
Girl Beats Guys: A Swiss Teen Rifle Festival
Via Marginal Revolution:

The greatest shooting festival in the world for youngsters takes place every year in Zurich, Switzerland. Imagine thousands of boys and girls shooting military service rifle over three days amid an enormous fair with ferris wheels and wild rides of all kinds. You're at the Knabenschiessen (boys' shooting contest).


It's September 13, 2004. In the U.S. on this date, the Clinton fake "assault weapon" ban sunsets. In Zurich, some 5,631 teens — 4,046 boys and 1,585 girls, aged 13-17 — have finished firing the Swiss service rifle, and it's time for the shootoff.

Geschossen wird mit dem Armee-Sturmgewehr

That rifle is the SIG Strumgeweher (assault rifle) model 1990 (Stgw 90), a selective fire, 5.6 mm rifle with folding skeleton stock, bayonet lug, bipod, and grenade launcher. The Stgw 90 is a real assault rifle in that it is fully automatic, although that feature is disabled during the competition. Every Swiss man, on reaching age 20, is issued one to keep at home. Imagine all those teenagers firing this real assault rifle while their moms and dads look on with approval, anxiously awaiting the scores.



Zurich's youngsters who shoot military rifles have a lesson to teach Americans. It is a lesson of peace, thru strength???SPAN> family values, and responsibility, while gaining the ability to defend oneself and one's community from aggression. As was well known to America's Founders, who were enamored of the Swiss model, teaching the young to shoot is both a civic virtue and a wonderful sport.

Posted by: anonymous2u 2005-01-25