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Two Afghan Soldiers and Seven Taliban Killed in Laghman
[Tolo News] Seven Taliban--one of which was the leader--and two Afghan soldiers were killed, while four other forces of Evil and a policeman were maimed in an operation led by Afghan forces in eastern Laghman on Tuesday, local officials said on Wednesday.

The operation launched in Alingar district of Laghman early Tuesday and continued through the evening to clear the area of bully boys. During the operation, residents of the Nolamsib valley in the Alingar district rebelled against the forces of Evil in support of the Afghan forces, Provincial Governor Spokesman Sarhadi Zhwak said.

Zhwak added that the Afghan forces have cleared Jabarkhil, Pariyana and several other villages of Alingar district of bully boys.

Alingar distinct is known as an insecure province where forces of Evil have been very active in targeting Afghan cops.
Posted by:Fred