
Gitmo terror suspects attempted mass suicide in 2003
Twenty-three terrorism suspects tried to hang or strangle themselves during a weeklong protest orchestrated in 2003 to disrupt operations and unnerve new guards at the U.S. military camp at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, the U.S. military said Monday. Officials hadn't previously reported the incidents, which the military called ``self-injurious behavior'' aimed at getting attention rather than serious suicide attempts. The coordinated attempts were among 350 ``self-harm'' incidents that year, including 120 so-called ``hanging gestures,'' at the secretive prison that opened after the Sept. 11 attacks, according to Lt. Col. Leon Sumpter, a spokesman for the detention mission.

In the Aug. 18-26, 2003, protest, nearly two dozen prisoners tried to hang or strangle themselves with clothing and other items in their cells, demonstrating ``self-injurious behavior,'' the U.S. Southern Command in Miami said in a statement. Ten detainees made a mass attempt on Aug. 22 alone. Last year, there were 110 self-harm incidents, Sumpter said. The 23 prisoners were in steel mesh cells and they can talk to neighbors. It would not have been possible to pass notes, and they are allowed to exercise only one at a time. Only two of the 23 were considered suicide attempts - incidents requiring hospitalization and psychiatric treatment. Officials said they differentiated between a suicide attempt in which a detainee could have died without intervention, and a ``gesture'' aimed at getting attention.

Sixteen of the 23 remain at Guantanamo; seven have been transferred to other countries. The military has reported 34 suicide attempts since the camp opened in January 2002, including one prisoner who went into a coma and sustained memory loss from brain damage. The 2003 protests came as the camp suffered a rash of suicide attempts after Maj. Gen. Geoffrey Miller took command. Miller had a mandate to get more information from prisoners accused of links to al-Qaeda or Afghanistan's ousted Taliban regime, which had sheltered Osama bin Laden. Critics linked the two and criticized the delay in reporting the incidents. ``When you have suicide attempts or so-called self-harm incidents, it shows the type of impact indefinite detention can have,'' said Alistair Hodgett, a spokesman for Amnesty International in Washington, D.C. "But it also points to the extreme measures the Pentagon is taking to cover up things that have happened in Guantanamo. ``What we've seen is that it wasn't simply a rotation of forces (guards) but an attempt to toughen up the interrogation techniques and processes,'' he added.
Posted by: Dan Darling 2005-01-26