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2006-03-06 Home Front: Politix
Kerry campaigns in No. Ireland, advises Bush to "end empire of oil"
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Posted by lotp 2006-03-06 00:00|| || Front Page|| [11 views since 2007-05-07]  Top

#1 Does this mean Johnny and Teresa will sell their Gulfstream 5? The one that uses as much fuel in 2 hours as an American family uses in a year.
Posted by ed 2006-03-06 01:01||   2006-03-06 01:01|| Front Page Top

#2 No! Do you know who I am?

/channeling beggarman husband
Posted by .com 2006-03-06 01:06||   2006-03-06 01:06|| Front Page Top

#3 .com, the perfect grafic! a must for every portfolio. consider it stolen, thank you.
Posted by RD 2006-03-06 01:22||   2006-03-06 01:22|| Front Page Top

#4 RD - Ah, heh, that was an AllahPundit creation - I left his tag on the end of the name cuz I thought it was very well done, lol. BTW, Allah moved here, but he doesn't update very often, unfortuantely. He probably just tired of the impersonantion gig - though you could tell he loved the attention at first.
Posted by .com 2006-03-06 01:31||   2006-03-06 01:31|| Front Page Top

#5 Oops - I shoulda said he seems to have stopped altogether, now. Sorry, I hadn't checked in some time.
Posted by .com 2006-03-06 01:33||   2006-03-06 01:33|| Front Page Top

#6 He was plugging "Syriana" for an Oscar.
Posted by Monsieur Moonbat 2006-03-06 01:54||   2006-03-06 01:54|| Front Page Top

#7 "Great American presidents, from Roosevelt to Truman to Kennedy, understood that success requires a community of nations working together, drawing strength from shared sacrifice and steadfast commitment to our shared ideals," he said.

Yeah, Roosevelt dragged this country, kicking and screaming, into 'the community of nations'.

Kennedy went into Viet Nam, albiet under the auspices of SEATO, and only Truman had the cooperation of the UN, but only because the Soviets were sucking their thumb, and missed the veto.

There are leaders and there are followers. Kerry wants to lead us into following. Shared sacrifice? When was the last time anybody volunteered for that? Lead by example, Johhny - sell the Gulfstream! Or better yet, cut it up into pieces and recycle it!
Posted by Bobby 2006-03-06 07:07||   2006-03-06 07:07|| Front Page Top

#8 Nice edit. I'm guessing the placement of his finger represents his inability to decide on anything -- not even which nostril needs maintenance.
Posted by Robert Crawford">Robert Crawford  2006-03-06 08:01||]">[]  2006-03-06 08:01|| Front Page Top

#9 "end empire of oil"
Surly("Global test")Kerry is not suggesting that we sieze the Middle east oil fields.Couldn't be.(sarc)
Posted by raptor 2006-03-06 09:47||   2006-03-06 09:47|| Front Page Top

#10 "We must end the empire of oil."

A Trans-Atlantic blueblood multi-millionaire making a populist statement in a foriegn country.
I used to think they can't possibly know how foolish they appear. But I've come to the conclusion that as long as it gets them cash, votes, or a headline they just don't care.
Posted by DepotGuy 2006-03-06 10:12||   2006-03-06 10:12|| Front Page Top

#11 "Say what, John? Say what, John? Come again, say what?"
-- Eric Idle
Posted by mojo">mojo  2006-03-06 10:16||   2006-03-06 10:16|| Front Page Top

#12 Well, yes, imposing democracy where there is no history of it via the US military is always a failure. Especially if we were to be one of the primary parties in drawing up a constitution.

I mean, look at Japan.

(/sarcasm off) Yeah, I know, if it happened before Vietnam, it doesn't count.
Posted by Desert Blondie 2006-03-06 10:42||]">[]  2006-03-06 10:42|| Front Page Top

#13 Let's start by planting windfarms off of the mass. coastline.
Posted by Ptah">Ptah  2006-03-06 11:53||]">[]  2006-03-06 11:53|| Front Page Top

#14 Surely not in MY backyard
Posted by RFK, Jr. 2006-03-06 14:28||]">[]  2006-03-06 14:28|| Front Page Top

#15 "Sustainable political change required concerted international political pressure... Roosevelt to Truman to Kennedy, understood that success requires a community of nations working together"
Let's take the Roosevelt/Truman approach to Iran -- the Japanese model. We'll nuke a couple of cities, require unconditional surrender, write a new constitution for them, and allow them nothing but self-defense forces for at least six decades.
Posted by Darrell 2006-03-06 17:07||   2006-03-06 17:07|| Front Page Top

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