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Home Front: Politix
Rove fight escalates; Plame Covert Status Challenged - by Real Covert Agent
The partisan fight over Karl Rove exploded onto the Senate floor yesterday, with Democrats trying to strip him of his security clearance and Republicans retaliating by trying to strip the chamber's two top Democrats of theirs.
The fun's beginning to ramp up...
The moves, which came as amendments to a spending bill, both failed, but not before each side blamed the other for "juvenile" behavior and for poisoning a well of good feelings they said had existed in the past few weeks.
There were good feelings? Who knew?
Some senators said the entire exercise was wrong. "There might be a contest between which of these amendments is more poorly drafted," said Sen. Jeff Sessions, Alabama Republican, who voted against both amendments. We should not be doing this. This is exactly why the American public holds Congress in such low esteem right now," said Sen. Susan Collins, Maine Republican, who also opposed both.
Well, a minor reason, perhaps...
Meanwhile, former Ambassador Joseph C. Wilson IV, whose wife, Valerie Plame, and her identity as a cover CIA employee is the central issue, came to the Capitol to call for President Bush to fire Mr. Rove. "I believe it is time for Karl Rove to go and time for this president to live up to his promises that anyone involved in this leak would be fired," Mr. Wilson said during a press conference with Sen. Charles E. Schumer, New York Democrat, steps away from the Senate floor.
Wotta line-up: Schumer, Mr Face-Time. Wilson, The Lying Liar. Plame, The faux NOC.
Mr. Bush said in 2003 that he would fire whoever leaked the information about Mrs. Plame's identity.
No, he didn't. He said that if anyone was found guilty of a crime he'd be fired. Big difference.

Mr. Rove spoke to Time magazine's Matt Cooper about Mr. Wilson's wife, warning the reporter about Mr. Wilson's false claim that he was sent to Niger by Vice President Dick Cheney. Democrats have since called repeatedly for Mr. Rove to be fired or at least lose his security clearance as White House deputy chief of staff.
Please? Pretty pretty please?
But Republicans said to wait for results from a special prosecutor who is investigating the case and could be considering charges of obstruction of justice or perjury.
Aw, grown-ups. They never let us have any fun...
A former CIA covert agent who supervised Mrs. Plame early in her career yesterday took issue with her identification as an "undercover agent," saying that she worked for more than five years at the agency's headquarters in Langley and that most of her neighbors and friends knew that she was a CIA employee. "She made no bones about the fact that she was an agency employee and her husband was a diplomat," Fred Rustmann, a covert agent from 1966 to 1990, told The Washington Times.
A real agent calls a spade a spade pretender a pretender. Whaddya know.
"Her neighbors knew this, her friends knew this, his friends knew this. A lot of blame could be put on to central cover staff and the agency because they weren't minding the store here. ... The agency never changed her cover status."
So the super secret agent was actually a bookkeeping error.
Mr. Rustmann, who spent 20 of his 24 years in the agency under "nonofficial cover" -- also known as a NOC, the same status as the wife of Mr. Wilson -- also said that she worked under extremely light cover.
As in non-existent.
In addition, Mrs. Plame hadn't been out as an NOC since 1997, when she returned from her last assignment, married Mr. Wilson and had twins, USA Today reported yesterday.
Thus the 5 year rule had lapsed, making this a non-issue... Now we see if Fitzpatrick has any sense.
The distinction matters because a law that forbids disclosing the name of undercover CIA operatives applies to agents that had been on overseas assignment "within the last five years."
Bingo. No joy, Dhimmis.
"She was home for such a long time, she went to work every day at Langley, she was in an analytical type job, she was married to a high-profile diplomat with two kids," Mr. Rustmann said. "Most people who knew Valerie and her husband, I think, would have thought that she was an overt CIA employee."
That's how she was listed in the Washington edition of "Who's Who."
Or something.
Asked whether his wife had been compromised before the press leak, Mr. Wilson said, "I have no idea," though he said that her work has had to change since the leaks. "My wife's status is that she is back at work, obviously in a different capacity, and she no longer has the cover that she once held," he said.
His MO: play dumb when presented with facts.
One neighbor of the Wilsons, who live in the affluent Palisades community in Northwest, said that he "absolutely didn't know" that Mrs. Plame was in the CIA. "We understood her to work as an economist," said David Tillotson, a 62-year old lawyer. He said he didn't know that Mrs. Plame commuted to CIA headquarters, but added that "they wouldn't be conducting an investigation if she hadn't been covert."
One neighbor? You only asked one? Do they buy into Santa and the Tooth Fairy, too? Maxwell Smart and Agent 99, perhaps?
Democrats had been pressuring the White House to act all week, but yesterday decided to try to force the matter. Minority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada, along with Minority Whip Richard J. Durbin of Illinois and three other top Democrats, called for the end of security clearance for anyone "who discloses, or has disclosed, classified information, including the identity of a covert agent of the Central Intelligence Agency, to a person not authorized to receive such information. Even a child knows that if a person can't keep a secret, you stop telling him secrets," Mr. Schumer said.
"Hey, I know - let's craft a law after the fact to screw Rove!"
Majority Leader Bill Frist, Tennessee Republican, called Democrats' amendment "purely a political amendment" and then submitted his own. It would have stripped clearance from federal officeholders who make "reference to a classified Federal Bureau of Investigation report on the floor of the United States Senate, or any federal officeholder that makes a statement based on a FBI agent's comments which is used as propaganda by terrorist organizations thereby putting our servicemen and women at risk."
Tit. Meet Tat.
The former is a reference to Mr. Reid, who mentioned the FBI file of one of Mr. Bush's judicial nominees, and the latter is a reference to Mr. Durbin, whose comparison of U.S. interrogation techniques at Guantanamo Bay to Nazi and Soviet regimes was cited in Middle Eastern press, including Al Jazeera.
Bam! Bam! Take that! Lol...
Mr. Frist's amendment failed 64-33, with 20 Republicans joining Democrats and one independent in voting against it, while Mr. Reid's amendment failed on a party-line vote, 53-44.
Donk amendment gets all of the Dhimmidonk votes. Pub amendment suffers badly from Pubs actually voting conscience. Sheesh, it's so ronery to actually have ethics in the US Senate.
President Bush yesterday gave his longtime confidant an unusual show of support, walking out side by side with Mr. Rove on the White House South Lawn as he headed to his helicopter to leave for a trip to Indiana. The president almost always walks out alone, with his aides following behind.
See? I don't duck and run from my friends. Karl, get over here you lughead! *applies noogie*
Later in the day, about 100 protesters -- chanting, "Hey, hey, ho, ho, Karl Rove has got to go" -- picketed outside the White House while Mr. Bush was in Indiana. The protesters were organized by the liberal group, which provided signs that read: "Stop the Cover-up: Fire Karl Rove."
Then the Secret Service got to try out their new flame throwers. Karl brought the marshmallows. It was swell.

#11  nice inlines PD and SW :-)
Posted by: Frank G   2005-10-26 21:22  

#10  Valerie Plame?

What is/was her job at the Company?
Is she a manager?
Is she a section chief?
Or a civil servant with a knack for political opportunism and attention?

Did she recommend that her husband be sent on the 8 day yellow cake junket?

Is it a common practice at the Company to send relatives or spouses on a not so clandestine mission?

How are personal normally chosen for missions over seas?

How is it even possible to devine, definitively, what off the books transtractions took place in Niger?..During an 8 day junket noless.

Niger ie. slavery, thugs, false imprisonment etc.. Niger's Seyni Kountche who in 1981 said that his country would sell uranium “even to the devil.”

and the ever reliable back stabbers

..The French Government and their subsidized uranium Mining companys, Cogema, Areva & affiliates.

Wilson claims to have been sent by the Central Intelligence Agency because Vice President Dick Cheney's office had questions about a particular intelligence report.

After consulting with the State Department's African Affairs Bureau (and through it with Barbro Owens-Kirkpatrick, the United States ambassador to Niger), "I agreed to make the trip. The mission I undertook was discreet but by no means secret. While the C.I.A. paid my expenses (my time was offered pro bono), I made it abundantly clear to everyone I met that I was acting on behalf of the United States government.

I spent the next eight days drinking sweet mint tea and meeting with dozens of people.."

Posted by: Red Dog   2005-10-26 19:27  

#9  just another circus for the democrats. They've chosen Karl to sit in the dunk box while they throw softballs and have a good laugh if they can drown him. More juvenile antics from people we pay to act like adults.
Posted by: 2b   2005-10-26 16:54  

#8  Whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty? Or is that just for democrats?

Well, and Saddam.
Posted by: eLarson   2005-10-26 13:57  

#7  Today, the world is upside down. What we once considered a religion, Islam is bent on killing or conquering all people of other beliefs. Though this is ongoing, it is not a hot war as we know war can be. Apparently, that leaves enough down time for the criminal fringe and their accomplices, known as the democrat party and the MSM to engage in various manners of tomfoolery. In doing so, both of these organizations contribute to the support of the Islamic radicals engaged in the killing of civilians and soldiers around the world, including our American boys and girls. For that, the MSM deserves to be wiped from the face of the earth. They serve no useful purpose any longer. The democrats, on the other hand will continue as an organization, declining by degree across a few decades until they disappear. I will do my part to bring about these necessary changes. Never again in my life will I ever buy, rent, or in any way support the MSM and it's products with the exception of it's few right leaning members. Also, never will I or any member of my family who seeks to stay on my good side vote for any democrat. As far as we are concerned, they are already dead.
Posted by: wxjames   2005-10-26 11:28  

#6  Whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty? Or is that just for democrats?

Democrats are considered innocent even if proven guilty by the MSM.
Posted by: Steve   2005-10-26 10:15  

#5  Just look for the CIA-Langley parking sticker on Plame's car.
Posted by: ed   2005-10-26 09:39  

#4  Plame's identity was a closely guarded secret of the Beltway cocktail party circuit. How dare they!
Posted by: eLarson   2005-10-26 09:19  

#3  Whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty?

Or is that just for democrats?
Posted by: CrazyFool   2005-10-26 09:04  

#2  Hi .com! I ran across this post at "Just One Minute" that covered the "was she covert or not" angle. AFAICT it just about covers the same ground we all came to when we discussed this back in 2002 or 2003:

Really? Actions speak louder than words, so let's look at what Joe Wilson and the CIA did in July 2003 as the Wilson and Novak columns were brewing.

Start with Joe Wilson, retired diplomat turned consultant. On July 6 he writes a column telling the world that he has done some consulting for the CIA. That might reasonably be expected to attract the attention of the spychasers of various foreign intelligence services.

As these spychasers study Joe Wilson, what do they learn? A few minutes on the internet would have turned up his on-line bio with his wife's maiden name; a check of FEC records for campaign donations would have revealed that his wife, as "Valerie Wilson", listed "Brewster-Jennings & Associates" as her employer. Elapsed time - ten minutes?

What would our spychasers learn about Brewster-Jennings? Within a week of the Bob Novak article mentioning Brewster-Jennings, the Boston Globe had done some research, sent a person to the Brewster-Jennings office in Boston, and reported that "Apparent CIA front didn't offer much cover".

There were no employees, the building managers knew nothing of the company, and typical state and local records had not been filed. Does that sound like a legitimate enterprise, or a possible front company? Might suspicions have been aroused?

Per Dun & Bradstreet, the company was set up in May of 1994, a well-known year for spychasers - Aldrich Ames was arrested in February of 1994 for betraying agents and assets to the Soviets, and many US agents learned that they may have been compromised.

So - Valerie Plame works for a phony company that seems to have come into being a few months after Aldrich Ames put a lot of US agents into early semi-retirement. This has taken maybe a week for our foreign spychaser to learn. Might he wonder if Ms. Plame is still with the CIA?

If he follows that trail of logic, our spychaser might then have someone follow Ms. Plame to work. Anyone attempting to do so will either learn that Ms. Plame has an extraordinary knack for eluding surveillance, or that she drives in to Langley each day.

The last shred of her cover will be gone, her photo will be obtained and circulated, her history deduced, her networks identified - all within a few weeks of the NY Times editorial, which was volunteered by Joe Wilson and allowed by the CIA. The dire consequences predicted by Joe will have been realized - yet he published his op-ed anyway. How seriously did he, and the CIA, take her security?
Posted by: Phil Fraering   2005-10-26 08:53  

#1  See? I don't duck and run from my friends. Karl, get over here you lughead! *applies noogie*


Thanks for the post.

Re:The morally preverted and mentally twisted.
[exhibit A] The Smirky Schumers & [exibit B] Turbin Durbins of this world must be opposed.

It's our duty as citizens, for the future generations.
Posted by: Red Dog   2005-10-26 07:29  
