
Debka reports unidentified aircraft bombs site in Iran
Missile fire reported from unidentified aircraft over E. Iranian town of Dailam 300km from Afghan border Wednesday afternoon. Tehran TV has interrupted broadcasts for running reports. More details awaited of incident. Oil prices jumped by $1 to past $48 pbd after first news. Tehran TV has interrupted broadcasts for running reports. Tehran TV has interrupted broadcasts for running reports. Attack follows announcement of Iranian-Syrian common front "to face threats." Iranian VP Aref said in Tehran after talks with Syrian PM al-Otari: We are ready to help Syria on all grounds to confront threats.

BBC Reporting: An unexplained large explosion has been heard in the southern province of Bushehr, according to a report on Iranian state TV.
There is confusion over the cause of the blast, which is said to have occurred near the port town of Dailam on the Gulf coast.
One report quoted witnesses as saying they saw a missile fired by a plane.
Another said it may have been caused by a fuel tank dropping from an Iranian plane in the region.
Posted by: legolas 2005-02-16