
French (Foreign Legion) Troops Allegedly Arrived in Slavyansk
Related from regnum.ru
Former Italian Prime Minister calls Macron's call to send troops to Ukraine a mistake

Former Prime Minister and leader of the Five Star Movement of Italy, Giuseppe Conte, considers the statement of French President Emmanuel Macron about the possible introduction of NATO troops into Ukrainea big mistake

“I completely disagree with him [Macron], because I think that this is all a huge mistake,” he said on May 3 on the La7 TV channel.

The politician noted that the French leader called the introduction of troops the only way in case of choosing a strategy of escalation of the conflict, and in the absence of troops, he proposed to transfer long-range missiles to Kyiv.

As Regnum reported, on May 2, Macron once again stated that he does not rule out the possibility of sending French troops to Ukraine if the Kiev regime asks for it in the event of a breakthrough by the Russian army on the Ukrainian front. He added that France had previously sent soldiers to African countries when such a request was made there.

Press Secretary of the Russian President Dmitry Peskov on May 3 called Macron’s words very dangerous. France thus declares its readiness to directly enter into the conflict, the Kremlin official added.

First Deputy Speaker of the Crimean Parliament Efim Fiks said that Macron could repeat Napoleon’s mistake if he sends soldiers to Ukraine. France will not forgive the president for new cemeteries with French military personnel, the Russian politician added.

Even more from regnum.ru
Two conditions for sending troops to Ukraine. Why Macron's desperation is dangerous

by Gevorg Mirzayan

French President Emmanuel Macron does not abandon the topic of sending French troops to Ukraine. From a theoretical assumption, he moved on to identifying two specific conditions for an invasion - Macron voiced them in an interview with The Economist.

“If the Russians had broken through the front line, if there had been a request from Ukraine, which is not the case today, we would rightfully have to ask ourselves this question (about sending in troops. - Ed.),” said the French leader.

Moreover, with the pronoun “us” he designated not only France. According to the head of state, he managed to convince the allies on the issue of the potential deployment of troops.

“In fact, many countries said that in the weeks that followed (after the statement - editor's note) they understood our approach, agreed with our position, that the position was correct,” Macron concluded.

In Russia, his words were reacted differently.

Senator Sergei Tsekov responded with a threat: “Macron should understand, although he does not believe it, that if they act brazenly and aggressively towards Russia, they will ultimately receive a blow to their territory.”

The official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova, ridiculed: “Apparently, this is somehow connected with the days of the week - this is the cycle.”

And SVR colonel, MGIMO professor Andrei Bezrukov urged not to pay attention at all: “Forget about Macron, he will be gone soon. Nothing bad will happen to him physically, he simply won’t be president anymore. He’s in his last presidential cycle, he can talk about anything.”

The position of ignoring does indeed seem to be correct. After all, Macron talks a lot, but does little. Unlike other European politicians.

We closely follow Macron's speeches only because he leads France, and not a smaller country. Although now Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte, as well as the Presidents of the Czech Republic Petr Pavel and Finland Alexander Stubb are doing much more harm to Russia than Macron,” explains Vadim Trukhachev, associate professor at the Russian State University for the Humanities, to Regnum.

According to the expert, Pyotr Pavel collects shells for Ukraine and has turned the country into the main repair shop of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Alexander Stubb transforms the state into a large military base near St. Petersburg. And Mark Rutte completely coordinates the anti-Russian policy of the West, having previously given the country’s territory to a training base for the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the main transit point for the transfer of American weapons to Ukraine.

And all three give a much larger share of GDP to Ukraine’s arsenal than France. At the same time, they are constantly putting forward new initiatives, but we don’t pay attention to them - because they are not leading France, but “a little pot-bellied little thing,” says Trukhachev.

At the same time, Macron’s words should be taken seriously, as should the French president himself. Yes, he is obviously filled with ambition mixed with fear. He is simply not ready to send troops to Ukraine - neither from a military nor from a political point of view. This is indirectly evidenced by the publication of the French newspaper Le Figaro, which described five scenarios for the deployment of troops. In the text, literally every paragraph, the idea is repeated about the enormous danger of such a step, the coming big war. For which French society is not ready - especially if the French have to die for Ukraine.

It is important that a significant part of the Western elites are ready for war. They see that the Kiev regime is losing on the battlefield, and losing irreversibly. And the same Macron and other politicians continue to say that Moscow’s victory is unacceptable to them.

It is clear that their position is radically different from the Russian one.

Domestic experts and politicians view our victory in Ukraine as a victory of healthy European forces: getting a chance for sovereign development, the creation of a normal system of collective security in Europe, mutually beneficial cooperation with Russia, the absence of black holes and sources of unnecessary conflicts with Moscow.

And Macron, the head of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen, German Foreign Minister Annalena Bärbock and other figures see this as a real collapse of the world. For them, the victory of Russia is the death of the only transatlantic and non-sovereign Europe in which they are accustomed and capable of existing.

Therefore, they are ready to do anything to prevent or at least delay Russia’s victory. Therefore, they take a much more hawkish position on the Ukrainian crisis than the Americans. And therefore, at a certain stage, that is, at the moment of the collapse of the Ukrainian front, they will be ready to send in troops.

In fact, only the threat voiced by Senator Tsekov can restrain them. The destruction of the French (or other) contingent in Ukraine will be painful, but not fatal. But a strike on the countries from which the troops entered or through which they passed threatens more terrible consequences for the Atlanticists than a Russian victory in Ukraine.

They will be faced with a choice of two terrible options: nuclear war if NATO responds with a strike on Russia, or the collapse of the alliance if Western leaders who do not want a nuclear apocalypse refuse to respond, admitting that Moscow was defending itself and not attacking.

Emmanuel Macron should not be considered a clown or a fool. He is a desperate man, ready to grasp at any straw to save himself from defeat. He just needs to show that there is no straw.

Posted by: Clem+Elmish4239 2024-05-04