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2004-12-10 China-Japan-Koreas
Burning the colors
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Posted by Dar 2004-12-10 14:54|| || Front Page|| [15 views since 2007-05-07]  Top

#1 Dar, thank you for posting this. Men like these will always be the pride of the nation.
Posted by RWV 2004-12-10 3:42:56 PM||   2004-12-10 3:42:56 PM|| Front Page Top

I thought of those 3,500 American soldiers and many soldiers of other nations who did not return with us — those men who died of the extreme cold, malnutrition or abuse at the hands of their captors,” he said.

Handwringers and America-haters take note: POWs during the Korean War died as a result of abuse. Real, honest-to-goodness abuse, something much, much worse than being forced to wear underwear on one's head.
Posted by Bomb-a-rama 2004-12-10 4:05:00 PM||   2004-12-10 4:05:00 PM|| Front Page Top

#3 And how many of John McCain's fellow occupants of the Hanoi Hilton did not return alive?
Posted by Don  2004-12-10 10:49:04 PM||   2004-12-10 10:49:04 PM|| Front Page Top

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