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Terror Networks
The Beatings Will Continue: Iraqi Edition

3 die in ISIS shooting in Mosul
Nineveh ( Two persons were killed, while a third from the same family was wounded in an attack launched by Islamic State militants against their house in south of Nineveh, an official was quoted saying on Friday.

“A group of IS members attacked, today, a house in Jahouni village, in Hammam al-Alil. They opened fire against the residents, which caused death of the father and one of his sons and injury of another son,” Khalaf al-Jabouri, head of Hammam al-Alil town, said.

“Security troops headed to the accident spot and transferred the wounded to nearby hospital and took the victims to forensic medicine department,” he added.

Earlier on the day, Jabouri called for opening the floodgates of Mosul dam to force the hiding militants get out of their havens, which they use to attack civilians in Hammam al-Alil.
Posted by:badanov