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5100 off topic or abusive comments have been dumped since 3/26/2004. Today's count is 3.
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1 CaziFarkus The Tele on moronic democracy in the gutter entity of Iraq. We should encourage Kurd independence, while ideologically cleansing the rest. A heavy dose of napalm would do wonders for al-Sadr. Link (formatted by moderator, and something the commenter should learn to do if he doesn't want further ones redacted...) 2006-01-21 04:28
2 CaziFarkus Shit-for-brains dept: UK Muslim fatwah against the "animal" George Galloway, the husband of a "palestinian" slut, and current contestant on "Big Brother." Reality shows are no substitute for a good beheading vid. They should say: NO DIGNITY IN ISLAM 2006-01-21 09:34
3 CaziFarkus Problem: Pigistan, like anywhere Muslims pollute, is burdened with a parasitic class of clerics. Example: almost 80% of Malaysians of Chinese origin work. Barely 50% of native Malay carpet-humpers raise a sweat. Solution: support the productive forces in those pig-pens, and work for regime change in the interests of the West. Until the leisure class of gutter entities like Pigistan, Yemen, Egypt, etc develop a work ethic, we should cut off all aid and let them eat jihad. 2006-01-21 08:59