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Home Front: Culture Wars
Blogger Finds Y2K Bug in NASA Climate Data - oops global warming
Blogger Steve McIntyre of Climate noticed a strange discontinuity, or "jump" in many locations while inspecting temperature graphs, which later revealed a Y2K bug in the NASA program. 5 of the 10 warmest years on record now all occur before World War II.
Posted by:3dc

#7  Hansen's opinions and his science have been suspect for some time because of his politics and his connections to rock stars like Gore, et. al.. This is first time someone caught a systematic flaw in his methodology. The error does not explain all of the "trend". However, if you add the "heat island" effect regarding the siting of modern instrumentation, and the measured increase in the solar constant that explains 35-50% of the rise in temperature....CO2/man-made warming dissolves into the noise.
Posted by: anymouse   2007-08-10 20:06  

#6  I don't know about the world ending, but our troops would have a lot less in the way of useful equipment.
Posted by: lotp   2007-08-10 13:24  

#5  Truth be damn, it's the grant money that's the thing. I wonder if the world would end if we had a five year moratorium on any research grant monies?
Posted by: Procopius2k   2007-08-10 09:01  

#4  #3 the bug was only for US Climate data

it has a negligible effect (2nd digit to the right of the decimal point) on the standard global records

Which demonstrates how tiny the difference is between the warmest year on record, the coldest year on record and the length of our entire dataset in geologic terms. The problem, of course, is that people without scientific training - or scientists angling for research grants - have little valid perspective from which to make policy.
Posted by: Excalibur   2007-08-10 08:57  

#3  the bug was only for US Climate data

it has a negligible effect (2nd digit to the right of the decimal point) on the standard global records

Still, the adjusted record now shows that 1934 was the warmest year on record for the US
Posted by: mhw   2007-08-10 08:51  

#2  It may in fact be the case that a) we are in a warming period and b) it is accelerated or enhanced to some (perhaps significant) degree by human activity.

But the data being used and the models that have been constructed aren't nearly as clearcut as the Gorebots feel they should be. The whole issue has been politicized to the point of being nearly hopeless to untangle.

Been re-reading William Ruddiman's Plows, Plagues & Petroleum this summer. Ruddiman (a highly respected paleo-climatologist) argues that humans have been influencing the climate since the start of agriculture 8000 years ago - to the point of having cut short an impending cold age. But he makes his case through careful review of a variety of data and by showing how it improves the ability of climate models to 'predict the past', i.e. to make sense of what we know did happen. Which (unlike data 'smoothing') is responsible science.
Posted by: lotp   2007-08-10 05:23  

#1  IOW, Fascists + Grandpa-Papa Dubya are still responsible???
Posted by: JosephMendiola   2007-08-10 01:47  
