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Imams call for ban on circumcising girls
Circumcising girls should be prohibited, says a group of prominent Danish imams.
"Danish! Danish? What in the name of Allan do Danish imams know about the pure faith? Mahmoud, kill them."
The imams stated in their declaration that circumcision is a cultural practice - not a religious one - and can and should be avoided, reported daily newspaper Information on Friday.

The declaration was signed by Abdul Wahid Pedersen, Mohammed Fouad al-Barazi, Ahmed Abu-Laban, Fatih Alev, Abu-Bakar Nur Shirwa, and Adan Yusuf Qanyare.
"Pedersen? What kind of name is that for a good Moose-limb, I asks yez?"
Al-Barzi's status as a prominent Islamic clergyman lent authority to the statement. 'No forms of circumcision of women are required or customary for Muslims, and Danish law prohibits any form of female circumcision - regardless of whether it takes place in Denmark or outside of the country - therefore we recommend that circumcision of girls in all its forms is stopped,' the imams wrote in their declaration.

How many girls in Denmark have been circumcised is unknown, but according to the World Health Organisation, the practice is slowly on the rise internationally.
"Dem wimmins is good for turning out good jihadis. Dat don't mean dey get to enjoy it!"
Posted by:DanNY

#8   Imams call for ban on circumcising girls

Even a stopped clock is right twice per day.
Posted by: eLarson   2005-09-10 16:22  

#7  I'm all for the clitorally circumcized Islamic women performing the circumcisions for the Islamic men....dull the knives baby and watch that slip...oops!
Posted by: Frank G   2005-09-10 15:16  

#6  " . . . she'll never know what she never got (an orgasm) from you if you remove the apparatus . . ."

Right on. It's always about them.

Now, considering that it's Denmark (which has a certain, shall we say, "focus" on sexuality), I think this is very amusing. The ONLY thing to make it across the "culture" barrier (read: the intelligence barrier, as in the Islamic idiots have none--so it's a wonder). But let's speak plainly. These clerics aren't interested in doing away with a brutal and disgusting abuse against women because they care about women. They want an end to the practice 'cuz they have come to the realization that THEY wll get a better "fix" if the women are intact--probably happened through "observation" of the cultural "norm" in Denmark, but I won't go into that . . . Women are, and always will be, property.

But in this case, I hope they get their way. Moslem women get a chance to be normal, will finally realize how pathetic their male counterparts really are, and hopefully opt for other choices of their own, which eventually will water down and weaken the number of Islamic twerps on the planet. And that's a good thing.

As for the comment about male circumcision, by Anonymoose, female circumcision is not the equivalent. The equivalent is castration.

link here

Or this (excerpted/edited) from another site, explains it:

Types of mutilations:

Infibulation, the cutting of the clitoris, labia minora and at least the
anterior two-thirds and often the whole of the medial part of the labia majora. The two sides of the vulva are then pinned together by silk or catgut sutures, or with thorns, thus obliterating the vaginal introitus except for a very small opening, preserved by the insertion of a tiny piece of wood or a reed for the passage of urine or menstrual blood. These operations are done with special knives (in Mali, a saw-toothed knife), with razor blades (in Sudan, a special razor known as Moos el Shurfa), or with pieces of glass. The girl's legs are then bound together from hip to ankle and she is kept immobile for up to forty days to permit the formation of scar tissue.

Description of an infibulation

. . . goes on to describe the wedding night in Somalia when the husband, having beaten his wife with a leather whip, uses a dagger to open her:

`According to tradition, the husband should have prolonged and repeated intercourse with her during eight days. This "work" is in order to "make" an opening by preventing the scar from closing again. During these eight days, the woman remains lying down and moves as little as possible in order to keep the wound open. The morning after the wedding night, the husband puts his bloody dagger on his shoulder and makes the rounds in order to obtain general admiration.'

Physical consequences

Health risks and complications depend upon the gravity of the mutilation, hygenic conditions, the skill and eyesight of the operator, and the struggles of the child. Whether immediate or long-term, they are grave.

Immediate complications: Haemorrhage from section of the internal pudental artery or of the dorsal artery of the clitoris; post-operative shock (death can only be prevented if blood transfusion and emergency resuscitation are possible). Bad eyesight of the operator or the resistance of the child causes cuts in other organs: the urethra, the bladder (resulting in urine retention and bladder infection), the anal sphincter, vaginal walls or Bartholin glands. As the instruments used have rarely been sterilized, tetanus (frequently fatal), and septicaemia often result. It is impossible to estimate the number of deaths, since the nature of the operation requires that unsuccessful attempts be concealed from strangers and health authorities, and a very small proportion of cases of immediate complication reach hospital. Nevertheless, hospital staff in all the areas concerned are very familiar with last minute and often hopeless attempts to save bleeding, terrified little girls. Operators are not held responsible by parents if death or infection result from the operation.

Long-term complications: Chronic infections of the uterus and vagina are
frequent, the vagina having become, in the case of infibulation, a semi-sealed organ. Sometimes a large foreign body forms in the interior of the vagina as a result of the accumulation of mucous secretions. Keloid scar formation on the vulval wound can become so enlarged as to obstruct walking. The growth of implantation dermoid cysts as large as a grapefruit is not rare. Fistula formation (due to obstructed labour -- rupture of the vagina and/or uterus) causes incontinence in later life, so that many mutilated women are continually dribbling urine. ...

If you want a first-hand account by a woman who experienced this, read at: Becoming a Woman' (excerpted)
Posted by: ex-lib   2005-09-10 13:20  

#5  Well, Tony, if they keep it up, someone of those areas will look like the Moon soon enough.
Posted by: Jackal   2005-09-10 11:11  

#4  Whenever this comes up for mention, just remember that they are only calling for a ban on *female* circumcision.

It's still perfectly okay to chop the perfectly healthy foreskin of a male in most of the world.

Mea culpa.
Posted by: Anonymoose   2005-09-10 10:53  

#3  another way the ignorant, pawing incompetence of Islamic men is covered up - she'll never know what she never got (an orgasm) from you if you remove the apparatus.
Posted by: Frank G   2005-09-10 01:19  

#2  Oh FFS! - I get really pissed off when I hear stories about people called 'Abdul Wahid Pedersen' etc.

If you're not happy living the good life in the West, go live in the arse of the world - no, not Africa (although Lord knows that place is sorry enough), no, go to the real rectum of the planet - Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and Sudan come to mind.

Female circumcision in the 21st century!! - we're supposed to be living on the moon by now!
Posted by: Tony (UK)   2005-09-10 01:13  

#1   Imams call for ban on circumcising girls

Oh Happy Days are here just makes me feel *tingley* all over.
Posted by: Marguerite Muffin   2005-09-10 01:03  
