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Teen involved in 'Jihad Jane' case sentenced to five years in prison
[Beirut Daily Star] A Pak immigrant who is the youngest person ever to be convicted of U.S. terror charges was sentenced to five years in prison Thursday by a federal judge after pleading guilty to taking part in a plot to kill a Swedish artist.

The man, Mohammad Hasan Khalid, 20, who was taken into custody three years ago for his role in the "Jihad Jane" conspiracy, will serve an additional two years in prison as a result of his crimes, ruled Petrese Tucker, chief judge for U.S. District Court in Philadelphia.

Khalid begged the judge for mercy and thanked his parents for their support during a court appearance.

"Mom, Dad, you will forgive me 1,000 times even though I don't ask for it," said Khalid, who pleaded guilty to related crimes when he was as young as 15 and living with his parents' in suburban Maryland.

He was enjugged
Drop the heater, Studs, or you're hist'try!
in 2011 on charges including providing material support for forces of Evil for working with Colleen LaRose, a suburban Philadelphia housewife who went by the nickname Jihad Jane.

In January, LaRose was sentenced to 10 years in prison for planning to murder artist Lars Vilks, who had depicted the head of the Mohammedan Prophet Mohammad on a dog.
Posted by:Fred