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2003-10-24 Europe
Saudi-funded school in Germany ’linked to terrorist attacks’
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Posted by Bulldog 2003-10-24 5:00:26 AM|| || Front Page|| [1 views since 2007-05-07]  Top

#1 Saudi Arabia. £10 million. King Fathead Academy. Taught in Arabic. Wahabbi "textbooks", Islamic Jihad / Holy War "Prayers." Explosives. Bomb manuals.

So, uh, what evidence do the German authorities think is still lacking to stop them from shutting this snakepit down and rounding up everyone who has ever even been there for intensive interrogation and investigation? Let's see some of that vaunted German efficiency, guys - this is probably a gold mine, if done thoroughly and without delay...

Can you say Izzoid Assholes Trojan Horse?

Add Saudi-funded "Mosques" and "Learning Centers" and "Cultural Organizations" and "Spokespersons" and Lobbyists and Imam "Training" Centers and "Foundations" and Sellout Ex-Officials and PC Paranoia and Home-Grown Anti-Whatever Tools, ad infinitum ad nauseum.

Repeat, worldwide. Global WoT. Evolving eventually into the truth:
Global Sentient Self-Preservation from Izzoid Insanity.

Bulldog - I recognize some govts and entities are probably too far gone / infiltrated, thus anesthetized, such as Pfrawnce and Al Guardian, but what's your take? Will the EU, collectively, "get it" in time? Sorry, prolly like asking "How many holes does it take to fill Albert Hall?" I'm wondering the same about our PC Military, Education System, and Press.

Sadly, my take is that it will probably take several more 9/11 & Bali sized events - spread liberally across Europe, Asia, and the Americas.

Fred - Thank you. And thanx to the Internet. It would be incredibly lonely out here without Rantburg.
Posted by .com 2003-10-24 6:50:32 AM||   2003-10-24 6:50:32 AM|| Front Page Top

#2 Active "infiltration" by Islamists, I suspect, is minimal. The danger is from what you identify as entities and governments anaesthetised and corrupted by subversive elements from within. Look at France. I'm sure JFM could give a far better analysis than me, but from what I understand the problem runs from the top down and can be summed up in one word - appeasement. The unwillingness to confront aggression from minorites for fear of appearing non-PC and/or setting off embarrassing civil disobedience and upsetting the precious status quo.

And this cowardice is bolstered by the anti-American European left-leaning middle class liberal 'elite.' The danger is no doubt as exaggerated by some as it is unjustly dismissed by others. One often hears of imminent "sharia in France, and even "sharia in Britain." I can't see the former happening, frankly, and the latter to me is laughable, but I do expect, like yourself, an almost inevitable increase in violence. Perhaps not all countries will keep on top of it, and perhaps paradoxically, those societies which have not encouraged more than a modicum of integration at the cultural interface, will come off worst.

Schroeder tells Saudi Arabia "This must be stopped." It's his job to make it stop, and if asking the Saudis politely doesn't make that happen, he's (or his successor's) going to have to be prepared to get his (or her) hands dirty.
Posted by Bulldog  2003-10-24 7:22:09 AM||   2003-10-24 7:22:09 AM|| Front Page Top

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