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--Tech & Moderator Notes
How To Post A Link Or An Article
Because Paul D. and rammer asked so nicely. :-) See also the article by Dr. Steve, above.
When you open Rantburg, directly below the logo you will see:

Post a news link || Post your own article

If you want to post just the link, click on news link. If you want to add text from the article, your own thoughts or your thoughts as in-lines to the article text, click on your own article. A box will pop up. All below refers to this box.

File under gives you two drop-down menus. The one on the left gives you a choice of geographical locations and other interesting possibilities. Click on one. The one on the right chooses the page where the article will appear: War on Terror Operations is for arrests, deaths, explosions and invasions; Wot Politix is for everything else WoT-related, including politics; the three remaining pages -- Non-WoT, Opinion, and Seedy Politicians are, I hope, self-explanatory. Click on one. If a moderator disagrees with your characterization, we'll change it before it's published.

The article title -- or your improved version -- goes in the box labeled Title, the URL or article address goes in the box labeled Source. Your name or chosen nym goes in the longer box on the left underneath that. Please, please, please click on Preview up at the top left to make sure the result looks the way you hope, and please click on the title in the preview box to make sure it goes to the article as you intended. If not, close out the Preview box and fix whatever wasn't quite right. Generally an article with a non-working link will be deleted immediately. Once everything is to your satisfaction, click Submit to send it to the hopper for review and publication.

If you decide to submit an article instead of just a link, it gets even more fun. Do all the stuff listed above, copy and paste the text you want into the Text box, and go to town. The symbols in the bar across the top are all there for you to use. Most are intuitively obvious, I think, but there are two options for highlighting (you probably want to use the simple yellow one on the left at first, and graduate to the yellow lined box on the right later. The "world sitting on chain links" will give you an in-text hyperlink: just highlight the words you want to hold the link, click on the icon, and paste the URL into the box that appears. Highlight the text and click on Translate to get Fred Pruitt's pre-programmed in-lines. Play with things, and click on Preview to see what it looks like. When you're happy with the result, click on Submit.
Posted by:trailing wife
