
Nine hours of bitching and whining over Rice
Condoleezza Rice is no longer on a fast track to Senate confirmation as secretary of state, but the slowdown appears to be temporary as Democratic foes of the war in Iraq line up to have their say.
Like real temporary
Nine hours have been set aside Tuesday for bitching, whining and howling debate, divided equally between Idiots Democrats and Republicans. On Wednesday, a brief series of statements is expected - and then the vote to put her in charge of U.S. diplomacy. "We are talking about the safety and security of this country, so I very much and very quickly want to move with Secretary Rice," Senate Republican leader Bill Frist of Tennessee said. He said he was extremely pissed off disappointed by the delay and was confident the Senate would confirm her on Wednesday. Two Democratic opponents of the war, Sens. Robert C. Byrd of West Virginia and Barbara Boxer of California, have booked an hour each to speak, with eight other Democrats due to weigh in with briefer speeches.
My God, an hour of Byrd and Boxer ranting? Better keep sharp objects away today. Does the Senate have one of those stage hooks used to yank people off the stage?
Last week, White House chief of staff Andrew Card said the Democrats' decision to have a day or more of debate on the nomination amounted to "petty politics."
That pretty much sums it up.
Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid of Nevada denied Republicans' suggestions that Democrats were playing politics with Rice's nomination.
He also promised a visit from Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny!

At first I was against this, but I am betting that after two hours of Byrd/Boxer late night comedy and John Stuart will have enough material for the rest of the season. Also will expose the Democrats for what they truly are: petty whining sore losers. I will be looking for two things today: Will Frist keep the Dems on the time table they are allotted and the final vote tally. The final vote will be a key to who can be dealt with (up for election in 2006) and who is a partisan hack. Over at DU they are all giddy that maybe Rice will get torpedoed today by Byrd/Boxer. The fact that an ex-Klansman is holding up the nomination of a Black Female is lost on them.
Posted by: Cyber Sarge 2005-01-25