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2003-10-01 Home Front
Illegal alien rally in Washington D.C.
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Posted by CrazyFool 2003-10-01 8:00:48 PM|| || Front Page|| [3 views since 2007-05-07]  Top

#1 I hope none of my union dues are going to pay for this.
Just last week, a really good friend of mine from India said he was starting the paperwork to get citizenship. He's been here, legally, for 10 years. The sad thing is that a couple of years ago I would have been excited for him. Now, considering all the "rights" that illegals get in the name of political correctness, I was tempted to ask him why he was bothering to do it.
Posted by Baba Yaga 2003-10-1 8:24:03 PM||   2003-10-1 8:24:03 PM|| Front Page Top

#2 Not counting the inserted comments and the comment by Mr. Ray, how many times does the word "illegal" appear in this article?

..the immigrant riders used their bus tour to gain support for legalization of undocumented workers,

Think for a moment: what would be one reason (the main reason, probably) that these "immigrants" would want to gain support for "undocumented" workers?

Had the INS pulled over these buses, checked the status of their occupants and taken the illegal ones into custody, it's quite possible that the only ones left would be one or two guides/translators and the driver for each bus.

..better working conditions and reforms to hasten the reunification of families.

If being with family is that important, GO HOME.

Araceli Zarate arrived on the bus from Minneapolis, and had tears streaming down her face as she talked about how she hasn’t seen two of her children - who are still in Mexico - for six years.

Somewhere, a very very small violin is playing....

Muradieu Joseph, an immigrant who fled Haiti in 1991 and came on the bus from Boston, said he’s living the American dream now with a job, a car and a place to live.

"Immigrants are not coming to bother anybody, they’re coming to help build this country and make the nation greater," Joseph said.

Notice the conflation of legal immigration with illegal immigration. This is an insult to every single person that played by the rules to get here.
Posted by Bomb-a-rama 2003-10-1 8:39:44 PM||   2003-10-1 8:39:44 PM|| Front Page Top

#3 Boy, they sure have some good timing. With unemployment still high and the country not yet recovered from recession, they want better treatment for illegal workers? I wonder how much attention they'll get from politicians regardless since they can't vote!

Muradieu Joseph, an immigrant who fled Haiti in 1991 and came on the bus from Boston, said he’s living the American dream now with a job, a car and a place to live.

So what the hell is he doing demonstrating in Washington if his life is so damn "dreamy"? How hypocritical is that? "My life is great. I want more. I want you to give it to me. Oh, by the way, I'm not supposed to be here."

If he's illegally here, is he getting paid under the table and paying any taxes like the rest of us working stiffs who are expected to pay for the extra benefits he seeks?

I would have liked to have read some specific details in the article about what exactly constitutes "better treatment" in their book.
Posted by Dar  2003-10-1 8:56:54 PM||   2003-10-1 8:56:54 PM|| Front Page Top

#4 They've got a site covering their movement at The sponsors list includes AFL-CIO, ACLU, and about every CA state legislator.

I'd like to tell one of the organizers that I will be inviting myself over to their house and sleeping on the couch. I'll be quiet at first and live on some snacks. But after a couple weeks I'm going to demand to sit at the table and share your dinner. And I want to be on your insurance plan. Oh, and did I mention my family is outside and also wants in?
Posted by Dar  2003-10-1 9:13:59 PM||   2003-10-1 9:13:59 PM|| Front Page Top

#5 Dar...unfortunately, illegals will be voting at a polling booth near you very soon. The political pander-bears in New York and California are doing everything in their power to make it so. Here in started with Motor-Voter registration. Then the Dems shove through their Drivier's License for Illegals bill and voila! Illegal's get the vote. It's worse in NYC, they're coming right out and saying they want to hand the vote straight over. Such actions clearly show the Dems to be the 2nd greatest threat this nation faces....right behind the islamofascists....who will soon be voting in our elections themselves. Think about it.
Posted by Rex Mundi 2003-10-1 11:26:42 PM||   2003-10-1 11:26:42 PM|| Front Page Top

#6 Dar: or not voting near you, according to your post time. Anyway....that's the scene here. Fortunately, we still have enough true citizens to recall these socialists and throw them out on their collectivest arses.
Posted by Rex Mundi 2003-10-1 11:30:21 PM||   2003-10-1 11:30:21 PM|| Front Page Top

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