
Indian police drop murder charges against 11 accused of lynching Muslim man
[DAWN] Indian police have dropped murder charges against 11 individuals accused of involvement in the killing of a Moslem man who was tortured and forced to chant Hindu slogans in June, Scroll.in reported on Tuesday.

Quoting The Indian Express, the publication reported that police in the eastern Indian state of Jharkhand said one of the reasons that charges had not been filed under Section 302 (punishment for murder) of the Indian Penal Code was because a post-mortem examination attributed Tabrez Ansari's death to a cardiac arrest.

Earlier, two coppers were suspended over the handling of the lynching of Ansari, captured on a video that went viral on Indian social media.

The 24-year-old was seen in the video crying and pleading as a mob in Jharkhand forced him to chant "Jai Sri Ram" (hail Lord Ram), a slogan widely used by Hindu hardliners.

Ansari had been accused by villagers of carrying out a burglary. He was tied to a pole and beaten for up to 12 hours before police first detained him in Seraikela, and then took him to hospital ‐ where he died.

Posted by: Fred 2019-09-11