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Iran nuclear talks race towards deadline
[Hurriyet Daily News] Global powers were due to gather with Iran March 30, seeking to slot into place the last pieces of a complex puzzle to curtail Tehran's nuclear programme as diplomats said tentative agreement on some parts had been reached.

US Secretary of State John F. I was in Vietnam, you know Kerry
Former Senator-for-Life from Massachussetts, self-defined war hero, speaker of French, owner of a lucky hat, conqueror of Cambodia, and current Secretary of State...
will lead the team of six world powers -- who hope an end to more than a decade of nuclear tensions with Iran may be in sight -- for their first full plenary session of the latest round of talks.

While diplomats said some key points appeared to have been resolved to ensure Iran cannot make a covert dash for a nuclear bomb, they cautioned that the outlines of a political understanding were not yet fully agreed.

"We are here because we believe a deal can be done," British Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond told news hounds in Lausanne late Sunday as he became the last of the P5+1 group of foreign ministers to arrive in the Swiss town for the talks.

"But it has to be a deal which puts the bomb beyond Iran's reach," he said, adding he hoped for success before Tuesday's midnight deadline.

"There can't be any compromise about that," Hammond insisted, before meeting with his Chinese, French, German, Russian and US counterparts, as well as EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini.

As negotiators in Switzerland
...home of the Helvetians, famous for cheese, watches, yodeling, and William Tell...
raced against the clock, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu launched a blistering attack on the "dangerous" deal.

One Western diplomat said Iran had "more or less" agreed to slash the number of its sophisticated centrifuges from 20,000 to 6,000 and to ship abroad most of its stockpile of nuclear material.

But Iran's chief negotiator Abbas Araqchi insisted: "There is no question of sending the stocks abroad."
Posted by:Fred


Iran's nuclear facilities. Iran's oil production is the number 6 out of 115 oil producing nations, and has no need for this much nuclear production other than to destroy Israel and conquer all who they consider enemy.

The US Officially during the past 6 years has done a complete change from good and now seeks to facilitate Iran and other dark forces of evil.
Posted by: Ebbomosh Hupemp2664    2015-03-31 09:13