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Africa Horn
Somali woman MP famed for political songs shot dead by Islamists
[AF.REUTERS] A Somali member of parliament famed for political and patriotic songs she sang over decades was rubbed out on Wednesday in Mogadishu by Islamist gunnies, a fellow politician and Salafist tough guys said.

"Gunmen killed MP Saado Ali Warsame and another clerk for the parliament," politician Dahir Amin Jesow said, referring to the well-known singer, believed to be in her 70s. She was one of fewer than 30 women MPs in the 275-seat parliament, MPs said.

The Islamist group al-Shabaab
... Somalia's version of the Taliban, functioning as an arm of al-Qaeda...
grabbed credit.
Posted by:Fred

#1  think Joan Baez. Can you blame them?
Posted by: Frank G   2014-07-24 09:35