
This Is Why Trump Should Pick Tulsi Gabbard for VP
[PJ] I know Trump's people released the "short list" of his VP picks, but I'm not buying it.

Trump is clown-slapping Biden in almost every demographic except for those pesky, middle-aged, white zin-chugging Caucasian broads. They hate Trump with the power of 17 Prius hybrid engines.

I am personally related to at least two such women. One screams like a wounded harpy when Trump is on TV. The other, after a weekend of debate, admitted that her hatred of Trump is largely "emotional." By that, I assume she means it is hip to abhor Trump in her estrogen-overdrive social circles. You know the type: suburban, middle-aged moms dressed in their LULULEMON threads, posing as shining examples of what today's women "should" be as they nibble avocado toast like their hipster kids.

I have a sneaking suspicion that loathing Trump is cool with women who graduated with a degree or two only to abandon them to push prams to "baby yoga" classes.

They see themselves as smarter than us MAGA-capped goobers who are not worthy of debate. When pressed into a discussion, these Hillary lovers dodge facts and figures of Trump's victories during his term, usually with a haughty "you're stupid" snicker and a condescending brickbat talking point, likely purloined from serial harridan Rachel Maddow. But Tulsi Gabbard can change some of their minds. Maybe not all, but perhaps just enough to push Trump into the White House and President Finger-diddle into the tar pits.

Gabbard is the woman that lefty "paint and sip" chicks pretend they are: strong, smart, and unafraid. Few, if any, of the Trump-hating ogresses out there have served in the military. Gabbard, not caring what others think, had the lychees to leave the Democrats, a move that could potentially end her political career, when she saw that the Party had become a laughable, donkey circus, a move most liberal women could never fathom. Of course, it doesn't hurt that, physically speaking, Gabbard is also a total stun gun.

Posted by: Besoeker 2024-05-04