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Caucasus/Russia/Central Asia
Ukrainian Perspective: Invasion of Ukraine: May 26th, 2022
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited.
[Korrespondent] 23:15 Washington warned Kiev that strikes from the Ukrainian side on Russian territory, especially far from the border with Ukraine, carry risks of escalation. US representatives are concerned about the use of Western-supplied weapons by Kyiv for this, Reuters reports.

23:13 The Ukrainian fighter successfully worked out an enemy missile in the sky over the Chernivtsi region, said the head of the OVA Serhiy Osachuk.

23:05 The start of a full-scale war in Ukraine significantly "liberalized" the process of obtaining weapons, but now it's time to legalize it, Reznikov said. In his opinion, networks of shooting galleries and shooting clubs should be developed in Ukraine so that citizens have the opportunity to learn how to use weapons.

23:01 Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi, after a telephone conversation with Putin, said that he "did not see hope for peace" in Ukraine.

22:59 A senior Pentagon official told reporters that, according to Washington, Russia has lost about 1,000 tanks, about 350 artillery systems, more than 30 aircraft and more than 50 helicopters in Ukraine, CNN reports. At the same time, the Russian Federation still has a great advantage over Ukraine in terms of equipment and manpower. According to a US Department of Defense spokesman, there are now 110 Russian BTGs operating in Ukraine, and the Russians have been able to advance in the Donbas.

22:52 This year, three Ukrainian cities at once entered the rating of the most dangerous cities in the world - Kharkiv, Odessa and Kiev.

22:31 The Russians abducted Viktor Sirota, the secretary of the Oleshky City Council of the Kherson region. According to the mayor Evgeny Ryshchuk, this happened tonight. He also confirmed that the Russians had appointed collaborator Georgy Zhuravko as the "head" of the city's occupation administration.

22:28 Arestovich outlined one of the key problems of the Ukrainian army today - the lack of supplies from the West of long-range multiple launch rocket systems, which the Armed Forces of Ukraine have run out of: is the supply of weapons capable of restoring the ability of the Ukrainian army to "endure" the Russian operational rear.Then the pace of the offensive of the Russian army will instantly drop, they will again begin to suffer heavy losses, and there will be no talk of any striking seizures of Severodonetsk and Kramatorsk, Zaporozhye and Slavyansk. we lost a few weeks ago, and the West did not have time to make up for it for us, because they are thinking about how they would use it on the territory of the Russian Federation."

22:25 The National Bank of Ukraine appealed to the profile committee of the Verkhovna Rada with a proposal to temporarily, for the period of martial law and within six months after its termination, prohibit the collection of overdue debts from military personnel.

22:23 The number of those killed as a result of the shelling of Kharkiv has increased to nine, and the injured - to 19, the head of the OVA Oleg Sinegubov said on the air of the telethon.

21:50 In Chechnya, men are kidnapped and sent to war in Ukraine, several human rights organizations and local bloggers reported at once. According to Kavkaz.Realii , hundreds of abductees are forced to sign contracts under the threat of prison. In one of the illegal prisons there are 100 people, in the other - 30. These data are reported by men who witnessed the "mobilization".

The Vayfond human rights association reported that they already had dozens of applications from residents of Chechnya who announced they were being forced to go to war, including people with disabilities.

21:42 In Kharkiv, as a result of today's shelling, eight people were killed - the body of a five-month-old child was found, the National Police reported. When the shelling began, a young family was walking on the street: a wife and husband, who had a five-month-old baby in his arms. The man died immediately, the woman was hospitalized in serious condition. Subsequently, the police also found the body of a child - a baby from the hands of his father was thrown up by an explosive wave onto the roof of the entrance.

21:33 Arestovich announced the likely capture of Liman: "According to unverified reports, we lost the city of Liman. The way the Russian army captured it shows that there are very talented commanders, and this shows the increased level of operational management and skills of the Russian army."

21:29 Former head of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine Alexander Tupitsky was supposed to take part in the return to the legitimate field of Yanukovych, Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council Oleksiy Danilov said in an interview with Channel 24: "We started preparing for war in February 2021. When the first decision of the National Security and Defense Council concerned Mr. on Tupitsky, who received in December last year a statement allegedly from Mr. Yanukovych, who has nothing to do with our country for the last eight years. In the Russian Federation, there was a project to return Yanukovych through a legal procedure through our courts, OASK."

21:08 In the summer of 2021, at a secret meeting of the National Security and Defense Council for Chongar, Kherson, Zaporizhia, Donetsk and Mykolaiv regions, it was instructed to provide protection in case of enemy invasion. Why, after that, in February 2022, the enemy managed to quickly advance in the Kherson region remains to be seen, Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council Oleksiy Danilov said in an interview with Channel 24.

20:56 Ukraine has sufficient grain reserves to satisfy domestic and global demand at least until the end of 2022, and even in 2023, but for this it is necessary to stop all hostilities in the Black Sea, said Zelensky's economic adviser Oleg Ustenko in a commentary to the American edition of Newsweek.

20:37 The invaders will use the captured Ukrainian soldiers for propaganda purposes and delay the exchange, experts say. Demonstrative executions are also not ruled out, as the political elite in Russia speaks about. More details - in the material What will happen to the heroes of Azovstal .

20:29 Captured Russians Alexander Bobykin and Alexander Ivanov, who are on trial for shelling the Kharkiv region with Grads in the first days of the war, pleaded guilty. During a meeting of the Kotelovsky district court of the Poltava region, they confirmed that they had violated the laws and customs of war by prior group conspiracy. The prosecutor's office demands 12 years in prison for them. Sentencing is scheduled for May 31.

20:26 Lithuanian Foreign Minister Gabrielius Landsbergis said that the proposals of Western politicians and experts to give up part of the territory of Ukraine in the name of peace are dangerous for his country as well: "This is a very strong signal to all other aggressors, potential criminals, that if you commit a crime and you will not be destroyed within three months, then everything is fine, everything can remain so.

20:21 Poland wants to buy 500 HIMARS missile systems from the United States, which were claimed by Ukraine, said Minister of Defense Mariusz Blaszczak: "We are building up the capabilities of missile forces and artillery. I signed a request for the purchase of about 500 HIMARS launchers for the needs of more than 80 batteries of the HOMAR program We are planning to integrate the equipment with the Polish command and control system."

20:17 Lavrov said in an interview with RT Arabic that the supply of weapons to Ukraine, which are capable of delivering strikes on Russian territory, will be a step towards "unacceptable escalation": "This will be a serious step towards unacceptable escalation. I hope that sane minds in the West, there are still a few of them left, they understand this."

20:11 There will always be a threat to Kiev from Russia, since conquering the capital is the fastest way to conquer Ukraine, said Deputy Defense Minister Anna Malyar: "We must be aware that there will always be a threat to Kiev. Because destroying Kiev and destroying the Ukrainian authorities is the fastest way to conquer Ukraine.

19:34 On the territory of the Belgorod and Voronezh regions, the enemy continues to prepare reserves and replenish stocks in order to further resume the offensive, the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine reports.

19:18 The Russians have established control over the settlement of Mednaya Ruda, Bakhmut district, Donetsk region, the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine reported.

19:16 Despite the war in Ukraine, the United States considers China to be the most serious long-term challenge to the international order, Blinken said in a speech at George Washington University, CNN reports. The US Secretary of State, in particular, criticized China for supporting Russia in the situation with the war in Ukraine, saying that this position of Beijing "sets the alarm for all of us who call the Indo-Pacific region their home."

19:05 Finland will help restore infrastructure and Ukrainian cities, support educational reform in Ukraine, Shmyhal said after a meeting with Prime Minister Sanna Marin.

18:59 Albania has offered NATO to use the former Soviet naval base located on its territory, Prime Minister Edi Rama said. The base is located 180 km south of the capital Tirana, and a project for its reconstruction is already ready.

18:57 In Russia, the trial over the legality of the dismissal from service of 115 National Guardsmen who refused to fight in Ukraine has ended. The contract servicemen were dismissed after they refused to perform their official assignment on the territory of Ukraine and returned to their permanent duty station. They challenged the dismissal in court, but the court did not agree with their arguments and recognized the dismissal as legal.

18:49 Putin, in a telephone conversation with Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi, said that the exit of civilian ships from the ports of the Azov and Black Seas "is hindered by the Ukrainian side," the Kremlin press service reports.

18:38 The head of the European Council, Charles Michel, called the Kremlin’s words that Western sanctions jeopardize the world’s food security a blatant lie: “Stop your disinformation, the Kremlin. Not sanctions, but your war in Ukraine interferes with shipping and jeopardizes food security. "More than 20 million tons of grain are blocked by your mines and your war. We need to stop the war and restart the global food supply chains."

18:34 The occupation of the Kakhovskaya hydroelectric power station threatens with flooding of the city and villages nearby, said Alexei Gromov, deputy head of the Main Operational Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Alexei Gromov: “Currently, a command post of the Southern Military District is deployed at the Kakhovskaya station. At the same time, the Russians are not doing anything to maintain these facilities in proper condition ", which can lead to an environmental disaster. Now two hydroelectric units are not working at the Kakhovka station, which the invaders do not allow to be repaired. This has already led to the flooding of Kakhovka and is fraught with flooding of nearby villages."

18:27 The head of the Chkalov community of the Kharkiv region, Viktor Solovyov, and the secretary of the council, Konstantin Chernyavsky, who suspended their powers on May 6 due to threats and pressure from the occupiers, were kidnapped on May 25. According to Anton Gerashchenko, they were tortured, persuaded to cooperate, forced to hang the Russian flag on the administrative building, but they refused. Their phones were taken away, but nevertheless they were released, and this morning they kidnapped and took away Solovyov's son in an unknown direction. Today, unknown people entered the administrative building of the Chkalov community and declared themselves the new administration, hung up the tricolor.

18:14 Russia has pulled Iskander missile launchers to the border of Belarus and can use them to shell the western part of Ukraine, said Alexei Gromov, deputy head of the Main Operational Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

17:55 The head of the Kharkiv OVA, Oleg Sinegubov, said that the number of victims of shelling in Kharkov had risen to seven, 17 people were injured. among them a nine-year-old child.

17:49 Lukashenka announced the creation of the Southern Operational Command in the armed forces of Belarus: "Military pressure will be exerted on us through Poland, Lithuania, Latvia and NATO troops stationed there, as well as by maintaining and escalating hostilities in Ukraine. Unfortunately, a new direction, a new front, and we can't help but pay attention to it."

17:32 Podolyak said that Ukraine is preparing a counteroffensive: "The Kremlin is throwing everything it has into battle, but time is on our side. As soon as Russia is exhausted and loses its offensive potential, Ukraine will accumulate enough forces - the south of our country will be liberated. a matter of one day or a month, but not a matter of a year. The Ukrainian flag will again fly over Kherson. Not tomorrow, but faster than anyone can imagine."

16:37 Kharkiv Mayor Igor Terekhov reported five dead and ten wounded as a result of the shelling of the city center.

16:25 In a military mobile hospital in one of the front-line cities, Ukrainian doctors performed a unique laparoscopic operation - the removal of a kidney in a gunshot wound with the destruction of the organ, said Deputy Defense Minister Anna Malyar. According to her, two such operations have already been carried out, thanks to which it was possible to save the lives of the military: "Such operations, with a combat wound to the kidney, have no analogues in the world. We should be proud of the doctors who become examples for doctors all over the world."

16:23 The next few weeks of the war will be very difficult, the enemy still has a large number of weapons, warned the head of the National Security and Defense Council Oleksiy Danilov: "It is wrong to underestimate the strength of the enemy. Russia's strategic plans remain unchanged - to destroy Ukraine as a state."

16:20 Air defense shot down a Russian missile over Sumy, said the head of the OVA Dmitry Zhivitsky.

15:56 Zelensky, in an address to the Latvian Parliament, said that Russia would not stop at the occupation of Ukraine. He stressed that today there are "some influential countries" that stand firmly on their feet, but do not have the courage to decisively take the side of Ukraine. Often the reason is money. However, there are those who hope that the world will still be able to pacify Russia.

Zelensky recalled that Russia has openly stated that it does not intend to limit itself to Ukraine alone. Therefore, according to him, today it is necessary to resolutely fight for the interests of each nation. However, calls by some national leaders for territorial concessions from Ukraine show that Kyiv's interests are not valued as highly as those of others.

15:52 The fighting has reached its maximum intensity, Deputy Defense Minister Anna Malyar said: "The situation remains difficult and shows signs of further aggravation. The enemy has used all his forces and means to capture our territory and encircle our troops. The fighting has reached its maximum intensity today, the enemy is storming positions of our troops simultaneously in several directions. An extremely difficult and lengthy stage of struggle awaits us ahead, and we must understand that this is a war, and, unfortunately, losses on our part are inevitable. "

15:29 The Orthodox Church of Ukraine asks the Ecumenical Patriarch to dethrone the head of the Russian Orthodox Church, Kirill (Vladimir Gundyaev), who blessed the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

15:26 The American publication Politico published a list of European companies that could agree to Russia's conditions for paying for gas in rubles. Thus, among the companies that continue to pay for and receive Russian gas are the Hungarian MVM, the German VNG, RWE and Uniper, the French Engie, the Italian Eni, the Austrian OMV, the Czech ČEZ, the Slovak SPP and the Slovenian Geoplin.

At the same time, the Polish PGNiG, the Bulgarian Bulgargaz and the Finnish Gasum refused to comply with Moscow's demands and were cut off from supplies.

15:24 In Kharkov, they report powerful explosions in different parts of the city, they have not stopped for several hours. There is a threat of shelling in the city, people are urged to stay in shelters, Oleg Sinegubov, head of the OVA, said. According to preliminary information, as a result of shelling seven people were injured, four were killed.

15:22 Iran has offered to organize talks between Russia and Ukraine, Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian said in Davos: "Last week I told Lavrov that Iran is ready to become a platform for the two sides."

15:20 The National Bank of Ukraine printed 120 billion hryvnias during the three months of the war , the Finance Ministry said. Since the beginning of the full-scale war, the state budget has been financed primarily by war bonds and international aid. For two two months, Ukraine received 13.8 billion dollars.

15:18 Ankara is negotiating with Kiev and Moscow to open a corridor through Turkey for grain exports from Ukraine, Reuters reports citing a high-ranking Turkish official.

15:16 Ukrzaliznytsia's refrigerated trains store 270 unclaimed bodies of the Russian military, Chairman of the Board Alexander Kamyshin said in an interview with Meduza. According to him, in this regard, Ukrzaliznytsia is ready to provide free tickets to the mothers of the Russian military who will come to pick up the bodies of their children.

15:12 Russian aggression cannot be pacified, it must be met with force, said British Foreign Secretary Liz Truss: "We must be adamant in ensuring Ukraine's victory with military assistance and sanctions. Now we can no longer take our foot off the gas pedal."

Truss also said she would urge European colleagues to provide more weapons to Ukraine and tighten sanctions against Russia. She recalled that "Putin attacked Georgia, Crimea and Donbas" after a series of concessions from the West.

14:48 The head of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense, Kirill Budanov, spoke in an interview with The War Zone about the details of Ukrainian helicopter flights to help the defenders of Mariupol. According to him, the crews of Ukrainian helicopters, as a rule, flew on two sides, only once four sides took off at once. Of the 16 helicopters involved, two were shot down by Russian troops. Another was shot down while flying to the aid of another downed helicopter.

In total, according to Budanov, the helicopters made seven flights to the besieged Mariupol. Helicopters delivered weapons, ammunition, medicines and food. Once, help was brought to the city from 72 fighters of the Azov regiment.

14:45 The Ukrainian military destroyed the Russian checkpoint on the Lisichansk-Bakhmut highway, the head of the Luhansk OVA Serhiy Gaidai said on the air of the telethon: "There were about 50 people, they even managed to gain a foothold for a while, they even set up some kind of checkpoint, but it was a situational success. Part The DRG has already remained there forever. The checkpoint has been broken, they have been driven back. The Russian army no longer controls the highway."

14:33 Prime Minister of Finland Sanna Marin, after a visit to Irpen, met with Zelensky, who said following its results: "For us, Finland's military assistance is very valuable. Weapons, sanctions policy and the unity of our partners on the issue of Ukraine's accession to the EU are to ensure the strength of the defense of our land. I thank Prime Minister of Finland Sanna Marin for her visit and dedicated support."

13:56 Military exercises in Belarus near the border with the Volyn region are designed to deter the transfer of Ukrainian troops to the Donbass, Viktor Andrusiv, adviser to the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, said: "With such maneuvers, they are trying to restrain the transfer of our troops to the East. We cannot ignore this threat, therefore we are forced keep strong groups in this direction. The Belarusian army itself is weak, unprofessional and unmotivated."

13:47 Russia plans to destabilize the situation in Ukraine through its agents masquerading as national patriots of Ukraine, Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council Oleksiy Danilov said: "The Russian Federation does not change its plans - this is the destruction of us as a state, the destruction of our population ... The issue of internal destabilization of Ukraine through the Russian agents are number one for the Russian Federation. Now an operation under the conditional name "chameleon" is underway, when Russian agents disguise themselves as national patriots."

13:33 Peskov said that the Kremlin "expects Kiev to accept Moscow's demands and realize the de facto situation, the real situation that exists."

13:29 In the Zaporozhye region, the heads of the "military-civilian administrations" controlled by Russia were "officially" appointed: Evgeny Balitsky became the "head" of the regional administration, and Galina Danilchenko - of Melitopol.

13:23 Podolyak on issuing Russian passports to Ukrainians: "Any attempts to distribute Russian passports in the occupied territories are legally meaningless and unpromising. The Ukrainian passport in the world today is a symbol of courage and heroism. The Russian passport is the mark of an outcast. Our people travel freely around the world without visas and borders Why do they need a ticket to the Russian concentration camp?"

13:17 Scholz, during a speech in Davos, called on countries to join efforts to isolate Russia, saying that Putin cannot be allowed to win in Ukraine, which would "inspire other warmongers," writes Bloomberg.

"Putin wants to return to a world order in which the strong dictate what is right. This is imperialism," the chancellor said. Russia's invasion of Ukraine undermines the international order based on the rules of cooperation, which has limited large-scale military conflicts in recent decades, he said.

13:13 Ukraine received Su-25 attack aircraft from the West in the form of spare parts. For delivery, the planes were dismantled in Eastern Europe, writes Foreign Policy. According to the publication, a field team in Eastern Europe, linked to the European Command, helped dismantle Soviet Su-25 aircraft and Mi-17
helicopters so that they could be sent to Ukraine.

12:52 In Russia, the Supreme Court postponed to June 29 the consideration of the suit of the Prosecutor General's Office on the recognition of Azov as a terrorist organization and the ban on its activities on the territory of the Russian Federation, the meeting will be held behind closed doors. In the suit of the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation, Azov is called a "Ukrainian paramilitary nationalist association", while officially Azov is part of the National Guard of Ukraine.

12:33 Finnish Prime Minister Sanna Marin arrived in Irpen.

12:14 Pushilin said that the first stage of the "Mariupol tribunal" over the Ukrainian military could be held before the end of this summer. He added that some "friendly countries" have already agreed to participate in the tribunal. Earlier, Moscow stated that it was premature to talk about the exchange of Ukrainian prisoners of war before the trial.

12:03 First Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Andrei Turchak proposed the creation of a special economic zone in the Donbass.

11:59 In the Kharkiv region over the past day, two dead and 15 wounded, said the head of the OVA Oleg Sinegubov. There were shelling in the area of ​​Pyatikhatki, Balakleya, Tsirkunov and Chuguev. In the morning, they again fired at the Zolochiv community and Slatino of the Dergachev community.

11:54 In Donetsk, another batch of surgical equipment stolen from Mariupol hospital No. 1 was taken to the surgical department of the Kalinin clinic - this time for anesthesia. This unique equipment was purchased by Mariupol in 2021 for several million hryvnias, Mayor's adviser Petr Andryushchenko said. According to him, this is not the first time that medical equipment stolen from Mariupol is taken to Donetsk under the guise of a "gift" from United Russia.

11:43 Stoltenberg urged NATO to be ready to support Ukraine "for a long time." According to him, the conflict has already turned into a war of attrition, and no one can predict with certainty when it will end.

11:17 Ukraine expects an increase in funding from Western countries in June, Deputy Head of the National Bank Yuriy Heletiy said in an interview with Forbes Ukraine: "More than $8 billion is support for the state budget as part of a $40 billion aid package from the United States. I think we will start receiving these funds already in June, most likely, in parts.

11:04 Today Belarus will start military exercises near the borders of Poland and Ukraine with the participation of forces and aviation. Chairman of the Executive Committee of Brest Alexander Rogachuk called the maneuvers "another stage in testing the response forces."

11:03 Pushilin said that Ukrainian fighters were found at Azovstal, who hid or fell behind during the surrender, so there is no 100% guarantee of a complete cleansing of the plant yet.

10:54 The draft decision of the EU leaders' summit, which starts on May 30, contains a promise to continue to arm and finance Ukraine against the backdrop of Russian "atrocities, suffering and destruction", writes EUobserver.

10:38 The Transcarpathian region received about 45% of all Ukrainian companies that left the war, Governor Viktor Mikita said. According to him, a total of 262 enterprises arrived in the region, 80 of them are at the stage of transporting capacities or are settling in a new place.

10:36 Three cars with a large screen are driving around Mariupol, which continuously broadcast propaganda, and 12 large TVs have been additionally installed, which non-stop talk about the "improvements" of life in the city, Mayor's adviser Petr Andryushchenko said.

10:34 Ukraine has strengthened the defense of the northern border. According to the first deputy head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Yevgeny Yenin, the enemy's sabotage and reconnaissance groups are trying to penetrate the border areas, so the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Armed Forces of Ukraine put up additional outfits there. Also, the Russian Federation conducts regular shelling, preventing Ukraine from redirecting reserves to more “hot” spots.

10:26 Germany intends to increase the pace of grain exports from Ukraine, for which the Deutsche Bahn concern will send additional echelons: "Given the threat of famine in some regions of the planet and the huge need to export millions of tons of Ukrainian grain to world markets, we will organize the dispatch of additional echelons in coordination with the federal government."

10:20 The General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine announced the approximate losses of the enemy on the morning of May 16. The enemy suffered the greatest losses over the past day in the Avdiivka direction.

  • personnel - about 29,600 (+150) people liquidated,

  • tanks - 1315 (+10),

  • armored combat vehicles - 3235 (+22),

  • artillery systems - 617 (+11),

  • MLRS - 201 (+0),

  • air defense systems - 93 (+0),

  • aircraft - 206 (+0),

  • helicopters - 170 (+0),

  • UAV operational-tactical level - 502 (+11),

  • cruise missiles - 114 (+2),

  • ships/boats - 13 (+0),

  • automotive equipment and tankers - 2225 (+8),

  • special equipment - 47 (+3).

10:15 In the Zaporozhye region, the enemy is strengthening the grouping of troops in the Pohovsky and Vasilyevsky districts, regrouping units, and accumulating a large number of military and heavy vehicles in the occupied territories. The areas of the settlements of Novopol, Volshebnoe, Orekhov and Kamenka are being shelled, the possibility of rocket and air strikes remains, the OVA reported.

10:07 There are tacit agreements between NATO countries not to supply planes and tanks to Ukraine, writes Die Zeit. According to the publication, the West is afraid that the supply of tanks and aircraft, Moscow may perceive as NATO's participation in the war. It was for this reason that Scholz refused to send German tanks to Ukraine.

10:02 Pushilin said that holding a referendum on joining Russia is expedient only after reaching the constitutional borders of the "DNR" and "LNR".

09:53 The Russian-appointed "head of the military-civilian administration" of the Zaporozhye region, Yevgeny Balitsky, was informed in absentia of suspicion of collaborationism, the SBU reports. He faces five to ten years in prison. Balitsky criticized the current Ukrainian authorities and prepared celebrations for Victory Day, and also issued an order on the temporary organization of "public order", which obliged residents to form "public detachments" to identify anti-Russian activities.

09:25 German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier called on Putin to withdraw troops from Ukraine and negotiate with Zelensky, Deutsche Welle writes: "Stop suffering and destruction in Ukraine! Withdraw your troops! And do not refuse direct and serious negotiations with President Zelensky" .

According to Steinmeier, "Putin's war of aggression does not only affect the people in Ukraine." Due to the blockade of Ukrainian ports by Russia in the world, grain prices have risen, many regions of the world are threatened with starvation and death in the coming months, especially in East and South Africa.

The consequences of the war will hit states that have not yet recovered from the coronavirus pandemic, and regions where the soil is drying up and becoming barren due to the climate crisis, the German president added.

08:54 Russia is already building a third line of defense in the occupied south of Ukraine. The regrouping of Russian troops in the Kherson region and in the occupied districts of the Zaporozhye region indicates the intention of the Russian Federation to gain a foothold in these territories, Vadim Skibitsky, a representative of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, said on the air of Krym.Realii.

08:50 British intelligence states "noticeable tactical failures" of the Russian Airborne Forces. We are talking about an attempt to attack Kyiv through Gostomel in March, where Russian paratroopers captured the airfield. The British also remind of the unsuccessful crossing at Belogorovka and the stop of the advance near Izyum.

Analysts point out that the Airborne Forces were used in missions better suited to heavy armored infantry and suffered heavy casualties during the campaign. The reason for this is "improper management of this potential and Russia's inability to ensure air superiority."

"The failure to anticipate Ukrainian resistance and the subsequent complacency of Russian commanders has resulted in significant casualties for many of Russia's most elite units," the intelligence agency said.

08:44 The US State Department has sharply condemned the violent actions of Russia, the purpose of which is to "conquer the Ukrainians" in the occupied territories. The Russian Federation has chosen deportation, "filtering" and the imposition of Russian citizenship as tools for this, writes Voice of America.

State Department spokesman Ned Price said that the United States is aware of Russia's brutal actions in the occupied territories of Ukraine: "We saw how Russian forces forcibly took people away from the occupied territory. We saw how Russian troops transported Ukrainians to so-called filtration camps. We saw attempts by Russian troops in other ways to subdue the Ukrainian people in these territories.

08:41 On May 25, the Russians launched a "powerful and prolonged" artillery strike on Lisichansk, the head of the Luhansk OVA, Sergei Gaidai, said. The enemy tried to storm the Ukrainian defense near Ustinovka and at the same time destroyed this village and the nearby city of Lisichansk with artillery. As a result, two people died in Ustinovka and one in Lisichansk.

The projectile hit the center for the provision of humanitarian aid, damaged a volunteer car that delivered food to the Lugansk region. Among the destruction are 25 high-rise buildings and private houses in the region, the building of the Impulse enterprise in Severodonetsk, the cultural center and the Central Scientific and Cultural Center in Lisichansk.

08:37 In the Kryvyi Rih region, the enemy again attacked the Apostolovsky mass from artillery, said the head of the Dnepropetrovsk OVA, Valentin Reznichenko. People were not hurt.

08:19 The United States confirms the naval blockade of Ukrainian ports by the Russian fleet. Recently declassified US intelligence shows that a Russian naval blockade has halted maritime trade in Ukrainian ports. World leaders are calling it a deliberate attack on the global food supply chain that has caused a shortage of grain and other food in the world, writes The Washington Post.

The Russian Navy currently controls all shipping in the northern third of the Black Sea, making it unsafe for commercial shipping, according to a US government document obtained by the publication. The document, based on previously declassified intelligence data, analyzes heat signatures emitted by Russian ships to reveal areas of intense naval activity along the southern coast of Ukraine and the Crimean peninsula.

08:12 In Mariupol, the invaders announced the extension of the school year until September 1, that is, the children will not have holidays. The main goal is de-Ukrainization and preparation for the academic year according to the Russian program, said Petr Andryushchenko, adviser to the mayor of the city. Children will be taught Russian language and literature, Russian history and mathematics all summer long. The invaders plan to open nine schools in the city, but so far they have managed to find only 53 teachers.

07:51 The occupiers moved to the island the Snake boat of the Naval Forces of Ukraine, previously captured in Berdyansk. According to OK Pivden, it can be used for the purpose of provocations.

07:38 Russian troops concentrated on taking control of Liman and trying to improve the tactical situation near Severodonetsk and Avdiivka. Also, the enemy is trying to resume the attack on Slavyansk, according to the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the morning report .

07:17 Russia abducts Ukrainian children and transports them to its territory in order to destroy the Ukrainian nation, Ukraine's permanent representative to the UN Serhiy Dvornik said: "The abduction of at least 230,000 Ukrainian children among 1.4 million Ukrainian citizens forcibly deported to Russia is a crime aimed at destroying the Ukrainian nation by depriving its young generations, which is a modern manifestation of colonialism."

07:13 The American Institute for the Study of War notes that Russian forces have prioritized an offensive east and west of Popasna to cut Ukrainian land lines southwest of Severodonetsk and complete efforts to encircle the entire Lugansk region. Also, Russian troops have probably entered Liman and can use this bridgehead to coordinate an offensive southeast of Izyum to launch an attack on Seversk.

Analysts believe that the Russians can start the battle for Severodonetsk before they completely cut off Ukrainian communications in the southwest and northwest of the region.

06:46 The head of the Khmelnytsky OVA, Serhiy Gamaly, said that a rocket was shot down in the region at night, the fragments of which fell into the field.

03:05 Pushilin said that the "DPR" army has already entered the Kherson, Zaporozhye and Kharkiv regions of Ukraine, since "it is impossible to protect the Donbass only by reaching the borders of the republics."

02:14 EU countries have frozen the assets of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation in the amount of about 23 billion euros, European Commissioner for Justice Didier Reynders said, Reuters writes.

Posted by:badanov

#1  The US stock market seems to be in the process of pricing out Ukraine. This is how markets work. Money sees where it shouldn't go and goes elsewhere.
Posted by: M. Murcek   2022-05-27 14:31  
