is one of the critical flaws in Russia's central government architecture, as evidenced by Russia's initial decision to invade Ukraine. Dispassionate official analysis is almost certainly often undermined by a penchant for groupthink and politically advantageous conclusions.

11:49 A significant deficit remains in the Ukrainian energy system, all regional energy companies have been brought limits on electricity consumption. In regions where limits are exceeded, emergency shutdowns are applied, Ukrenergo reported. The difficult situation persists in the east of the country - the enemy fired several energy infrastructure facilities at once on the evening of December 6, while the temperature in this region reached -17 degrees. Round-the-clock emergency repair work continues.

11:44 Stoltenberg said that "there are no conditions for a diplomatic settlement of the conflict in Ukraine now." According to the NATO Secretary General, Russia is trying to freeze the conflict in order to launch a larger offensive in the spring, and shows no signs of seeking a peaceful end to the war. "The more we want a peaceful solution, the more urgent is the need to provide military support to Ukraine," Stoltenberg summed up.

11:21 Until the evening of December 6, Russia had not attacked the territory of Ukraine with Iranian drones for several weeks. Details about today's night attack - in the material Return of the Shaheeds .

11:13 SBU conducts counterintelligence activities at 13 UOC-MP facilities in Cherkasy, Volyn and Kherson regions.

10:48 Russians over the past day fired at the territory of the Kherson region 51 times. Civilian infrastructure facilities and residential buildings were damaged, two people were killed, another was injured, said Yaroslav Yanushevich, head of the UVA.

10:29 The General Staff announced the approximate losses of the enemy on the morning of December 7th.

  • personnel - about 92,740 (+540) people liquidated,

  • tanks - 2935 (+6),

  • armored combat vehicles - 5909 (+4),

  • artillery systems - 1923 (+8),

  • MLRS - 395 (+0),

  • air defense systems - 211 (+0),

  • aircraft - 281 (+0),

  • helicopters - 264 (+0),

  • UAV operational-tactical level - 1601 (+14),

  • cruise missiles - 592 (+0),

  • ships/boats - 16 (+0),

  • automotive equipment and tankers - 4526 (+21),

  • special equipment - 163 (+0).

10:23 Over the seven months of the existence of the UNITED24 platform, citizens of 110 countries have donated more than $237 million to Ukraine, head of the Ministry of Digital Development Mikhail Fedorov said. According to him, already this month the first drones will create a fleet of marine drones.

10:17 In the Donetsk region, on the highway between the occupied Shakhtyorsk and Torez, a truck with Russian servicemen crashed into a minibus, 16 people died, four were injured, Russian media write.

09:35 The American Institute for the Study of War (ISW) believes that the Russian authorities, despite official denials, are preparing for a second wave of mobilization. The ISW believes that the Kremlin risks further undermining its credibility by announcing a new wave of mobilization, which unofficial sources speak of, but not Russian officials.

At the same time, analysts say the Kremlin appears to be lifting restrictions on war reporting, which it has used to reduce anxiety among the general public. Thus, the Belgorod and Kursk regions announced the formation of territorial defense detachments, and Moscow officials even pasted up announcements of a special military operation throughout the city, which previously could only be observed in remote cities.

Putin's decision to order a second wave of mobilization, general mobilization or even a formal declaration of war on Ukraine will not remove the internal limits on Russian military power available for a war in Ukraine in the short term, experts say.

09:26 The liberation of every meter of the Lugansk region is given very hard - the Russians brought a lot of reserves, both in the form of personnel and equipment, said the head of the OVA Serhiy Gaidai. At the same time, according to him, the newly mobilized Russians do not know how to use either weapons or equipment. Prisoners and newly mobilized are mainly attacked.

Gaidai also said that Russians were deporting children from the Lugansk region, in particular teenagers, to Chechnya for "patriotic education."

09:08 The occupying "authorities" of the Zaporozhye region announced an attempt on the life of the "deputy head" of Melitopol - they tried to blow it up at the exit from the entrance.

08:57 On the night of December 6-7, after a three-week pause, Russian troops again attacked Ukraine with Shahed-136/131 kamikaze drones. In total, 14 loitering munitions were found, which were directed approximately from the southeast direction. All were shot down, Air Force Command said. In addition, the air defense shot down one UAV Orlan-10 and two more enemy drones of the operational-tactical level (the type is being specified).

08:36 Over the past day, units of the Defense Forces repulsed the attacks of the invaders in the areas of the settlements of Belogorovka, Lugansk region and Verkhnekamennoye, Disputed, Yakovlevka, Bakhmut, Belaya Gora, Kurdyumovka, Novobakhmutovka, Marinka and Novomikhailovka in the Donetsk region, the General Staff said in the morning report .

Enemy units are being trained at the training grounds of Belarus, but no signs of the formation of enemy offensive groups have been found. Dissatisfaction with the activities of the military-political leadership of Belarus is growing among the military personnel of the border service and the armed forces because of the threat of the republic being drawn into the war with Ukraine.

The number of dead invaders among the mobilized Kursk region is growing, as reported by local media. Due to information about human losses, the war in Ukraine is less and less supported by the younger generation of Russians. In Kursk and the region, rumors are spreading about a possible invasion of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, in connection with which the fortification of defense positions in the areas bordering Ukraine is being carried out.

08:13 At night, the Russians tried to attack the Zhytomyr region with a Shahed-type drone, it was shot down by air defense forces in the north of the region, the OVA reported.

07:36 At night, the enemy attacked two communities of the Zaporozhye region with drones and S-300 missiles. It is preliminary known about three wounded, among them a 15-year-old girl, said the head of the OVA Alexander Starukh. The defense forces shot down six enemy UAVs.

07:19 At night, the Russians attacked the Dnipropetrovsk region with kamikaze drones, heavy artillery and Hurricanes. At the same time, the military from the air command on Skhid shot down all eight drones that the enemy sent to the region. According to preliminary information, they were Shahed-136, said the head of the OVA, Valentin Reznichenko.

06:31 The draft US defense budget for fiscal year 2023 is estimated at $847.3 billion. It was approved by relevant committees of both houses of Congress. The document includes a provision that Washington will seek the exclusion of the Russian Federation from a number of international organizations, including the G20.

In addition, the document contains an initiative to impose sanctions for participation in gold and foreign exchange transactions with the Russian Federation; involves the allocation of more than 6 billion dollars to contain Russia in Europe; establishes a permanent ban on the exchange of information with the Russian Federation on missile defense systems; requires reducing dependence on Russian fuel at all bases in the area of ​​responsibility of the European command of the US Armed Forces; extends the ban on military cooperation with Russia for another five years; includes allocation of an additional $800 million to Ukraine in 2023.

05:45 The bipartisan US Congress has a strong stance in supporting Ukraine against Russian aggression, Blinken said: "The hallmark of our efforts today in support of Ukraine is a very strong bipartisan support." The Secretary of State assured that he saw no signs that this support could end.

At the same time, he noted that it remains important for the current administration to maintain communication with the American people on foreign policy issues, including through elected members of Congress.

04:54 U.S. is making no effort to prevent Ukraine from developing its long-range strike capability, Pentagon chief Lloyd Austin said: "Is the U.S. working to prevent Ukraine from developing its own long-range strike capability? The short answer is no, we are. we don't do it at all."

Posted by badanov 2022-12-08 00:00|| || Front Page|| [17 views ]  Top

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