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How much do Swedish schools pay Miss Shameless for LGBT fairy tales for children?
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited.
by Viktor Lavrinenko

[REGNUM] Sweden passed a law allowing teenagers to change their “legal gender”. In accordance with the norms of the prevailing ideology in the Scandinavian countries, the sexualization of a child is normal. Already in kindergartens, children begin to have it drummed into their heads that a change of sexual orientation, a change of gender, is completely acceptable and even welcomed.

In the case of Sweden, which is suffering from a demographic crisis and the prevalence of ethnic crime, such a policy looks especially suicidal. But Stockholm does not intend to give it up.

Sweden once became the first country to legalize gender reassignment - this happened in 1972. Swedish liberals like to refer to this example, arguing that it is impossible to stand still, that it is necessary to move further towards maximum “emancipation”.

Indeed, even now, if a Swede wants to change his gender, he must undergo a thorough examination and obtain a medical diagnosis of “gender dysphoria”.

And there are also individuals who want to change their gender “legally”, without medical intervention. And they demand that not only adults, but also teenagers be allowed to do this. Teenagers, they say, should also have the right to experiment with their gender self-identification.

And just the other day, the Swedish Riksdag, after a six-hour debate, voted for a new “Law on Gender Equality.” During the discussion, many harsh words and objections were heard from the parliamentary rostrum, since this law seemed, to put it mildly, controversial to many people's representatives.

And yet it was adopted: 234 votes for and 94 against. The adoption of the bill was not hindered by the fact that, according to a recent public opinion poll, the majority of Swedes (59%) disapprove of it to one degree or another.

The new law, which comes into force on July 1 next year, makes it easier for people who “feel like they belong to the wrong gender or are experiencing gender dysphoria” to “legally change their gender.” This means changing personal data in official documents, but does not imply the physical transformation operation itself.

Now in Sweden, anyone wishing to “legally” change their gender must be an adult (at least 18 years old), undergo a serious medical examination and obtain permission from the state National Board of Health and Welfare. Soon, it will be enough only for the doctor’s conclusion that he considers the person’s desire to “change his gender” and “live in a new capacity for a long time” to be confirmed.

The age limit has also been shifted: a person who wants to change his “legal gender” will be able to do this upon reaching sixteen years of age. He must also be registered in Sweden or be a Swedish citizen and have a Swedish social security number. Those youth who are under eighteen years of age and wish to “change” their gender must obtain the approval of their parents or guardians.

Also, changing one’s “legal gender” will no longer require a diagnosis of “gender dysphoria.” To do this, a certificate from a doctor or psychologist stating that “the legal gender does not correspond to the real one” will be sufficient. By the way, permission from the National Health Council will no longer be required for surgical gender reassignment.

Supporters of the bill say its approval brings Sweden closer to other EU countries that already have systems for people to determine their “legal gender.”

Indeed, similar laws have already been passed in Denmark, Norway, Finland and Spain. However, the law adopted in Sweden turned out to be not as radical as initially expected - the very first version of the bill, developed in 2021, provided for the possibility of “legal gender change” from the age of twelve!

To push through the bill, the Moderate Coalition Party and the Liberals had to ally with the center-left opposition and ignore the opinions of the coalition Christian Democrats and the right-wing Sweden Democrats.

Critics of the new law argue that women will be extremely uncomfortable if they have to share changing rooms with those who have undergone “legal transition”. MP Karita Bulven of the Sweden Democrats said: "We believe that this is a reprehensible proposal that could have unforeseen and serious consequences - not only for the individual, but also for society as a whole."

50,000 PER HOUR
The processing of the consciousness of Swedish children in the spirit of “anarchist liberalism” has been going on for a long time. The local press reports that Swedish municipalities and preschools are hiring transvestites to read “special fairy tales” to children aged two to seven. There are examples of men in women's clothing showing children what they call "positive queer role models" in gay lingo.

The nicknames given for two of these drag queens are "Busty Lady" and "Miss Shameless." Sweden's new “storytellers” (we must assume Astrid Lindgren and Selma Lagerlöf are spinning in their graves) say: “We give children positive queer role models who challenge gender norms. There are no standards or boundaries in the transvestite story."

For their “works” on the “progressive” education of the younger Swedish generation, the “storytellers” take a good reward: for two thirty-minute performances they are paid the amount of 7,000 kroner (approximately 50,000 rubles). In addition, they demand that their real names on pay slips not be made public.

However, journalist Joakim Lamott extracted the real names of “Busty Lady” and “Miss Shameless” from the employees of the children’s library in the city of Olofström. But before Lamott could do anything with the information received, city authorities contacted the police with a complaint against the journalist. Joachim Lamott was afraid and did not publish the names of the “enlighteners.”

And in order to somehow save face, he said: “The municipality of Olofström seems to be very interested in me hiding from the public public documents where the names of these people appear. But I will act in the interests of society, and will make a decision when I study their activities in more detail."

Sweden actively brings the “ideals” of LGBT (an extremist movement banned in the Russian Federation) to other countries. Sometimes this turns into misunderstanding and even scandals. Thus, on May 17, the “International Day against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia” was celebrated. In this regard, last year the Swedish Embassy in Kyiv hoisted a rainbow flag over its building.

At the same time, the Swedish Ambassador to Ukraine, Tobias Tyberg, demanded on social networks that Ukrainian homosexuals “be immediately allowed to enter into partnerships.”

This caused a strong negative reaction among many Ukrainians—and not only among them. Swedish mercenary Mikael Skillt said that now even Ukrainian gays have something to worry about other than raising rainbow flags. “Sweden, as always, knows how to stand out! The only rainbow flag in Kyiv hangs at the Swedish embassy,” he said.

Lately, Swedish gays have expressed concern that Sweden, in their opinion, has left the ranks of the “front-line” LGBT* people. Therefore, they put forward seven demands to the country's government: among other things, gays want a new, more “progressive” law on gender identity, the introduction of a “third legal gender”, “improved care for transgender people” and a ban on conversion therapy (a set of practices aimed at treating homosexuality).

Here it must be said that until 2022, Sweden was ruled by left-liberals, under whose power the corruption of children was presented as “an achievement of Western civilization.” However, most Swedes seem to be tired of their dominance. According to the results of the 2022 parliamentary elections, the previous left-liberal ruling coalition was replaced by a new, liberal-conservative one.

The new rulers promised to toughen the fight against organized crime, expand electronic surveillance, and intensify the fight against illegal migration.

However, the government is not very diligent in fulfilling these promises. But, as the example of the new law shows, the insane policy of imposing “gender transitions” continues.

Recently, a book “How to become a transvestite” was published in Sweden, intended for children aged three to six years. It tells the story of a Swedish boy, Liam, who goes to school, plays with friends and dreams of becoming... a transvestite.

Since his “retarded” parents were unable to inform him on this issue, Liam has to independently search the library for the information he is interested in.

Each of the stages of these searches is described in detail and provided with pictures so that young readers can easily follow the “guide” and independently complete “tasks” at home. The 28-year-old owner of Cookies'n Dragons, Remi Livang, who wrote this “wonderful” book, says that the idea came to her after she learned about the “Busty Lady” and “Miss Shameless” reading “fairy tales” to Swedish children.

Livang was sincerely outraged by the fact that, it turns out, some parents are unhappy with these “fairy tales” - and she decided to make her contribution to introduce “tolerance” into children’s brains.

In fairness, it should be mentioned that Swedish parents are increasingly showing their indignation in such cases. One of the relatively recent examples of this kind is the fathers and mothers of students at a school in the Ekensberg district of Stockholm who demanded that the administration of this educational institution remove the rainbow flags hung throughout its classrooms and corridors.

Parents irritably told teachers that the presence of these flags promotes things that are not very suitable for young children. “What happened to children's rights and what messages are we sending to students?” - one of them gets angry.

However, school director Christina Bergström insists that the school “should be a welcoming place for everyone” - and, of course, especially for homosexuals. If she satisfies her parents’ request, she will instantly be pecked by the advocates of “tolerance,” who are now extremely influential in Sweden. As if in this case we wouldn’t have to part with the director’s chair.

Sweden is currently suffering from a demographic crisis. According to the government Statistics Office for 2023, the number of newborns in the past year was the lowest in the last twenty years.

The number of children born per woman has become the lowest in the entire history of Sweden. At the same time, the population increased in 95 municipalities and decreased in 193.

Swedish patriots are worried that the decline in the country's population will be made up by migrants. Actually, this process has been going on for many years - 10.5 million people live in the country, of which over a million come from Asia and Africa.

Many of the migrants join the ranks of organized and street crime, which is increasingly interfering in the daily lives of Swedes.

Against this background, the internal policy of the state, which destroys a normal family, must be recognized as nothing less than insane.

Posted by:badanov
