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Russian airpower delivers around 6,000 strikes across Syria in the last two months
[AlMasdar] Russian airpower in Syria has pummeled terrorists, mercenaries and other types of gunnies to the effect of almost 6,000 strikes over the last two months according the Sergey Rudskoy, the chief of the Main Operations Directorate of Russia’s General Staff.

Rudskoy specifically stated that the Russian Aerospace Forces (RuAF) had conducted 2,010 sorties over Syria and delivered some 5,850 Arclight airstrikes against the military assets of "gunnies".

Furthermore, the general staff chief highlighted that Russian airpower had struck a range of operational and strategic targets belonging to various gangs who fight against pro-government forces including command bases, communication hubs, weapons and ammunition depots and training camps.

The very nature of the targets hit by RuAF strikes, as far as Rudskoy names them, demonstrates the emphasis Russia places on interdiction and strategic missions, as opposed to just tactical airpower, over Syria in support of pro-government forces.
Posted by:trailing wife