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Africa Subsaharan
Boko Haram Fighters Surrender as Rumours Spread of Leader's Death
Members of terror group Boko Haram are surrendering to Nigerian soldiers after rumours spread that their leader, Abubakar Shekau, was killed.

According to an anonymous source, Shekau was killed during clashes in Kodunga, Borno State, after days of fighting in which at least 60 insurgents were also killed and another senior leader was captured. Local media also reported that the rebels surrendered to Nigerian troops in Kodunga.
Even if this isn't true I'd be reporting it as such, just to see how many Boko hard-boyz would give up...
The Defence Headquarters, (DHQ), tweeted on Sunday that five Boko Haram members surrendered their weapons to soldiers and pleaded for mercy.

"Other captured terrorists have also been giving useful information on the subsequent plans of the group in an apparent offer to cooperate," DHQ also wrote.

The Nigerian government is still investigating allegations of Shekau's death. However, according to some reports it was Shekau's impersonator, rather than the leader himself, who was killed by the troops.
Nah, the impersonator is the one who is alive and supposedly giving orders. Look for the mole on the inside of his skin, just under the heart. You might have to dig a little...
Senior military sources told media agency PRNigeria: "It is getting more certain that the terrorists' commander who has been mimicking Shekau in those videos is the one killed in Konduga on 17 September 2014.

"The process of confirming that the dead body we have is the same as that character who has been posing as Shekau is ongoing. He is definitely a prominent terrorist' commander," the source said.
So he might have been a number 3 and not a number 1...
Posted by:Steve White