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Iran receives Russian air defense missiles
Iran has received a Russian air defense missile system, the Iranian defense minister said Wednesday.
I'm not too worried. Sammy had some, too.
Iran's announcement came as it launched three days of military maneuvers - its first since the UN Security Council imposed sanctions against it in late December. "We have had constructive defense transactions with Russia and we purchased Tor M-1 missiles that were recently delivered to us," the official Web site of Iranian state television quoted Minister of Defense Mostafa Mohammad Najjar as saying.
Posted by:Fred

#3  One more "If", mhw:
If Allan keeps up the maintenance.
Posted by: Grunter   2007-01-25 15:37  

#2  we've had discussions about the TorM-1 here on Rantburg.

If the system is confirgured properly and

If the system operators are well trained and

If the system is fully staffed with alert people who are well trained


the TorM-1 would be effective against low flying 2 meter diameter or larger targets that don't move faster than the system can react to.

Woop Woop.
Posted by: mhw   2007-01-25 13:46  

#1 proclaims to be laughing hard at some of the missle claims made by Iran = IRGC during their recent Milex.
Posted by: JosephMendiola   2007-01-25 00:38  
