
Russia sold Iran advanced radar.
Debka. Sometimes they'fre awful, sometimes right on. One thing you'fve got to keep in mind is that Debka is apparently a channel for Israeli intelligence to release information (or disinformation).
That same week, DEBKA-Net-Weekly 189 revealed that Russian experts from the Raduga OKB engineering group in Dubna near Moscow had just completed the installation of two advanced radar systems around the Bushehr nuclear reactor on the Persian Gulf. These improved mobile 36D6 systems, Western codenamed Tin Shield, were custom-made to upgrade the air defense radar protecting Iran's key nuclear facilities from American or Israeli aerial, missile or cruise missile attack... However, the fat hit the fire when the Russians were discovered to be building the same system at Iran's uranium enrichment plants for military purposes in Isfahan in central Iran. It was taken to mean that Moscow has undertaken to secure all of Iran's nuclear industry from top to bottom ?Efrom the installation of sophisticated equipment to military planning and operational cooperation - against American or Israeli attack.
They go on to list some of the supposed capabilities of the system, and speculate that the Russkies might sell the same radar to Syria, and that the recent hub-bub over the SA-18s might be cover for that.
Posted by: Pete Stanley 2005-01-25