
Imam of Peace on the Congresswoman
Made from lots of individual tweets
See also this article where Congresswoman Omar denies the court testimony
[Twitter-Iman of Peace]
A third party gave this background info on the Iman.
She says this about him:
I’ve met him. He’s a good man and the real deal.
He grew up in Australia. His father was a Shi’a imam. He went to Iran to become an imam, earned the title from one of the major schools of jurisprudence, and was appalled at the corruption, hypocrisy, and violence being preached.
He went back to Australia to find a better way.
He’s big into freedom of conscience and taking on the Qataris is the good fight.
Met him at the American Priorities Festival in October. He was gracious.

Inline text copy of the twitter stream without most links or images:

Note: Transcription of this series of tweets. All the tweets have more tweets inside them. I didn’t include those links

This thread will be one of the most important threads I make on Twitter. The illegal case behind this will be exposed with full transparency, in full details. For now, I direct the following information to:
@realDonaldTrump, @VP, @jaredkushner, @DonaldJTrumpJr, @seanhannity.
#1 I have sources for what I will say, and they are solid rock authentic. Many officials will criticize me for making this public, but I have a duty to do so. The public needs to know. I understand the potential consequences of this thread, and I accept them.

#2 I am willing to go to the fullest extent with this matter, even if I am required to testify in Congress. This is the beginning of the uncovering of what could be a giant scandal. The sensitive details of this matter will be shared in private, upon request.

#3 A Congresswoman is communicating indirectly, through an individual, with Qatar. The people she is talking to are a group close to Emir @TamimBinHamad, and they involve: @A_AlAthbah, @saifaalthani, @ahjh_althani and co.

#4 This Congresswoman, has confirmed to the above group of Qataris, that the recent investigations into her cases will not end well for her. They also fear that she’s in trouble. Now, they are coming after several people. I am one of those people, and their plan is as follows:

#5 This Congresswoman told the group of Qatari officials, who have invested in her, that
@SpeakerPelosi is happy that she is being investigated, because recently, they had rebelled against her (Pelosi). Also, she hates the pressure coming onto the party because of her.

#6 The plan of this Congresswoman is to make all of this “go away” and strike a deal with
@SpeakerPelosi, to put her cases aside, if she puts the case of this Congresswoman aside and ignores it. This is Qatar’s goal in DC with regards to this Congresswoman.

#7 This Congresswoman, along with a Palestinian female activist from Brooklyn, NYC, agreed on diverting the attention by planning to seek the assistance of @theintercept, Al-Jazeera, and The Middle Easy Eye, to fabricate the following scandal:

#8 They want to claim, that all of those criticizing this particular Congresswoman, are paid by Saudis and The UAE. And that it is a collusion against the Congresswoman. They are planning on separating me and @AdelleNaz in one case, and @DonaldJTrumpJr
and the UAE in another.

#9 The reason they chose @AdelleNaz out of all people who criticize this Congresswoman, it is because of her work/pics with @VP Mike Pence, and to show them in the fabricated articles. Their basis for this would be: “Qatari officials said so” - when it is all false information.

#10 The Congresswoman in question, tried to get me to say that I am being funded by the UAE and Saudi Arabia to “smear her” - to then turn it into an international issue. I have the full text her Middle Person sent. Through a leak, and she knows this is NOT the first leak! 👇🏼👇🏼https://twitter.com/Imamofpeace/status/1154428031596843009?s=20

#11 They want to accuse Saudi Arabia and UAE of operating in DC to smear her, and accuse me, @DonaldJTrumpJr, and others who have come after her (such as @TomFitton
) of being part of an international operation/collusion in America.

#12 As for the Palestinian Female Activist from Brooklyn, I recently reached out to her for a reason. I can confirm that she immediately showed my message to Qatar. And she is in on this too, and she will be running for Congress and they want to protect her too.

#13 As for the Palestinian Female Activist from Brooklyn, I recently reached out to her for a reason. I can confirm that she immediately showed my message to Qatar. And she is in on this too, and she will be running for Congress and they want to protect her too.

#14 As for the wider plot by @A_AlAthbah, @saifaalthani, @ahjh_althani and Co. it is to try and turn @jaredkushner against @DonaldJTrumpJr. And I can also confirm, with my sources, that Qatar did in fact give information to Meuller and helped him. Unlike what they said here:

#15 When the first leak came to me, I forwarded it to a Qatari Diplomat in DC, to show him that I am onto him and the Congresswoman, and the Manhattan Businessman, and the mentioned group of Qataris: @A_AlAthbah @saifaalthani @ahjh_althani and Co. < The ‘Co.’ is very important.

#15 More has been happening behind he scene, and other people are also involved (Shia man) - and I know them one by one. I have made initial contact to pass on all details and materials to the Concerned governments and their intelligence agencies through a lawyer.

#16 This is the first part of this thread. If the Qataris and this Congresswoman go ahead with this plan, either by the aforementioned News agencies or others funded by them in America, I will release more information the Qataris don’t want investigated: Jamal...........

#17 As for the full case, I am documenting it and want to expose it all at the very end.

Cc: @IlhanMN @lsarsour @CIA @A_AlAthbah @saifaalthani @TamimBinHamad
@ahjh_althani @AmbDermer @RepRashida

#18 You cannot frame me, you fool You’d be framing yourself. No need to trap Mrs. Mole She will fall into it by herself. **** You can’t help it can you, keep digging! Can’t wait for you to see me testify in Congress. End of Part 1 of this thread.

#19 For transparency, I say: That I have made personal decisions at the moment that concern me alone, and nobody else. I will make these matters public in the near future. When I do, I will quote retweet this tweet for context. Never fear tyrant Govs. Fool and expose them instead.

Update with translation: Dean of Qatar’s Intelligence, Shaheen Al-Sulaiti, proves my entire thread above to be true by weighing in and accusing me of working for Dahlan, (UAE). Can @IlhanMN explain why a man of such a position would find interest in defending her!? Publicly????! https://twitter.com/Imamofpeace/status/1155085877682434051?s=20

He blew your cover. Totally. He’s not the only Qatari official either! Complication is being prepared.
Cc: @TamimBinHamad @ahjh_althani @A_AlAthbah @saifaalthani @IlhanMN @RashidaTlaib @glennbeck @lsarsour

HUGE UPDATE on Ilhan’s case (that requires some explaining). Not blurring names because this is not the real name of the sender.

I received the following Email 22 hours ago. It was sent to me and several public figures, journalists and Government officials. Translation below. https://twitter.com/Imamofpeace/status/1160896130676224000?s=20

I was CC’d on the Email. Also, the contents of the Email do not mention me in a friendly way, and serves as a warning to the Qataris. Perhaps it’s an investigator or the same person that leaked the first information in the previous Email above—or someone similar.


I wanted to inform you that I have received confirmed information from politicians in Washington DC that what “Imam Tawhidi” has made public on his Twitter account regarding Mohammad al-Masnad, Abdulla al-Athbah, Saif aal-Thani, and other Qatari..

Officials has resulted in demands for an FBI investigation into the mentioned names. Based on their pressure, the FBI is now investigating this in a very secret manner to gather information for a formal investigation.”

End of Email.

After this Email, this report was released

The following report was released a few hours later, it speaks about Qatar’s method of hacking, buying politicians and funding of universities and institutes to sanitize its reputation. Then it states: “Gov. Departments provoked by this are taking action.”
Quote Tweet https://twitter.com/Imamofpeace/status/1160896143745642497?s=20

My comments are as follows:

The FBI will need to confirm whether or not they are truly investigating. If not, which other legal government departments are investigating? Will there be a longer report soon? I don’t know.

Why is MSM not investigating this? Maybe they will now.

I have not spoken to the FBI (yet). My sources and I are happy to meet with them, (they know that already). I can confirm however that I did recently speak in detail with Ambassadors in Washington DC and intelligence departments in M.E regarding the full details of this matter.

These were the people mentioned in the Email, and who I and my high profile source are pointing the finger at: @A_AlAthbah @saifaalthani @ahjh_althani
and Al-Masnad pictured below.

Again, I am following a strategy.
I will not speak to any media just yet. 👇🏽
Posted by: 3dc 2019-11-27