
The Truth and Consequences of Targeting Tik Tok
[NewsWithViews] By now, every American should have figured out that we are being "spied on" everywhere we go, everything we say, everything we post, text, Google search, buy online, or share on social media, every platform, including Tik Tok. Why do you think ads for products you just mentioned to a friend in a "private" conversation start "randomly" popping up on your devices? You smart phone and smart TV watch every move you make.

They also should have figured out that real journalism is dead in the USA, all news outlets, and social media platforms are heavily censored to maintain the government approved narrative on any and all issues, foreign or domestic. They should have figured out that we no longer have "constitutional" courts or "inalienable rights" in the USA, but instead, British Common Law courts used to undermine everything in the Charters of Freedom.

But it turns out that the vast majority of Americans aren’t as awake and aware as we would hope. As a result, most live under the facade of legitimate government, even as they watch that government violate every protected right in the Bill of Rights, spy on and attack American Citizens denying them a right to free speech, to peaceably assemble, or seek any real form of justice.

According to our weaponized federal government officials, "Tik Tok must be banned because it’s owned by the Communist Party of China." But what if that isn’t true?

Who Really Owns Tik Tok?
Posted by: Besoeker 2024-05-04