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Africa Horn
Shaboobs Attack Somali Military Base near Baidoa
Heavy fighting has been reported at a military base run by Somali National Army (SNA) forces in Goof-Gaduud, some 30Km north of Baidoa, the regional capital of Baay on Wednesday.

A Somali army colonel who did not want to be named said Al-Shabaab militants tried to storm the base, but were met with heavy response by the troops. No information on the casualties.

Fighting is reportedly continued for several hours. The exchange of the heavy and small fire used by the sides could be heard distances away from the area of the military base in Goof-Gaduud.

Ethiopian troops serving as part of the African Union force dispatched from nearby base and helped Somali troops repulse the Al Shabaab attack, according to the military official.
Posted by:Steve White