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5100 off topic or abusive comments have been dumped since 3/26/2004. Today's count is 2.
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1 CaziFarkus Beheading is too good for Muslim pigs. This scum needs to suffer the fate of a Sikh who was boiled alive, at the hands of Muslim slime. Muslims are crap; flush them out of the West. 2006-01-18 23:57
2 CaziFarkus As long as the Saud and Paki terrorist entities keep their jihad finance license, the terror-war will expand. Will the following penetrate the warped minds of the limited-war/democratic-inclusivism fanatics (and that is exactly what you are)? The problem with Islamofascists is their lives and the solution is in popular revolution against serial Western indulgence of our mortal enemy, followed by a war of extermination against the wild animals who have forfeited their right to live. Future generations will hold pilgrimages to spit on the graves of our misfeasant leadership who allowed Muslim pigs to live in the West, while facilitating a genocidal arms buildup in their belligerent homelands (jihad terror bases). 2006-01-18 08:25