
Kay warns US not to repeat Iraq mistakes in Iran
The US official who declared the White House's hunt for illicit weapons in Iraq to be a failure driven by faulty intelligence has warned the Bush administration against repeating its mistakes in the current war of words with arch-foe Iran. "There is an eerie similarity to the events preceding the Iraq war," David Kay, who led the search for banned weapons of mass destruction in postwar Iraq, said on Monday in an opinion piece in The Washington Post.
Yes. Isn't there?
"Nuclear weapons in the hands of Iran would be a grave danger to the world. That is not what is in doubt," he wrote. "What is in doubt is the ability (of) the US government to honestly assess Iran's nuclear status and to craft a set of measures that will cope with that threat short of military action by the United States or Israel," Kay added.
Iran seems to be doing a pretty good job of convincing the rest of the world that it's working real hard to get them, isn't it?

Posted by: Fred 2005-02-08