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-Signs, Portents, and the Weather-
First case of Ebola confirmed in Senegal
Posted by:Skidmark

#3  Muslims are fastidious and clean

Posted by: Frank G   2014-08-30 20:09  

#2  to those in the 'Burg who have voiced fears Islamists might weaponise ebola by a suicide mission.

Your fears are groundless.

Muslims are fastidious and clean - they are very squeamish about such things. They don't want a dirty disease that will liquify their insides.

They are happy with exploding because that's heroic

But sickness makes you an untouchable, dirty, unclean. they won't go near it.
Posted by: anon1   2014-08-30 16:36  

#1  the WHO with a yearly budget of $4.27 billion can claim two new failures this month after refusing to recommend travel restrictions or to stop the ebola outbreak in February when it was just a few villagers in Guinea

- SENEGAL has its first case of ebola
- DRC has an undiscovered cluster of ebola which panicky officials are desperately pretending has nothing to do with the other outbreak. Well, if it did that would mean someone ran away and they would have come through Jomo Kenyatta airport, Kenya, and then possibly on a bus or plane...
Posted by: anon1   2014-08-30 16:34