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Spain rejects Greece accusation of anti-Athens 'axis'
[Iran Press TV] The Spanish prime minister has rejected his Greek counterpart's claim that Spain and Portugal have formed "an axis of forces" to topple the government in Athens.

"We are not responsible for the frustration generated by the radical Greek left that promised the Greeks something it couldn't deliver on," Mariano Rajoy said on Sunday.

His remarks came in response to Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras who on Saturday accused Madrid and Lisbon of attempting to sabotage talks for the eurozone extending the Greek bailout program.

"Their plan was and is to wear down, topple or bring our government to unconditional surrender before our work begins to bear fruit and before the Greek example affects other countries," Tsipras said.
Posted by:Fred

#1  Their plan was and is to wear down, topple or bring our government to unconditional surrender before our work begins to bear fruit and before the Greek example affects other countries.

That's what the Venezuelans are saying!

And the Soviets, before them. And the Cubans. Chinese. East Germans.

Get the idea?
Posted by: Bobby   2015-03-02 13:14