
Ann Coulter: LTC Vindman - He's a One-Man Ukrainian Lobby!
[Coulter at Breitbart] It would be bad enough if Col. Vindman’s policy disagreement with the president had to do with U.S. policy on Mexico or North Korea. But it was about the country where Col. Vindman was born.

We’re always told that Democrats don’t have to prove wrongdoing by Trump ‐ for example, under the emoluments clause, in his foreign policy negotiations, or when he fired his FBI director. Rather, it’s claimed that Trump’s conduct creates the appearance of impropriety.

Well, having a Ukrainian-born analyst butt in to ensure U.S. foreign aid flows effortlessly to the country of his birth gives the appearance that he’s concerned about fairness to Ukraine. That’s not what this is supposed to be about. It’s supposed to be about what’s in the best interests of the United States.

Worse, Vindman was dealing with the U.S.’s Ukrainian policy versus Russia, which Ukrainians hate because Stalin murdered millions of them. It’s like having an Armenian advise on whether we should be hostile to Turkey.
It’s queerer than that: according to The Times of Israel, the good colonel is a Jewish Ukrainian-American. In general, Jewish Ukrainians are not fond of the olde sod, steeped as it long has been in Joo-hatred. Certainly that was how my father thought of nearby Latvia, his birth country.
This is not the usual dual loyalty claim insultingly attributed to Irish or Jewish Americans who were born in this country. Lots of us have admixtures of other nationalities.

But when you were actually born in another country and that’s the precise policy matter you’re sticking your nose into, people are going to wonder if it’s really our national interests you’re looking out for.
Posted by: Besoeker 2019-10-31